Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1909: Enemy of the city

Originally, after Zuo Zongren had monopolized the cigar road, Ling Tian didn't plan to make ordinary Xianpin cigarettes.

After all, there is no shortage of room fees and resources in the Rising Sun Building.

But Zhao Min disagreed.

After all, there is no fairy stone in his hand. As a businessman, Zhao Min is not at ease.

Moreover, after all, cigarettes are destined to be sold. If you have money, you don't make money. This is more uncomfortable than killing Zhao Min.

Therefore, Ling Tian had no choice but to make a batch of white cigarettes.

Compared to cigars, cigarettes are more popular.

At Zhao Min's request, Ling Tian asked Yuan Meng to customize a batch of exquisite cigarette cases, and then personally inscribe a poem on it.

Sometimes the wind blows away, and the Haibishan clears a few times.

In this way, the compulsiveness of cigarettes will rise.

It seems more high-end.

As for opening up the market, it is very simple.

Yuan Meng was alone in front of Ruri Tower, wearing sunglasses and holding a cigarette in his mouth. The temperament and the smell of the cigarette immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Usually, incense is used to assist the martial artist to practice, and the effect of cigarettes is better, and it also has the effect of refreshing and resisting poison gas and phantom array.

The most important thing is to be handsome and scarce enough.

In this South China City, what is lacking is unique.

Coupled with the exquisite cigarette case and short poems, it has become a fashion for the Tianjiao of South China City in a short time.

Almost the first batch of goods was sold out of stock as soon as they came out.

A box of cigarettes sold for 10,000 celestial stones, and the supply was in short supply. Even later Zhao Min increased the price to 30,000 celestial stones, which was sold every seven days, but a batch of 5,000 cigarettes was sold out in an instant.

Later, Egret Academy and Dragon Tiger Academy even fought for this cigarette.

Egret Academy feels that cigarettes are elegant things that can show their superior flair, while the students of Dragon Tiger Academy simply feel that smoking cigarettes is very popular.

In short, excluding costs, Zhao Min can count the money softly.

Fortunately, self-made cigarettes do not waste much time, as long as the raw materials are sufficient.

Therefore, Ling Tian still has a lot of time to use the massive resources provided by the Zuo family to frantically improve his cultivation.

Every seven days, Zuo's sister and brother still come to the class as usual.

But then Zuo Xiao didn't come again because of the Dragon Tiger Academy's organization, and only Zuo Xianzhi was left, who never left a lesson.

Three months are fleeting, and Zuo Xianzhi's violin skills are getting stronger.

In the end, Ling Tian didn't need to teach anything.

Musical geniuses like Zuo Xianzhi are actually very good at one point.

The reason why she still came to Ling Tian every seven days, if there were any other thoughts in it, Ling Tian didn't think so much.

Although these days, Ling Tian could already feel Zuo Xianzhi's gaze changed.

The day before Jinghong Academy’s assessment, Ling Tian and Zuo Xianzhi had agreed on the last lesson.

Zuo Xianzhi arrived early.

Zhao Min and Yuan Meng were busy selling cigarettes on the back entrance square of the Xuri Building, so it was rare that Zuo Xianzhi and Ling Tian were alone in the room.

But Ling Tian was a little fidgeted throughout.

It's because of Zuo Xianzhi's eyes, it's really a bit, faint...

After a Liang Zhu.

Zuo Xianzhi looked a little lonely.

"Ling Tian, ​​then Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai really turned into colorful butterflies, did they fly with each other?"

Ling Tian smiled: "Fool, that's just a story, why take it seriously."

"What version do you want to listen to, I can compile it for you."

Zuo Xianzhi shook his head, "The story can be compiled, but this Liang Zhu's song is a sad song."

"Come here today, I'll take you downstairs."

Ling Tian got up.



The first floor of the Rising Sun Building.

Today, Murong Zining retreats in Dragon Tiger Academy for three months, and still leaves the customs the day before Jinghong Academy’s assessment day.

She originally wanted to find Ling Tian.

But her cousin Li Mu also followed.

Li Mu was the last student of the Dragon Tiger Academy, and now he has reached the realm of heavenly immortals.

Murong Zining's cultivation level also reached the realm of Dixian Jiuzhong after three months of retreat.

Even in Dragon Tiger Academy, the statement is gradually rising.

As soon as the two arrived at the Rising Sun Tower, they found that there were too many people in the Rising Sun Tower today.

"Why are there so many people today?"

Murong Zining frowned.

"Hehe, cousin, you may not know when you just left the customs."

"There are so many people in the Rising Sun Tower today because we have to wait for someone.’

Then Li Mu smiled.


"Zuo Family Immortal Grass, Zuo Xianzhi."

"she was?"

Murong Zining raised her eyebrows: "How can this be possible? As far as I know, Zuo Xianzhi has always liked quietness, and is unwilling to come to the Rising Sun Tower."

"Hehe, it didn't work before, but it's different now."

"For the past three months, Zuo Xianzhi will come to this Rising Sun Tower to see someone every seven days, so many people will wait and see when Zuo Xianzhi comes down."

Li Mu chuckled lightly.

"See someone? Who is so good."

Murong Zining's heart suddenly moved, is it possible...

"Who else can it be? Of course you are that friend who is very flattering and clinging, Ling Tian."

At this moment, Cao Changqing and Su Su came over.

"I have seen Brother Li."

Cao Changqing handed over to Li Mu.

"Do you mind having a table with you?"

"It turned out to be Young Master Cao of Lin'an City Lord's Mansion, please." Li Mu nodded.

Li Mu is a disciple of the Li family in South China City, and he is also considered a wealthy family. He naturally knows Cao Changqing.

"Cao Changqing, what did you mean by just now?"

After Cao Changqing took the seat, Murong Zining couldn't help asking.

What is the relationship between Zuo Xianzhi and Ling Tian?

Could it be that her most worried thing has come true?

"Don't you know, in the past three months, your friend named Ling Tian has spread all over South China City." Cao Changqing sneered, "Anyway, I admire him more and more. It's shameless to the extreme, flattering, and doing everything to the extreme!"

"If I ask you what, you just say what, then Ling Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Murong Zining frowned slightly, she really bored Cao Changqing.

If it were not for Li Mu to be reasonable, she would not bother to be at the same table with this person.

This kind of dude who always likes to show his superiority, he has seen too many.

"Why, do you still care about that guy so much?" Cao Changqing smiled and said, "I advise you to get rid of him as soon as possible. To tell you the truth, Ling Tian gave Zuo Xiao diligence before and successfully climbed Zuo Jiaxian. Cao Zuo Xianzhi! And, I don’t know what Ecstasy Soup was used, so that Zuo Xianzhi will come to this Rising Sun Tower every seven days to look for Ling Tian. One stay is one day!

"He is from a humble background, and if he wants to be in high position, he can only use this inferior method!"

"I guess, he just used his own poems to confuse Zuo Xianzhi. After all, we all know that Zuo Jia Xiancao is just like this!"

"Miss Murong, when this guy was in Xijiang, did he climb up to your Murong's house in the same way and came to this South China City?"

Murong Zining frowned, his fists clenched suddenly, "This is impossible! He won't deliberately please others."

To say that Zuo Xianzhi was fascinated by Ling Tian, ​​it was possible.

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