Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2045: Feast for the Sheng Qiye

"In this way, if you want to go to the Seven Great Immortals, you can only find the land of a thousand cities first."

However, judging from Ye Mingxiao's expression, I am afraid it is not very easy to find this place of a thousand cities.

"General Ye, you have been here for three years, and you have seen the land of a thousand cities?"

Huangfu asked.


Ye Mingxiao shook his head, "Let's not talk about the size of this void. Even the land of a thousand cities is not a drop in the ocean. It is to search in the void and face the impact of the fleet of other eight states and the void insects."

"Every time you conquer the Void, you can come back, you are already dead."

"In the void, it is so dangerous."

The faces of Huangfu and others were sad.

I didn't expect to spend time in the worm tide, and now I have to face the challenge in the void again.

"Well, but there are still chances. There are a lot of land fragments in the void. These fragments are the old road to ascend to immortality. If they are well preserved, they can still encounter the treasures of heaven and earth, and even ancient relics!"

"Like the current twelve generals in Qizhou, more or less, they have encountered ancient relics, otherwise they would not have grown so fast. There are heritages in the ancient relics, and there are resources for the vitality of the city. This is why we have to conquer even if we take risks. One of the reasons for the emptiness."

Ye Mingxiao smiled.

"That's the case." Ling Tian rubbed his hands, before in the ancient ruins, he let his sword intent rise to a higher level. If you want to come to the ancient ruins encountered in the void, it should be more advanced.

"By the way, Brother Lingtian, I heard that there are two Celestial Immortal soldiers in Yutian City?"

Suddenly, Ye Mingxiao spoke.

And everyone sitting in the hall also looked over.

Well, speaking of the last, this night night night, or to mention the heavenly fairy soldiers.

Ling Tian thought for a while, "Yes, there are two."

"Oh, brother Lingtian, don't think too much, I just want to say, is it possible to borrow me from that day's sin halberd?"

Ye Mingxiao rubbed his hands and said, "Hehe, I have a family in the night. The inheritance is the way of the Euphorbia. If you can hold the halberd of Heaven's Sin, your combat power will skyrocket."

"By then, it will be the fortune of my human race!"

"Of course, what I said was just borrowing, and I won't treat you badly, brother!"

"In the Void Conquest a month later, you can follow me behind. If you encounter ancient ruins, I can let you explore together to ensure your lives are worry-free, how about?"

Ye Mingxiao smiled.

It seemed that he thought Ling Tian would not refuse.

"What General Ye said, don't I have no Celestial Immortal Soldiers in Yutian City, so the general wouldn't be able to take care of me and wait?"

Ling Tian didn't comment, but asked rhetorically.

Ye Ming Su suddenly his face sank.

"Then naturally I want to bless you. If Brother Lingtian is willing to lend me, you will open it."

Ling Tian shook his head and immediately got up, "Then I will wait for the general to have a good baby, and then exchange it."

"However, the halberd of Heaven's Sin is not a mortal thing, I can't look down on ordinary things."

"You!" Ye Mingxiao stood up suddenly and said inwardly, "Ling Tian! I'm here sincerely, are you kidding me?"

"Sincere? What kind of sincerity is yours! Heaven's Sin War Halberd is so precious that even if you give me the giant city with a radius of five hundred miles, I won't change it! Borrow me the Eucalyptus, you can say it!"

"General Ye, please, I won't give it away!"

After that, Ling Tian walked out of the hall.

He had long noticed that the old fox had a wrong mind and wanted to borrow the Euphorbia. It was ridiculous.

"Ling Tian! Okay, you wait!"

"You, you, have offended all the warriors in Qizhou City, and you will cry by then!"

Ye Mingxiao was ashamed and flew out of the hall and left.

"Haha, wait for you to die!"

Ye Mingyu stared at Li Wuyou and the others, and left.

Ling Tian was told the next day that the Qizhou City Lord’s Mansion hosted a banquet to entertain all the Tianjiao from Liutiaoxianlu.

Ling Tian naturally knew that with his current fame and situation, there was no good feast, and he was afraid that he would be doomed to another storm.

