Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2003: Wushuang Saint Lu Zhiyao

The news that Shengxian Road was about to open soon spread throughout Gusu City.

All Tianjiao who was in retreat were called out.

Make the final preparations for the final departure.

On this day, a group of people converged at the foot of the Hanshan Mountain in Gusu City.

Since then, the Tianjiao under the cold mountain of Gusu City are all affiliated to the camp of Gusu City Martial Artists.

But as one of the four holy cities, Gusu City’s camp has as many as 1,000 people.

Before, South China City had two hundred places, but South China City was among the top ten holy cities, but it ranked last, and the number of places was the least.

Gusu City has always been an elite strategy. A thousand places are all true heroes.

And like the Holy City and Yue Shengcheng that day, the qualifications for admission to Shengxian Road were as many as five thousand.

Coupled with the sporadic quotas in countless other small cities, the descendants of the human race finally entering Shengxian Road will reach more than 20,000 people.

This scale almost includes the descendants of the human race in this world, although there are Tianjiao descendants.

Of course, this is only the human race, there are hundreds of alien races in the chaotic battlefield, and they will enter the chaotic war intent at the same time.

Adding up to the number of all warriors, it will be an extremely large number.

Of course, all junior warriors will not flood into Shengxian Road from one place. Shengxian Road has a very large population, while the human races usually enter Shengxian Road together from the same entrance.

Gusucheng Fu's family, Jiang's family, the first arrogant of Huo Lianzong, all arrived first.

This time, they vowed to make a name for themselves on Shengxian Road.

When Huangfu Changle and Li Wuyou came to Hanshan with all the arrogances, they still attracted everyone's attention.

No way, in the past month, Huangfu Changle's daily entry into Li's Ancestral Temple has spread throughout Gusu City.

The daughter who has not been out of the pavilion, enters the ancestral shrine of another family, and there is no need to explain what she is. Even if Li Wuyou does not take Huangfu Changle, no one else will marry Huangfu Changle again.

However, this made all the arrogances hate Li Wuyou even more.

"Are everyone here?"

Huangfu Changle, as the only saint in Gusu City, stood under the cold mountain and looked down on all the younger generations.

Today, although the Gusu City camp has a scale of 1,000 people, it is still not enough to look at the entire chaotic battlefield.

Therefore, they still need to unite in order to go further on the road to Shengxian.

"Miss Huangfu, everyone is here."

Jiang Chao stepped forward, but his eyes fell on Li Wuyou who was beside Huangfu Changle.

"Okay, then don't wait, let's go directly!"

Huangfu Changle was the first leader of the warriors in Gusu City, and the first to step into the Hanshan formation.

Afterwards, Li Wuyou Ling Tian and others stepped into it one after another to the entrance of Shengxian Road.

Not only in the cold mountains, at this time, dozens of large and small teleportation formations were opened everywhere in the human territory, and the younger generations all stepped into the formations, left their homeland, and headed towards the road of ascent.

Although they know that no matter whether this trip succeeds or fails, they will never come back.

But, still never looked back.

No one wants to be trapped in this chaotic battlefield for a lifetime.

In the Seven Great Immortals, no one does not yearn for it, even if it is to pay the price of life.

Ling Tian and the others followed Huangfu Changle out of the formation, and went all the way to the west, crossing mountains and rivers and cities, and encountered many warriors in the same direction.

"Where is Shengxian Road?"

Ling Tian and others sat on Xiao Qing's back, occupying a large area of ​​the Gusu City camp.

Although Jiang Chaofu Chou and the others have hatred for Ling Tian, ​​but now they are not in the mood to put them on Ling Tian and others.

"There are many entrances to Shengxian Road, and all the warriors of the human race will not necessarily choose an entrance to enter, but our Gusu City is the same as before, we still enter from Tianfei." Li Wuyou smiled.


Ling Tian opened the map and found that Tian Fei was actually located in the sea area on the southwestern border of Human Race.

"Yes, Tianfei is the gate of heaven. The gate of heaven opens and rises to immortality."

"For a good luck, the human race will choose to enter from Tianfei. Tianfei is on the endless sea, which is not far away."

Li Wuyou took a long breath.

"My nephew, you look so excited!"

Zuo Xiao smiled.

"Of course I am excited. Entering the Road of Ascension, even if I leave the chaotic battlefield, there are many opportunities and countless treasures, and it is also the beginning of the killing. From then on, our lives are in our own hands. How can we Not excited!"

Li Wuyou stood on the cloud.

"See the sea."

Sure enough, Chi Sanqi let out an exclamation, everyone raised their eyes, and what caught their eyes was the endless sky blue waters.

However, after entering the sea, they saw more unfamiliar warriors. Many of these warriors rode on mounts or urged immortal treasures to move forward. The sea was full of figures and numbers.

These warriors come from all major holy cities. Although Ling Tian has basically never seen them before, there are many powerful auras among them, sitting on the mighty and majestic mounts, traveling from the sky, mighty and arousing people. Eye-catching.

"Ling Tian, ​​you should be able to see the rumors here."

Suddenly, Zhao Min spoke.

"Lu Zhiyao?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

After so long, he almost forgot the name.

Lu Zhiyao was the first woman he encountered after ascending into the chaotic battlefield, and the first person to save his life.

"Well, I heard that after she left Shuofang City that year, she first arrived at Haoran City, then was picked up by the goddess of Wushuang City, and... became the saint of Wushuang City."

Zhao Min nodded.

"What? The saint of Wushuang City!?"

However, upon hearing this, Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Lu Zhiyao became the saint of Wushuang City, which was beyond his expectation.

If it is true, what chance did this Lu Zhi rumor have?

"Eight or nine do not leave ten, the current saint in Wushuang City is called Lu Zhiyao, she should be her."

Zhao Min also sighed.

"Are you from Wushuang City? Look, the Xianzhou battleship in that direction is Wushuang City's men and horses, with more than 2,000 people."

Zuo Xianzhi pointed to the northeast.

Ling Tian turned around and looked at it, but it was a fleet.

The art of Wushuang city organs prevails, and large-scale battleship immortals are abundant.

"It's really her!"

Suddenly, Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

Above the flagship of that fleet, a group of extremely outstanding characters can vaguely be seen standing on it, like the goddess and goddess of the nine heavens.

And standing in the forefront, there are two people, a man and a woman, the son and the saint of Wushuang City. The beautiful woman stood there quietly, her clothes fluttering and her hair poised.

Although the temperament is completely different from the Lu Zhiyao that Ling Tian has seen, it is definitely Lu Zhiyao, no doubt!

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