Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2001: Count and harvest three treasures

After solving the matter of Li Wuyou and Huangfu Changle, Ling Tian called Zhao Min and others over.

This time, Ling Tian's original purpose for going to the ancient mountain was actually for Jun Lei Zhang.

However, following Huangfu Changle, no similar ore was found along the way.

"Ling Tian, ​​under the guidance of the phantom sting bee, we found another position in Hangu Mountain. It was the Chinese army camp of the human race, but it was too close to the volcano and was covered by lava, so there were a lot of ore. It was filled with storage rings and brought them back."

After Zhao Min said, everyone took out the storage ring.

There are hundreds of them.

These rings were all brought by everyone before they went to Han Gushan, but the amount of ore in them was beyond imagination. Even so, it was only the amount of a hundred rings brought out.

But the total amount of ore inside is enough to pile up a hill.

"Looking at so many rocks, Ling Tian is also a headache. Even if he is able to see the stones, it is definitely a huge project.

Ling Tian only completed the inventory of these ores one month after returning from Hangu Mountain.

However, although there are many ores, there are not many treasures that can be regarded as treasures. Most of them are martial artist storage rings of the earth immortal level. They may be considered a wealth in Xijiang, but when they arrive in Gusu City, they are basically Not enough.

But although the treasures found were few in number, each one made Ling Tian and everyone excited.

The first one is the fragment of Jun Lei's palm that Ling Tian has been searching for.

The effort pays off. This time when going to Hangu Mountain, everyone really helped Ling Tian general Jun Lei's palm with the remaining two techniques to find all of them.

The complete Jun Lei Zhang is extremely tyrannical, enough to cultivate to the golden fairy realm.

In addition to the fragments of Jun Lei's palm, the second treasure is the jade jue of the early Wuhun.

This was also greatly surprised when Ling Tian took it out of the ore.

Because of this primordial battle spirit jade, even the worst Golden Immortal level, in Gusu Holy City, is still priceless.

Especially now that Shengxian Road is about to open.

Many aristocratic families or large sects are collecting jade from the early battle spirits for their disciples.

After all, with the blessing of the Wuhun from the beginning, it can directly increase the combat effectiveness, which is much faster than the improvement of the cultivation base.

The primordial martial soul that I was looking for from the ore this time was obtained from the ring that Zuo Xiao brought. This primordial martial soul was three words, and it was the will of the immortal king.

When Zuo Xiao knew, he was also shocked.

Because almost everyone knows that the will of the immortal king that is now proclaimed comes from the supreme genius of the Scarlet Sword Sect.

Who would have thought that among these seemingly inconspicuous ores, such a treasure could be found.

The will of the immortal king, this is almost a treasure that can rival the immortal soldiers of the heavenly domain.

This fairy king's will came from Zuo Xiao's hand, and it should belong to Zuo Xiao.

It can be expected that Zuo Xiao, who has the will of the fairy king and the fairy soldiers of the heavens, will kill the Quartet on the road to ascend to the immortal.

By then, apart from the cultivation base, there will not be much difference between Zuo Xiao and the extremely genius of Scarlet Sword Sect.

In addition to the will of the Wuhun Immortal King in the early days, the third treasure that came out of the ore was a high-grade Dao Bone, which could create a Tianjiao with a high-grade Dao body, and its value was equally terrifying.

Today, although everyone's physique has gone through the Xuanyuan Blood Qi in the Jiuzhongshan Pass, and has improved a lot, except for Ling Tian and Zhao Min, there are no people who have reached the high-grade Taoist body.

There are many people in need for this high-grade morality.

However, this Dao Bone came from the ore in Yuan Meng's hands, and it was also a Dao Bone named Zhenshan Dao Body, which was not suitable for Yuan Meng.

Therefore, after Zuo Xiao became the top combat power, Yuan Meng also strengthened, and the distance from the descendant peak Tianjiao became smaller and smaller.

These three treasures are all priceless.

Each piece can create a top junior.

In addition, what shocked everyone was the Tomb Hill where Ling Tian moved back from Hangu Mountain.

This is simply a soldier's grave.

Among them, the worst weapons are all in the third rank of Tianxian, and even the existence of fifth-rank Tianxian weapons.

Almost everyone in Ling Tian's team had put on a perfect hand-in-hand weapon, allowing them to save a lot of immortal stones when making the final preparations for Shengxian Road.

After all, it is still quite expensive to let weapons, the existence that can directly bless combat power, be owned by the fifth-rank Tianxian to the sixth-rank Tianxian. Only the existence that ranks in the top 100 among all people can have it.

In this way, all the trophies of Han Gushan and his party have been counted, which can be said to be quite rewarding.

But for Ling Tian, ​​it was much more than that.

This time, from the hand of King Hangu Dugu Hanshan, he learned the peerless exercise method of body refining, the true dragon nine changes.

At this time, Ling Tian's trip was the biggest gain.

But only the body of the horned dragon, the first real dragon to change, Ling Tian was helpless.

There is no way, if you want to become a horned dragon, the path is not difficult.

Just have the bones of the horned dragon and the blood.

However, horned dragon, Ling Tian hadn't even heard of it.

Dugu Hanshan said that the horned dragon once appeared in the chaotic battlefield, but that was already tens of thousands of years ago. Now, even if the horned dragon exists, it has become an extremely powerful existence. Where does Ling Tian have the ability? , To slaughter the horned dragon.

However, the cultivation technique of the true dragon nine changes was placed in front of Ling Tian's eyes, unable to practice, it made Ling Tian anxiously scratching his heart.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​that cough cough, my father asked me to call you over."

Ling Tian stood in a daze before Yuntai Mountain and Sea of ​​Clouds, and Li Wuyou flew down.

However, when Ling Tian turned around, he found that now Li Wuyou not only has a radiant face, but also seems to have drastically changed his temperament, making him even more handsome and unrestrained.

"Hehe, what? Haven't seen you in a month, you and Ms. Huangfu, are things going well?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile.

For a month, Huangfu Changle, together with Li Wuyou, practiced the celestial feng shui technique in Li Family Ancestral Hall.

The relationship between the two is much closer than before.

"Hey, okay, okay, don't worry."

Li Wuyou scratched his head, for Ling Tian, ​​he was extremely grateful.

Now, not only he and Huangfu Changle are very close, but he also got a handful of Celestial Immortal Soldiers!

For Li Wuyou, he didn't even dare to even dream about it.

"What does Uncle Li call me?"

Together with Li Wuyou, he flew towards the middle hall of Li's house, Ling Tian asked suddenly.

Ling Tian had never seen the lord of the Li family ever since he had an intersection with Li Mao in the Ancestral Temple.

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