But, you must go.

When the night fell, Ling Tian was dressed in a costume and brought a group of imperial city arrogances, walked out of the imperial city, and flew towards the majestic palace complex in Qizhou city.

In the legendary City Lord's Mansion, Ling Tian really wanted to see and see.

City Lord's Mansion.

But when everyone in Ling Tian arrived under the City Lord's Mansion, they discovered that the City Lord's Mansion was also a giant city.

It's just that this huge city has a radius of eight hundred miles, which is the one that Ye Mingxiao said.

The tallest tower in the giant city was already eight stories high. From a distance, it looked like a ten-thousand-foot mountain, so Ling Tian and others did not see its strength.

At the top of the eight-story tower, you can control the time tens of times, but the access Tianjiao is the sixth peak of the heavenly immortal.

It is also a necessary place to break through the Golden Immortal. Now the Master Fanjing of the Human Race retreats at the top of this tower. This time, he will not participate in the banquet.

Moreover, at this time, on the walls of this huge city, there are huge rock cannons everywhere, each one is a hundred feet long and ten feet wide.

Although Ling Tian and the others should have seen this kind of giant rock cannons on large and small cities outside, these in the City Lord’s Mansion are really too big. On each side of the city wall, there are ten gates, and the rest are , They are all small ones, and there are hundreds of them in total. I don't know how powerful they are.

Ling Tian also knew that these giant cannons existed, but to make this type of giant cannon, special materials were needed, and they were not found before coming to Qizhou.

At this moment, the gate of the giant city opened wide, Ling Tian and his group stepped into it.

The banquet is located in a garden not far from the city gate, with water flowing inside, and various activities are dotted inside and outside the pavilions, which is very stylish.

Of course, the deeper the garden, the more the fairy light, the rarer and higher the pavilions, and only the top talents can sit there.

At this time, in this area, the mighty figures gathered and looked endless. They were all descendants of warriors from the six fairy roads, but most of them were alien races, birds and beasts, even bone demons and evil spirits. Strange, both.

Moreover, when these alien races saw Ling Tian and his party, they couldn't help but cast their eyes together.

That way, it's like watching a plate of delicious food.

In addition, there are many elder Tianjiao in Qizhou City.

Many of these are also the elders of the six immortal road warriors, and they all want to let the younger generations shine at the banquet and win glory for their own race.

Today's grand scene, once every three years, Qizhou Tianjiao gathers. Of course, anyone who knows the inside information also understands that this banquet is a matter of the city chief's announcement of the big competition in half a month and the conquest of the void in a month.

Ling Tian and others walked into the garden.

At this time, the sound of the piano is long and long, and someone is playing the piano. The sound of the piano is extremely charming. Even many foreigners are deeply affected by the artistic conception of the piano.

They looked in one direction and saw that under a pavilion leading to the depths of the garden, there was a figure in a black robe, sitting quietly in the pavilion, covered in black robe. Ten fingers are exposed, plucking the strings, the sound of the piano is like a natural sound, sometimes melodious, sometimes agitated.

Although this person's piano skill is extremely high, it is even more eye-catching. Standing next to him is a figure shrouded in red flames.

The figure is strong, but under the light of the fairy light, he wears a fiery red uniform, is not stained with dust, has sword eyebrows and stars, and is handsome and unrestrained. He is like a flame celestial, not like a man in the world.

In this huge garden, countless warriors who came in all looked up at the young man with surprise on their faces.

Some human races have endless admiration and admiration in their eyes, even if they are the proud ones of heaven. They hope that one day they can become such an existence. Many beautiful women show admiration. It is no exaggeration to say that Ting That young man in Qizhou is probably the most admired by human women, not one of them.

Even some of the older foreigners in the depths of the garden looked at this young man with solemn expressions.

There is no doubt that no matter what the power of the human race, this descendant of the human race is strong enough to be valued by all alien races.

"Holy Son of Heavenly Holy City, Scarlet Sword Sect Sheng Qiye."

Canglan Mountain whispered beside Ling Tian.

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