Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2054: Giant Tower Golden River Conquest of the Void [Large

At the banquet, Li Wen will also hold a Tianjiao competition in half a month in exchange for the giant cannon of the city, and the news of the conquest of the void that month later will be made public.

Of course, although they have known these news in advance, they are still very excited to be confirmed now.

Not to mention the rewards of the giant cannon, the Tianjiao competition after half a month is definitely worth the expectation of all warriors.

After all, on Liutiaoxian Road, Tianjiao is a famous person, and now, there is another humanoid Ling Tian, ​​which will be very exciting if you want to come.

Having said this, the banquet was over.

Ling Tian sent Huangfu Zhao Min and others to the gate of the city lord's mansion.

Time does not wait for me, this time he got the opportunity to practice in the giant tower, so he won't return to the Imperial City for now.

"Ling Tian, ​​yourself, be careful."

Zhao Min tightened Ling Tian's shirt.

"Yes, you have to be careful of that Jiuer!"

Huangfu and others also laughed.

"You...really enough, Su Jiuer and I are really nothing."

Ling Tian was helpless.

"Ling Tian! If you are a man, today you and I will go out to fight, how about!?"

"If you lose, stay away from Su Jiu'er!"

However, at this time, an angry shout came from behind him.

Everyone can guess who it is without turning around.

Ling Tian raised his eyes and glanced at the Golden Heaven Forbidden, without paying attention.

"You go back soon. During my absence for half a month, all matters will be handled by Huangfu and Zhao Min."

After all, he turned around to enter the city lord's mansion.

"Ling Tian, ​​if you don't fight today, you have to fight!"

However, Jin Tianban challenged Ling Tian in public, how could he let Ling Tian leave so calmly?

Its bursting sound fell, and immediately rushed towards him with a punch.


The golden light cracks the ground, and the fist sounds like thunder.

Everyone just saw a golden light passing by, even if Xuan was turned back by the terrifying huge energy that turned over the sea.

Outside the gate of the city lord's mansion, those Tianjiao who had not left yet looked at them in amazement.

This golden sky ban, really dare to do it in front of the city lord's mansion.

Moreover, this punch is really scary.

The terrifying coercion of Tianxian's fourfold, coupled with the horrible bloodline talent of Jintianban.

A punch tore through the void like an electric light, and everyone suddenly remembered that Jin Tianban's combat power is now recognized as the first.

Even Su Jiu'er, who has a top-level Taoist body, is not necessarily his opponent.

"Ha ha."

Sheng Qiye also turned around in the distance, saw this scene, sneered.

Jin Tianjin didn't use weapons, nor did he use all his strength, but don't forget, he is the four heavenly immortals, a realm higher than Ling Tian.

Not to die, but also to be seriously injured.


However, Ling Tian, ​​who was standing in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, suddenly turned around.

Under Tsing Yi, dragon scales manifested.

The horned dragon turned on, and under the dragon's blood boiled, endless tyrannical force poured on the arm.

Afterwards, a fist blasted out.

The shocking dragon is born, and the holy sound is invincible.

Not even the Golden Lion!


With a blast, two punches, one green and one gold, collided in front of the city lord's mansion like a stone.

Shocked all the warriors, their faces were horrified.

It's terrible, this is not just a confrontation between fists and frontmen, but also a confrontation between the flesh.

It can be seen from this voice that the bodies of the two Tianjiao are absolutely tyrannical to a terrifying point.

However, Jin Tianjin's physical tyranny is nothing more than that.

But Ling Tian...

After the punch, the sound wave vigorously vibrated, the void burst, and slowly healed.

Everyone looked over in horror, but found that both Ling Tian and Jin Tianban were still in place, and they had not shaken anything.

Ling Tian, ​​not only blocked Jin Tianban's punch, but was also safe?

Even, not being shaken back?

This is really unbelievable,

Sheng Qiye frowned. He couldn't accept this result.

"Hehe, Qiye, it seems that he also cultivates a physical body, and even his physical body is stronger than your body of sword and fire."

"After half a month, some hits."

Situ Wuxin in the black robe smiled faintly and left.

"Hmph, half a month later, I will tell him that I Sheng Qiye is unbeatable."

Looking at the city gate, Ling Tian was as straight as an immortal sword, Sheng Qiye snorted coldly, and walked away.

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you in half a month. Now, don't waste my time!"

Ling Tian glanced at the stunned Jin Tianban before turning around and entering the city lord's mansion.

"Damn, I must kill you!"

Jin Tianjin was furious, and was about to step forward.

But it was held tightly by a big hand behind him.


Jin Tianji was all over, but he discovered that Jin Tianji was the head of the twelve generals.

"Are you looking for death? This is the City Lord's Mansion! Really when your brother was in Qizhou, I covered the sky with my hands?"

Jin Tianji said coldly.

"Today, you have already lost. If you shame me back, don't blame me."

