Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1958: Horizontal first area

The rest of them all have their own gains.

Of course, what was left was the profound energy in this space.

Compared with Ling Tian and the others' martial arts physique, they have reached a bottleneck. Those who need these things most are Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi.

The two are the worst in this team.

So, I didn't say much.

Everyone sat cross-legged and began to frantically absorb Xuan Yuan's blood qi.

After a full hour, the Xuanyuan blood qi within the eighth mountain pass was ingested by nine people in total. Under the nourishment of this blood qi, Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi’s physique became Dao body at a distance. !

"Well, we got all the rewards, now, we should also start!"

Ling Tian got up.

However, Shangguan Rongyin frowned, "Leaving? Where to go?"

"Go, the first district, the eighth mountain!"

Ling Tian said lightly.

"What, go to the first district?"

Shangguan Rongyin was surprised.

The eight-fold pass of the ninth district is so difficult. When you go to the first district, everyone knows that it is a foreign race's territory, and the Xuanyuan warriors in it are more powerful. Not only that, there are foreign talents there. !

Now, Ling Tian actually said, Going to the first district?

Could it be that you are crazy?

"If you don't have the guts, you can just go back."

"I can say straight, I want to sweep the first to the third area, and finally go straight to the ninth pass."

After Ling Tian said, he went out and closed the door directly.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, you have already come here now. How can you be reconciled if you don't try it?"

Zuo Xiao was the second one, carrying the huge shield, and followed, followed by Yuan Meng.

Now, he is about to become a Taoist body, and his cultivation level is also on the verge of a heavenly immortal. He doesn't want to give up.

"Sisters, we can't let Ling Tian commit the risk alone, as you all know, there are other races here."

"The first area, as far as I know, is the area of ​​the Hidden Demons in Chiji City."

"What kind of race is that, I don't need to say much."

"Also, the ninth mountain pass will not be divided into regions. That is to say, we will encounter all the tianjiao of Jiji City before the ninth mountain pass. Our combat power is not strong, but Ask yourself, I am not afraid to compete with other races!"

"Of course, when we get here, we have already gained enough. If we go further, our lives may be in danger."

"Everyone, go or not, volunteer!"

After all, Zhao Min also looked at the women in front of him.

Murong Zining was the first to stand up, regardless of whether he was late.

Zuo Xianzhi did the same. Finally, Li Yunlan and Shangguan Rong Yin pursed their lips and stood up.

"Thank you sisters, let's go!"

Zhao Min felt very pleased.

When even with the girls, the eighth time was closed.


Nanhua Chen, inside the barracks.

Bai Yu was killed, Chu Jingfeng and Wei Yan were seriously injured, and Ling Tian became a son of the introductory voice.

Countless people were full of anger, wishing to rush in and kill Ling Tian.

Especially the dean of the Egret Academy, he lost his beloved son!

He definitely won't let Ling Tian go for this kind of **** hatred.

He stood in front of the formation platform, waiting for Ling Tian and others to come out of it.

Revenge for his son Bai Yu!

"No, you see, the light and shadow of those tokens moved, they did not come out directly, but... set out to the first district!"

However, at this moment, someone looked at the light and shadow of the mountain pass on that platform and exclaimed,

Everyone was astonished, they all looked at it, and they all took a deep breath!

These arrogances are crazy, and dare to enter the first zone! ?

There, it's the territory of the Hidden Demon Race!

Aren't you afraid of death?

"It's Ling Tian, ​​it must be Ling Tian, ​​he wants to take the human race and compete with the alien race!"

Shen Lang finally couldn't help it, and suddenly stood up from the big chair, trembling all over.

Fighting against other races is something that the human talents have not dared to do for many years in South China City.

Not to mention South China City, even if the geniuses of the four holy cities encountered a powerful alien on the road to Shengxian, wouldn't they be walking around?

Now, this Ling Tian is not only mad at South China City, but also mad at the alien race.

"Ling Tian... if he can really sweep the first area, or climb the ninth pass, then it really is... invincible."

The dean of Qitian Academy also shook his head, marveling in his heart.

The dean of the Egret Academy and Chu Jingji were also dumbfounded.

However, after another thought, they sneered in their hearts again.

That's good, Ling Tian didn't know whether to live or die, and go to the first area to challenge the alien race was tantamount to seeking a dead end. By that time, they would die in the alien race's territory, and they would save them!


However, the scene in the first area is different from what many people imagine.

Ling Tian and others all stood on Xiao Qing's back.

Rampage is within the first district.

Along the way, the Xuanyuan generals encountered were indeed much more powerful than the ninth district of the human race, and even worse than the defenders before the eighth level.

When Ling Tian didn't make a move, Zhao Min needed everyone to join hands to kill.

However, fortunately, everyone received a lot of benefits before the eighth mountain pass and blessed their combat power. Therefore, they didn't have to work hard to fight the future.

However, although Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on Xiao Qing's back, did not make any further moves, he shocked everyone with that superb engraving method.

Ling Tian directly engraved the star gems in front of everyone.

