Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1952: When Ling Tian returns, you should die!

Although Yuan Meng seemed to recognize Ling Tian.

However, this is really incredible.

Therefore, even so, Yuan Meng still couldn't believe that that figure would be Ling Tian's mount.

After all, how could Ling Tian come out of that sword stand?

Without waiting for Yuan Meng's surprise, the battle before closing the door was already over.

In desperation, Li Yunlan, Shangguan Rongyin and others had to explode all their combat power, even the crimson wings behind them, blooming in an instant, in order to seek the most powerful attack.

But even so, in front of the spear and golden armor guard, he insisted on a few more tricks.

When Zuo Xiao could not continue to participate in the war, Zhao Min and others were thrown off by the Jin Jia generals one after another.

Looking at the people covered in blood, Zhao Min clenched her long bow tightly, her silver teeth gritted to death.

Blame, blame, the golden armored general in front of him is really too strong.

If you want to defeat it, unless you sacrifice your own hole cards!

Within Zhao Min's sea of ​​qi, there was a phantom shrouded in sacred light in an instant, looming.

The light and shadow are like goddess, shining like gods.

At this time, under the influence of Zhao Min's will, the figure became more shining and clear, as if it was about to wake up.

"Haha, tusk, a few, it seems that you guys are not good either!"

At this moment, Chu Jingfeng, who had been watching from the sidelines, laughed.

Stand up.

Seeing Tianjiao lying on the floor, he felt very happy.

These Tianjiao belonged to Ling Tian's line, and after entering the Jiuzhong Mountain Pass, they went against him everywhere.

Now, I finally saw their downfall.

"Haha, two people, what is Bai's strategy?"

Then Bai Yu also stepped forward.

Before this, it is possible for their team to arrive before the gate first, after all, there are still many hole cards in the hands of the three of them that have not been used.

However, Bai Yu suggested to slow down and let Zhao Min and others arrive first and consume their strength.

Now, this result confirms that his decision is correct.

However, both Chu Jingfeng and Wei Yan raised their eyebrows.


The three of them are the first place in their respective colleges. Although it is a temporary cooperation this time, they are destined to compete for the position of the saint son for a while, so in the final analysis, they are still in harmony.

Bai Yu pursed his mouth, the scene was a bit awkward, but he still looked at the crowd, the only one who was not seriously injured, Zuo Xianzhi.

The latter has been using the technique of piano music to bless everyone with combat power, so it is far away from the battlefield.

"Xianzhi, do you understand now, here, they are still not our opponents!"

"All efforts are in vain in the face of strength and foundation!"

Zuo Xianzhi held the violin in front of Zuo Xiao.

Hearing this, he raised his head, "It's my master who is not here. If he is here, he will definitely not let you gloat!"

"Hehe, then Lingtian?"

"I don't know, why are you still obsessed with that person until now, he can't even participate in Jiuzhongshan Pass!"

"When we kill this guard and ascend to the eighth mountain pass, we will be able to get the treasures above it, and a huge amount of Xuanyuan blood energy.

By then, our talented physique will skyrocket.

After leaving the Nine-Layer Pass, Ling Tian was simply beyond the reach of the dust!

"Haha, what a joke, you mob, you still want to compare with Ling Tian?"

"I don't deserve shoes!"

Yuan Meng sneered haha.

At this time, the figure in the sky in the distance became clearer, and he concluded that it was definitely Ling Tian's mount!

Therefore, Ling Tian entered this nine-fold mountain pass, and now they have not lost before the eighth one!

"Shut up!"

"Who do you think you are!"

Interrupted by Yuan Meng, Bai Yu was ashamed.

In his jealousy, Yuan Meng was just a commodity that didn't even deserve the countertop.

"Bai Yu, stop the ink, let's join hands to take down the gatekeeper!"

On the side, Wei Yan said helplessly.

At this time, the guard at the gate was surging with golden light, returned to stand before the gate, and stopped attacking.

In the battle just now, the whole body energy of this guard has also been consumed a lot, and it is now recovering.


"I'm going to kill this guy!"

"I know that this person is a good friend Yuan Meng brought from Xijiang."

"Hehe, I want him to know that this holy war is going to die!"

After that, Bai Yu sneered and flew towards Yuan Meng.

"Bai Yu, dare you!"

Zuo Xianzhi was furious, looking at Bai Yu, her beautiful eyes rounded.

"Bai Yu, if you dare to move Yuan Meng, I promise you will die miserably!"

In the distance, Zhao Min had also stood up tremblingly from the ground with the immortal soldier's longbow.

The figure of the holy light in the sea of ​​qi is about to bloom.

"Haha, threaten me?"

"If anyone dares to insult me ​​Bai Yu, this Yuan Meng is your fate!"

However, Bai Yu didn't care about the threats from the crowd at all.


Zhao Min was furious.

Yuan Meng followed them from Fuyun Sword Sect, how could he be beheaded now?

If you go out and let Ling Tian know that she, Zhao Min, can't explain to Ling Tian at all.

In an instant, Zhao Min wanted to completely arouse the powerful presence in Qi Hai.


But at this moment, above the mountains in the distance, a roar of shocked heavenly beasts suddenly sounded, like a horror detonation in the Nine Nether Hells, just the momentum, it shocked Bai Yu's whole body in fright, and shot the palm , Also stopped in the air.


He exclaimed and followed the voice, but he found a huge figure flying over the mountains at a terrifying speed, traversing the entire battlefield, and rushing towards the closed door where they were.

Wherever he went, all the golden armored warriors who flew to block were easily drunk by the strange beast, and they didn't dare to move forward at all.

Xiaoqing had never been summoned after Ling Tian entered South China City.

So for a time, many people, including Wei Yanchu, didn't know the giant monster.

But its momentum is indeed shocking enough!

Wei Yan and Chu Jingfeng also turned their heads and glanced at the giant beast at this time, their eyes were indifferent. It was the critical moment of the battle, and someone else was killed.

Can't find death?

"Hehe, dare to move Yuan Meng, you must die!"

However, at this time, the giant beast of a thousand feet had already flown before the door closed, and a voice rang from the back of the giant beast.

When Zuo Xianzhi and others heard this, their expressions could not hide their surprise.

This is not Ling Tian, ​​who else can it be?

Ling Tian, ​​actually came to Jiuzhongshan Pass?

"Ling Tian!"

"Are you still here!?

Zhao Min suddenly felt soft, as if losing all his strength.

At the first glance at Xiao Qing, she even wondered if she was dazzled.

Now, hearing the voice that was too familiar to her, she finally confirmed that Ling Tian had not missed the Jiuzhongshan Pass.

Yeah, how could he miss such an important holy war?

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