Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1891: Asahi Tower No.

"Cao Changqing?"

Murong Zining frowned, obviously, she knew him too.

"That's right, we haven't seen each other for ten years. Last time, it was in Tiansheng City. When my father and City Lord Murong were reporting on their duties, I didn't expect that girl Murong would become more beautiful and heroic."

Cao Changqing and the woman came forward with a group of entourages, looked at Ling Tian and others, and suddenly said, "But I don't understand, why did you come to Nanhuacheng, these people are your friends? It seems not so good. So earthy?!"

"That's right, I heard that the son of Murong's family is hot in the Holy City nowadays, how come you, the eldest lady, came to Nanhua?" The woman sneered beside Cao Changqing and looked at Murong Zining.

"They are my friends, yes, as for why they came to South China City, it seems that they have nothing to do with you, right?"

You could see the contempt and mockery in the eyes of the two, Murong Zining's face was cold.

"Yes, it seems that you are not mixed up very well, but your friend is very good at clinging to it, and he also knows that he has a future with Zuo Jia, haha!"

Cao Changqing pointed at Ling Tian and laughed.

"Forget it, Changqing, we still don't want to talk to these guys anymore. It's still early to report to Jinghong College, so let's go live in the Xuri Tower!"

The woman was impatient.

"Okay, Miss Susu said to go to the Xuri Tower, let's go to the Xuri Tower!"

Cao Changqing looked at Murong Zining again, "Miss Murong, otherwise you would also come with me to the Xuri Tower for a small gathering, I'll treat you!"

"No need!"

Murong flatly refused,

"Haha, it's a pity, Xuri Tower, but this South China City, the most high-end restaurant."

"See you!"

With a long laugh, then Cao Changqing and Su Su walked away proudly.

"Who are they?"

Zhao Min frowned.

"Cao Changqing, the son of the Nanjiang Lin'an City Lord's Mansion, Su Su, the first daughter of the Su family in southern Xinjiang, they should be here for the assessment of Jinghong Academy."

Murong Zining said lightly.

At this time, the Egret, Qitian and Dragon Tiger Academy in South China City have all finished their assessments, and the recruitment of new students has been completed, and only Jinghong Academy is left.

"Oh I got it."

"Where are we going now?"

Zhao Min looked at Ling Tian.

"Sunrise Tower!"

Ling Tian didn't even think about it.


Murong Zining was really puzzled, "The Rising Sun Tower is the most expensive restaurant in South China City, and all the people who go there are the arrogant and noble people in South China City. Why don't you go there with so many first-class hotels in the city?

"I just want to go, how?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and left with Yuan Meng and others.

"Let's go, Zining, he has his reasons."

Zhao Min took Murong Zining's hand and followed.

Rising Sun Tower, located on the east side of Nanhua City, can see the Egret College and Dongting Lake from a distance. There is nothing to say.

At this time, the setting sun has already set, and a bright moon gradually rises.

The moonlight is scattered on the lake surface, it is extremely beautiful.

The five Ling Tian arrived at the downstairs of Xuri.

It was quite amazed to look at the various gorgeous cars that were listening outside, and the extremely high cultivation bases, and there are many followers with the existence of heavenly celestial beings.

Indeed as Murong Zining said.

Those who can come here are really nobles!

However, Ling Tian took a long breath and led people into it.

Above the counter, there is the price of the guest room.

The cheapest one costs one hundred thousand lower grade immortal stones a day.

It's the same as grabbing money.

But despite this, there are not many remaining rooms.

And those food and drinks are even more expensive, causing Yuan Meng to grieve for a while.

"Why, are you satisfied now? It's expensive here, and your money is not much. There is no need to waste it here."

Murong Zining looked at Ling Tian, ​​she had already seen Cao Changqing and Su Su, and wanted to leave immediately.

"We really don't lack money."

"Before in Haoran City, we did not live in Yunlu Xianju, this time, we will not miss the Xuri Tower."

"If you don't want to, you can leave."

"Didn't City Lord Murong have completed the admission procedures for Dragon Tiger Academy for you? You should stay in the north of the city!"

Ling Tian completed the admission procedures for everyone, then turned around and entered the restaurant.

"You guy!"

"Why come with me?"

Zhao Min took Zi Ning's hand, "No matter, Ling Tian is still worried about the matter of entering the stubborn and burying the demon valley. It will be fine after a few days, let's go."

However, Ling Tian found out that the first floor of the restaurant was very large when he entered the restaurant.

There is a stage in the middle, and the decoration is extremely gorgeous.

It's just that no one is performing now.

But in the boxes around on the first floor, it was full of enthusiasm, full of young disciples.

Among them, there are many freshmen from Dragon Tiger Academy.

Ling Tian also inquired.

Because the Dragon Tiger Academy just ended the admission assessment yesterday.

Therefore, many new students have come today, and we are here to celebrate.

Usually here, the disciples of Bailu Academy want more, after all, they are close.

Those who looked like scholars in white clothes were the disciples of the Egret Academy.

Ling Tian glanced over, but found a familiar figure.

Youth, Zuo Xiao.

However, at this time, Zuo Xiaoyuan did not have the same wind when he was in the North City Gate before, but stood at the table, his face flushed.

That way, it seems to be bullied.

Ling Tian's expression changed, and he walked over with Yuan Meng.

"Look, this guy, wants to cause trouble again."

Murong Zining looked behind him and shook his head.

"Hehe, don't worry, he definitely has a purpose. Although Ling Tian is a good person, he is definitely not nosy."

Zhao Min dragged Murong Zining to follow.

When the distance was near, Ling Tian found out.

Zuo Xiao and a group of freshmen from Dragon Tiger Academy should be sitting together. They are in a good position, close to the window, and you can see the moon under the cave in the distance, thousands of miles away.

Opposite Zuo Xiao and others, there are a group of disciples in white clothes.

On the clothing, there is the logo of Bailu Academy, it is the freshman of Bailu Academy.

"Hehe, Zuo Xiao is so annoyed and depraved, he really fits the character of a brash man in your Zuo family!"

Among the white clothes group, there are two handsome disciples of Fengshen still sitting on the seats.

Ling Tian took a look. One of the two was a last-year student, with a top level of cultivation base, and the other was a new student. The cultivation base reached the eighth peak of the earth immortal, and there was immortal light flowing all over his body. It's a bit short of Zuoxiao!

There is another Dao body!

Ling Tian didn't expect that as soon as he arrived in this South China City, he would meet two Tianjiao with Dao body!

Zhongyu, really is a genius like a cloud!

Originally thought that his Quasi Dao Body was strong enough, but now that he arrived in South China City, Ling Tian still felt a great deal of pressure.

Nowadays, it is still necessary to find a more advanced kind of fire to improve the roots.

The person who had just spoken and mocked Zuo Xiao was the Daoist freshman of the Egret Academy.

"You fart! My Zuo family is not a foolish man!"

"You shut your mouth for the little master!"

Zuo Xiao pointed at the freshman of the Egret Academy and roared.

But obviously, lipstick is not the opponent's opponent.

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