The Star Gemstone was enough to surprise everyone, but Ling Tian could actually inscribe it directly on the Xuan Jin Feng's Battle Armor. Such inscription methods are not found in Nanhua City!

Only among the four holy cities can there be an immortal master of this level.

And the immortal master of this level, his noble degree is no less than the existence of the peak of the heavenly immortal.


Shangguan Rongyin and Li Yunlan looked at Ling Tian's back, and they all understood why Zuo Xianzhi, Zuo Xiao and others respect Ling Tian so much.

Let me ask, how can such Tianjiao make people unwilling to admire it?


However, at this moment, Ling Tian above Xiaoqing's head suddenly let out a soft voice.

Everyone followed his gaze, and they all saw that there was a glacier in the distance.

Want to come, Ling Tian's destination is there.

Along the way, Ling Tian's path was straight, and they all knew what Ling Tian was looking for, but they didn't ask.

However, at this moment, from above the glacier, a dozen black spots suddenly flew up.

The speed of those black spots was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they came close.

"It's the arrogant of the Hidden Demon Race!"

Li Yunlan said coldly.

On the battlefield, he met the warriors of the Hidden Demon Race, and he recognized it at a glance.

And these were also the first time they encountered the Alien Tianjiao after entering the first district.

"Hehe, Nana's, finally let the young master see the younger generation of the foreign race, don't stop me, I will kill the Quartet for a while, and see if they can break my Panlong Silver Shield!"

Zuo Xiaoqing Shield is in front.

"Human race?!"

And the descendants of the Hidden Demon Race who flew forward were all shocked after seeing Ling Tian and the others clearly.

"This is really weird, the human race who has always been cowardly and weak, dare to go to the first district to go wild?"

"Yes, you kneel down immediately and hand over the treasure in your hand!"

"Hey, second child, you see there are still a lot of human beauties in there, grab them for a while and give them to the boss. I think I will get a lot of rewards!"

"Good idea, the boss is now taking the Sky Demon Grass, we will quickly capture these human races!"

He didn't care about the faces of Zuo Xiao and others at all, the group of aliens rushed forward.

"Ling Tian..."

Zhao Min looked at Ling Tian.

Soliciting opinions, now, the command is given to Ling Tian.


Ling Tian said indifferently, as if announcing the death date of Zhugou.

As soon as his voice fell, Zuo Xiao, who could not bear it, was the first to rush down.

After that, Yuan Meng and others also rushed forward!

"Dare to resist? Looking for death!"

Those alien races were furious, and immediately waved their spears, and they burst into stabs.

The leader, ranked twentieth in the jihad list, the immortal cultivation base, combat power, is enough to rival Chu Jingfeng and his ilk.


However, that shot fell on Zuo Xiao's huge silver shield shadow. After the explosion, Zuo Xiao was unscathed, but was shaken back a little.

"How can it be!"

The Tianjiao of the hidden demons exclaimed.

Never thought that this human race could be so tyrannical.

"Hey, it's time for me, the little master, I'm a pity!"

Zuo Xiao smiled, holding the sledgehammer with one hand, and fell from the sky.

Today's Zuo Xiao, how tyrannical, slammed down with a violent hammer, and blasted the alien arrogant into the sky.

After that, Zhao Min, Yuan Meng and others were all killed.

Everyone was well-founded, far and near, and their cooperation was extremely tacit. They killed those alien races without the power to fight back. It was only half a cup of tea, that was to bombard and kill all those alien races.

At this time, Ling Tian and Xiao Qing had also been suspended above the glacier.

At this moment, on the glacier, a strong man of the Hidden Demon Race, holding a celestial demon grass in his hand, turned around and looked at the huge alien beast in the sky, shocked in his heart.

Although the Hidden Demon Race is not considered a demon race, the Demon Grass can still be sold for a big price this day.

"Send the sky demon grass."

However, Ling Tian on Xiao Qing's back suddenly spoke.

But this sentence made the Hidden Demon Race suddenly furious.

"Human race!? Are you talking to me?"

"Do you know who I am? I am the fifth heavenly arrogant of the hidden demons, Yin Qilin!"

"On the jihad list, I am ranked thirteenth. If you don't want to die, just kneel down!"

That arrogant put away the sky demon grass, and pointed at Ling Tian with a spear in his hand.

However, Ling Tian was not talking, and the answer to Yin Qilin was the Thunder Giant Palm that Ling Tian suddenly photographed.

The huge palm covered the sky and sun, and it was so magnificent, as if the emperor had made a move.


With a loud noise, the thunder palm fell on the glacier, and in an instant, the glacier began to melt.

But Yin Qilin didn't even make a scream, and was dying of being photographed.

"You, who are you?"

"Human race, there can be no such tyrannical existence as you!"

Yin Qilin was covered in blood, looking at Ling Tian falling from the sky.

But Ling Tian directly stretched out his hand, pressed it on his head, and immediately snorted, smashing it into a cloud of blood mist!

The sky demon grass and the key in the second and third areas are gone!

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