Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1938: Ling Tian Po Chapter �


Finally, a buzzing sounded.

All the gaps above the beam of light are all healed.

This also means that no one can enter Jiuzhongguan Mountain.

"Fine, let's leave too..."

Mrs. Zuo Fu also glanced at the direction of Jinghong Academy at this time.

Ling Tian still couldn't catch up after all.

I missed the Jiuzhongguan Mountain and blinded Ling Tian, ​​a good seedling.

The hundreds of thousands of warriors in the barracks also began to fade away.


But at this moment, a thunderous explosion suddenly resounded throughout South China City.

Everyone was shocked, and they followed the voices, but they found that the voice came from above Wenjian Peak in Jinghong Academy.

And at this time, they clearly saw that there was a dazzling light flickering at the place where Wen Jianfeng was six thousand feet above the ground.

In the next moment, a sword light raged from it!


The sound of the sword ming is like a roar of a dragon's roar that shakes the sky.

Immediately, a stream of light came towards the barracks with electric shots!

The speed is so fast, the space where it passes is shattered one after another by the shock!

When the streamer was near, they suddenly realized that it turned out to be a person, coming with a sword!

Above the sword light, the man was dressed in Tsing Yi, with silver hair, dancing wildly in the wind.

It's not Ling Tian, ​​who else can it be?

"Ling Tian!? It's really Ling Tian, ​​isn't he locked up by the sword platform?"

"Ling Tian, ​​come out!"

"Oh my god, how is this possible, he hasn't become a god, how can he split the sword world on the fifth sword stand?"

A teacher from Jinghong Academy exclaimed.

This is beyond their imagination.

Ling Tian, ​​even though he came out for a while, he has already created a miracle.

"Seniors, Ling Tian is late. Excuse me, can I still enter Jiuzhongguan Mountain?"

Ling Tian's sword light fell on the altar.

Standing with one hand, like a gentleman.

Everyone looked at Ling Tian at this time and felt that he was completely different from three months ago.

It seems more tyrannical.

Even the whole body is hard to hide, some, terrible!

"Uh, yes, but Ling Tian, ​​you can't get in."

A strong heavenly immortal from the City Lord’s Mansion pointed to the beam of light behind Ling Tian, ​​"The passage has not dissipated, but a strong person with a cultivation base at least at the top of the five-fold peak of the heavenly immortal is needed to tear the formation, and also need to be escorted all the way to enter it. ."

"You are late, give up!"

"This one?"

Hearing this, Ling Tian turned around and walked to the beam of light. He had never gotten too close, but Ling Tian could still feel the tyrannical energy surging above it.

Although it is also a formation, it is definitely not a formation that can be done by breaking the formation.

Even if you have one hundred thousand sword shadows and can break through the formation, you can't get in.

It can only be torn apart by relying on strong combat power.

"Hey, give up playing Ling Tian and Heavenly Dao, you are still destined to miss this holy war."

Someone advised.

"I want to try!"

However, Ling Tian also naturally knew the importance of the Jiuzhongshan Pass,

How can he give up?


In an instant, Ling Tian burst into a cyan wind-proof blast. In this gust of wind, everyone seemed to see Ling Tian's figure and aura, rising suddenly.

Immediately under the shroud of this momentum, Ling Tian stepped forward to forcefully break through the beam of light.


Above the beam of light, the energy of the formation method touched the storm that Ling Tian sacrificed, and bursts of harsh sound erupted.

However, even though the aura on Ling Tian's body was extremely sacred, before the formation, the frenzied friction disappeared.

Ling Tian gritted his teeth, the vitality in his body gushing out of his body far and wide.

"You don't even want to retreat, are you looking for death?"

In the distance, Chu Jingji of Jinghong Academy said, the more people who want to contend, the more miserable they will be. They want to use the earth immortal cultivation as a force to break through the passage. Isn't this to die!

Even the Four Heavenly Immortals will not work, let alone the Earth Immortals?

At this moment, the brilliance of the swordsmanship burst out, soaring upward, and for a while, Ling Tian's body was surrounded by wind, fire and sword shadows, there were a hundred thousand ways!

The sword world, but also the junior pinnacle sword world!

Ling Tian was able to break through the sword world on the fifth floor of the sword stand, so he relied on the will of this kind of swordsmanship.

"Hi! The power of the sword world at the primary pinnacle?

"This Ling Tian hasn't become a god, just this..."

Many people stared at Ling Tian in a flash.

It turns out that Ling Tian's talent is such a strong person, this kind of kendo will is simply impossible to see in ancient times!

Mrs. Zuo's family also showed a strange color. It seems that she still underestimated Ling Tian's talent. No wonder this person seems to be low-key but arrogant.

At this moment, under the shocking gaze of everyone, Ling Tian took the power of the sword world and took a step forward.

Countless eyes fell on Ling Tian, ​​did he really try to forcibly step into Jiuzhongguan Mountain?

At this moment, Ling Tian held the Long Yuan scabbard tightly in his hand, and walked towards the teleporting beam step by step.

Even the sharply sharp sword world was already above the beam of light, oscillating ripples.

That formation seems to be being shaken by Ling Tian.

This made countless people's eyes freeze.

Earth Immortal Tianjiao, relying on the power of the sword world that he has understood from the primary pinnacle, forcibly shakes this formation?

Can he move forward?

At this moment, as if being hit by an invisible force, Ling Tian's body was repelled, and then returned to the original place, his steps a little unstable.

The power of the sword world in his entire body was directly shaken away.

"Is it still a failure?" Many people's eyes flashed, and it was extremely rare that they were not injured.

The powerhouses of the four colleges and the city lord's mansion showed a strange color, and no one showed irony anymore. It was already worthy of pride to be able to do this step.

"With such a talent, it's no wonder that you have a high self-esteem. Unfortunately, this is also a shortcoming and delays yourself." Mrs. Zuo said a pity, she had to admit that Ling Tian's talent was very good.

However, there is no human race like the deans of the four major academies, even if the formation is broken, there is no way to reach Jiuzhongguan Mountain.

Then, at this time, the sky-reaching beam of light had begun to shrink slowly.

The channel is about to disappear.

Ling Tian said with a cold face, and wanted to draw out the Dragon Abyss Sword and try again.

Although the Dragon Abyss Sword has not yet survived the catastrophe, there is no other way.

If it really didn't work, he took out a six-legged tripod and broke through the passage.

Although, that might expose the horror of these artifacts.

"Let me do it!"

But just as everyone sighed for Ling Tian, ​​a voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

That voice shook the entire South China City, and the pressure it carried was not much worse than Zuo Zongren!

Who! ?

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't expect that there are such strong people in South China City?

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