Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2024: Crucify the Son and receive Wushuang City

Seeing that Yan Nanfei sacrificed the Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure, everyone exclaimed again and again.

Under normal circumstances, if the gods fight against each other, they will not sacrifice immortal treasures, because the best immortal treasures are having too much influence.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​let me see how to be my Celestial Immortal Clock, Yan Nanfei, I will not lose!"

While the mad wolf laughed, Yan Nanfei shook the golden bell, and with the sound of the bell that shook the heavens and the earth, that Xianbao rushed towards Ling Tian.


Ling Tian lifted up, and the front shook above the immortal clock, but the latter, however, roared and shook, still pressing down.

The Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure is indeed a bit abnormal.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​stop struggling, how do you fight with me under the Heavenly Immortal Treasure?"

Yan Nanfei laughed loudly above the sky, he wanted to see the immortal bell of the heavenly product shake Ling Tian to death.

Tens of miles away in the rear, Li Wuyou and others were a little worried.

After all, the Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure is still a bit too abnormal for them.

"Don't move, it's just a heavenly treasure."

But Huangfu Changle was still calm.

When Ling Tian confronted Yin Wujiu in Hangu Mountain before, he sacrificed a great tripod.

That tripod is also a heavenly treasure.

At least, Ling Tian is not dangerous.

Sure enough, when the Golden Mountain Immortal Bell was about to fall, from behind Ling Tian, ​​a large blue and black cauldron suddenly flew out, on which there was an ancient ten thousand demons pagoda totem.

The great cauldron lifted up like mountains and seas with boundless coercion, and with a muffled sound, it slammed directly on the golden mountain immortal clock.


The deafening explosion almost shook the seven orifices of the warriors in Wushuang Ancient City, but still directly injured hundreds of people.

The shock between the heavenly grade immortal treasures is just the aftermath, which is terrifying enough.

However, what makes everyone unbelievable is that the Jinshan Immortal Bell shook directly from the sky under this collision.

A horrible depression was pretended to be on the huge clock body.

Xianbao was damaged, Yan Nanfei spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was trembling with celestial light, and he almost fell from the sky.

"God of heaven grade immortal treasure, why do you have it too!?"

Yan Nanfei couldn't believe his eyes.

To say that Ling Tian's Jinxian will, martial arts physique is not much different from him, that's all.

But how can anyone own such top-grade fairy treasures! ?

However, Yan Nanfei suddenly became cold as he watched Ling Tian's sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Today, he has exhausted his cards, but he is still suppressed by Ling Tian.

Moreover, the other party, Huangfu Changle and others have not yet taken action.

If you continue to fight, there is only one dead end.

Immediately, Yan Nanfei rolled his eyes, covered with golden light, and then turned and fled.

"Run, did you run away?"

Hurricane Shengyin Fist!

Ling Tian screamed, raised his big hand, and the boundless light of the unicorn immediately dazzled the light from this space, the storm was raging, and he chased him out with a punch.

This trick again...

A frightened look flashed in Yan Nanfei's eyes, but fortunately, he had long been wary of this move. When that punch came through the air, his whole body burst into light armor.

"Unparalleled Light Armor!"

A strange fairy light emerged from its body, condensed into a set of armor, covering the whole body.


When the storm's fist hit the dragon armor, it immediately erupted with a deafening noise. The continuous explosions resounded in all directions. This shocking blow only shattered the opponent's light armor, and Yan Nanfei fled with force.

"Ling Tian, ​​you wait for me!"

"We will have a period later!"

In the laughter, Yan Nanfei's speed rose again.


Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and the star light wings behind him suddenly flapped, and his figure shot out. At the same time, he raised his hand and the giant palm was condensed.

The sky is smashing!


At this time, Ling Tianren was in the air, with long hair dancing wildly, and his handsome white face exuded boundless demeanor, and his eyebrows showed domineering domineering and roaring endlessly.

Unable to tolerate any reaction from the other party, Ling Tian raised his hand and pushed it with a palm.

The terrifying thunder immediately covered half of the sky, as if tearing the sky apart, directly hitting Yan Nanfei who had retreated.

This is the second level of Jun Lei's palm that Ling Tian has cultivated. On this day, he can finally use it.


Yan Nanfei paled and snorted, relying on Qi Hai Xian Yuan and the armor on his body, he abruptly withstood the terrifying blow.

The celestial armor on Yan Nanfei's body was instantly torn apart, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. The whole person flew out wildly, one after another huge boulders, being crushed one after another by his, every time a boulder was crushed, blood would be spit out.

For a time, his blood vomited wildly. When it stopped, his face was pale as paper, and his body was as weak as a dead tree, and he lost most of his life.

He raised his head and looked at Ling Tian again, with an unconcealable look of fear in his eyes, and the arrogance and arrogance he had just no longer existed.

Ling Tian's methods unexpectedly appeared one after another, even if he didn't use weapons, he was not an opponent.

"Also, run!?"

Ling Tianfei stood above the sky and pointed directly at Yan Nanfei below, like a king over the world, judging the weak.


"Ling Tian, ​​I am the Saint Child of Wushuang City, you can't kill me!"

Ling Tian sneered, "I killed the Son!"

"You are the first of the three holy cities!"


When the voice fell, Ling Tian's hand suddenly stabbed.

With a puff, Yan Nanfei runs through Yan Nanfei.

This is the first saint child of the three holy cities to fall.

Also, it was the first one killed by Ling Tian.

"Yan Nanfei, dead!?"

Looking at Yan Nanfei who was nailed to death on the mountain wall, the warriors in Wushuang City above the ancient city were all dumbfounded.

The saint son they were so proud of, just like this, was easily beheaded in front of the city by an unknown Ling Tian.

Everything happened too fast.

It is difficult for them to accept it for a while.

Until, when Ling Tian looked at them, thousands of martial artists trembled all over.

Looking at Ling Tian's figure, he looked like a murderous madman.

"I won't move you all."

"Of course, unless you want to resist."

Ling Tian pressed his big hand on the city formation, broke it easily, and then descended on the city wall.

Huangfu Changle, also controlling the flying fortress at this time, was suspended directly above the ancient city.

Looking at the boundless city, and Ling Tian in front of him, Wushuang City martial artist almost knelt to the ground.

"I'll wait, I'm willing to join the Gusu City camp and follow the orders!"

"Yes, I am willing to surrender, just ask not to kill!"

The older the warrior surrendered.

No one wants to resist.

No way, Ling Tian wanted a city alone.

Killing two dragons and phoenix princes in a row, these peerless figures, is really terrible.

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