Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1894: I'll settle this game

The freshmen of Qitian Academy all stuck out their tongues and did not refute.

They don't understand too much anyway.

Shangguan Rongyin is recognized as the first talented woman in South China City, and also the first freshman in this year of Qitian Academy.

This time, she is one of the most powerful contenders for the Saintess of South China City.

Her talent was that Bai Yu, the number one talented person of the Egret Academy, was impressed.

So, since she said that Duan Mulei's poem is rubbish.

Maybe it's really rubbish.

At this time, inside and outside the box, with the moon-chanting poem written by Duan Mulei, the atmosphere had already become thorough.

Duan Mulei enjoyed enough of the admiring eyes and waves of admiration around him, and then he looked at the already stupid Zuo Xiao on the opposite side.

"Young Master Zuo, the poem below is finished, now it's up to you."

Zuo Xiao pursed his mouth.

The mind has been stunned.

"Um, I can too, but how can I tell which of you and mine is better?"

But Zuo Xiao's voice fell.

There was a burst of laughter inside and outside the box.

"Young Master Zuo, don't laugh. When your poem comes out, everyone will have their own arbitration!"

"Yes, there is no need to compare."

"Hurry up and give up!"

The freshmen of the Egret Academy clamored.

Anyway, they have never liked City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, they were all mocking Zuo Xiao.

"Young Master Zuo, you can write poems. Not all of you here are laymen."

"Good and bad, we can tell."

"But speaking of it, your big and round just now is definitely not good, or else, you let the Dragon Tiger Academy freshmen behind you help you?"

Duan Mulei's voice fell, and the people present burst into laughter again.

Zuo Xiao looked back at the sturdy, five-big and three-thick Dragon Tiger Academy disciples. At this time, all their faces were flushed, even more frightened than Zuo Xiao himself.

Speaking of fighting, they really haven't been afraid of it.

But this poem is not good!


Zuo Xiao clenched his fists and stood there panting, but his mind was still blank.

"Zuo Gongzi, we don't have so much time to wait for you. If you and your friends can't make poems anymore, then I will take these sunglasses!"

Duan Mulei pointed to the sunglasses on the table.

This thing, when Zuo Xiao arrived at the Rising Sun Tower, he saw it.

Even though he has seen countless treasures behind the family history of Duan Mulei, he has never seen sunglasses.

If you take these sunglasses as your own, you will surely start a wave of turmoil when you return to the Egret Academy.

Maybe, the limelight can overshadow that Bai Yu, maybe.


Zuo Xiao just pursed his mouth, his fists turned pale.

Listening to the ridicule of almost everyone around him, he was going to explode.

But this poem, he can't make it, just can't make it.

"No matter, Zuo Xiao, to be honest, even if it's not you, in this Rising Sun Building, I dare say that apart from my senior brother Bai Yu, and the first talented woman Shangguan Rongyin, no one can compare me with Duan Mulei in poetry. !"

"Advise you to act low-key in the future. In this Rising Sun Building, it is the site of my Egret Academy."

"Rough people can't make it to the table."

"As for the sunglasses, I will take them away!"

Duan Mulei didn't want to wait anymore, and he went straight forward, picking up the sunglasses on the table.

Zuo Xiao trembled, his eyes staring like a white tiger.

"Wait, you can't touch it with sunglasses."

However, just as Duan Mu Lei's hand was about to pick up the sunglasses, it was suddenly blocked by a scabbard.

The scabbard was covered on the sunglasses, letting Duan Mulei try hard, but he couldn't hold it down.

"Who are you? Get out!"

Duan Mulei was furious, raised his head, and understood the person standing behind Zuo Xiao.

It was Ling Tian.

Ling Tian felt that at this time, he came out at the right time.

Zuo Xiao and the crowd inside and outside the box also looked over.

But looking at the Qing Yi, the handsome and handsome Ling Tian held the scabbard and stopped the Duan Mu Lei, frowning.

Although this person was born very well, especially the silver-white hair and the mark of heaven and earth on the eyebrows, he was exceptional.

But they have never seen it before!

In this Rising Sun Tower, anyone dares to stop Duan Mu Lei?

What do you mean?

Not only Duan Mulei and others, but Cao Changqing and Su Su were also a little startled for a while.

They didn't expect that Ling Tian, ​​who came from Xijiang, would really dare to make a move?

"Cut, what am I talking about? This guy is really eager to protect the lord!"

"What a good dog!"

Cao Changqing sneered coldly.

"Cao! If you still want to live, shut your mouth!"

Yuan Meng looked at Cao Changqing coldly.

The sudden violent aura, like a fierce evil spirit, made Cao Changqing's whole body tremble.

Yuan Meng clearly only has seven Earth Immortals, but his horrible sword intent can shock him Cao Changqing.

"In this Rising Sun Tower, I don't have the same knowledge as you rude people!"

Cao Changqing sneered and said no more.

Inside the box.

Everyone reacted, and the discussion arose loudly.

"It's you?"

Zuo Xiao also saw the person coming. Isn't this the guy who gave him sunglasses?


Ling Tian nodded to Zuo Xiao and immediately patted him on the shoulder, "Zuo Young Master, please sit down. I will help you tie this game."

"Do you believe me?"

"Uh, I believe, of course I believe!" Zuo Xiao nodded dumbly.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, I just can't bear the sunglasses. If you lose, it's okay. You can make another pair for me." Zuo Xiao did not forget to add.

"Sit down and go!"

Ling Tian glanced at Zuo Xiao horizontally.

"Hey. Let me ask you something! Where did you come out of here!?"

Seeing Ling Tian ignored him, Duan Mulei immediately angered.

"Ling Tian, ​​comes from Haoran City, Xijiang."

Ling Tian picked up the scabbard and held it to his chest.

"Haha, I really laughed, Xijiang Haoran City!? My ears, isn't it a mistake?"

Duan Mulei laughed blankly, "Why, is it possible that the sky of this middle domain has changed? Any cat or dog can come to this Rising Sun Tower and challenge me Duan Mulei!?"

"That's right, I thought it came from somewhere, it turned out to be a rural villager in a remote place like Xijiang Haoran City!"

"I heard that the city lord of Haoran City in Xijiang is only a celestial immortal cultivation base. He is also a housekeeper in Duanmu's house?"

"It's no wonder that although this person is good-looking, he is rustic!"

"Hurry up, such a vulgar person!"

The disciples of the Egret Academy also pinched their noses and waved their hands one by one, looking extremely disgusted.

"Do you want to give this Zuo Xiao a head? What are you!"

Duan Mulei's hand was picked apart by Ling Tian's scabbard, and said with shame.

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