"If you feel angry, wait for half a month."

"Brother, I won't kill him, I promise not to stop!" Jin Tian's blood-free eyes were about to burst.


City Lord's Mansion, before the giant tower.

Ling Tian was brought here by Su Jiu'er.

"That punch just now, is it okay?"

Su Jiu'er worried.

She knew Jin Tianjin's body.

"Hehe, I just stopped, otherwise."

Ling Tian smiled with his hand and didn't say much.

"Well, I know, there is no need to worry about you."

Su Jiu'er stuck out his tongue.

"Go in."


Ling Tian stepped into the giant tower.

A feeling of reversing time and space came from the surface.

Here, there are many soldiers from the City Lord’s Mansion practicing.

Compared with the huge tower of Imperial Sky City, this place is not only bigger, but the power of time and space is more stable.

"Young Master Ling Tian, ​​please step directly into the formation and enter the sixth floor. The resources are ready, and the young master can directly refine it."

A general greeted him.

"Thank you."

Ling Tian stepped into the formation and disappeared before everyone's eyes.


The dizziness in my mind flashed away.

Ling Tian opened his eyes and found that there was only himself on the sixth floor of this huge tower.

Moreover, the golden river is full of eyes.

This Golden River is made up of grains of rising elixir.

Moreover, they are all mid-level.

Densely dense, it seems endless.

Ling Tian took a deep breath.

Even though he had collected quite a lot of gold cores along the way, it was still far behind the Golden River that he saw before him.

This Jinhe is the confidence of the lord Li Wen.

He doesn't care how many resources Ling Tian can consume, anyway, Jin He is here, just use it casually.

"Hehe, I don't know, will you regret it."

But Ling Tian directly stepped forward, sat down cross-legs, the sea of ​​qi in his body was directly activated, the huge spiral arm stirred the starry sky, the eternal burning of the sky urged the sea of ​​qi, the whole person turned into a funnel, frantically absorbing the resources above the golden river.

The time flow rate of the sixth floor of this huge tower can reach eighteen times.

Although half a month is not much time, it is equivalent to two hundred and seventy days within the sixth floor!

Also, don't worry about resources.


Soon, in the space on the sixth floor of the giant tower, the Golden River rolled wildly. From the outside, Ling Tian seemed to be surrounded by terrifying golden flames, evaporating the Golden River, and even rising golden smoke clouds, evolving into thunder.

This terrifying absorption speed made the huge tower tremble lightly.

At this moment, on the eighth floor of the giant tower, a figure dressed in a cassock, like a dead bone, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hehe, finally, wait for you."

"It's not in vain that I am going to be pure, I am ordered to wait a hundred years here!"

"Seven Great Immortals, you can't go, ha ha ha..."

The sneer rang slowly in the eighth floor, where is there a hint of Buddhist compassion?

Outside the giant tower, Li Wen couldn't help frowning while looking at the trembling giant tower.

"Oh, this kid, he really doesn't see out at all!"

He looked at the blood of the immortal king in his hand and sighed again: "Fine, even if I buy your blood of the immortal king."

Two hundred and seventy days!

After a long time, Ling Tian had never left since entering the giant tower.

Endlessly, refining Jinhe day and night, making his cultivation level, almost visible to the naked eye, soaring wildly.

Tianxian triple, the early stage of the Tianxian triple, the middle stage!

The cultivation base broke through steadily, and in the end, even stopped directly at the late stage of the Tianxian Triple Stage.

Within half a month of the outside world, Ling Tian directly skyrocketed to three small realms. If he said it, he would shock many people.

In the past half month, the most painful is the city lord Li Wen.

Seeing the crazy loss of Jinhe resources in his library, he slapped himself several times.

He never thought that Ling Tian turned out to be a big stomach king.

I don't know what kind of technique he has cultivated. The speed of refining the Golden River is really terrifying, even faster than some generals.


Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes and let out a suffocating breath.

Seeing the sea of ​​Qi grow bigger and bigger, and the cultivation base skyrocketed, there was a burst of joy in my heart.


However, just when Ling Tian wanted to look inside and check Qi Hai, the entire huge tower suddenly shook.

Ling Tian's expression changed, and he walked out of the giant tower.

Today is the day of Tianjiao's competition, but it seems that something has changed.

Flying out of the giant tower, Ling Tian frowned as he looked at Qizhou City in front of him.

At this time, not only the huge tower, but the entire city, were shaking wildly.

Moreover, the violent shock is because the City Lord's Mansion is gradually rising.

City Lord's Mansion, moved?

"All the warriors in Qizhou obey the order, the Tianjiao competition is cancelled, all the cities are assembled in half an hour, and follow me into the void!"

The voice of Li Wen, the lord of the city, resounded throughout the entire continent.

Outside the city, the dense city began to rise into the sky, and in a moment, it roared like thunder.

Ling Tian fell from the sky and saw Su Jiu'er flying over.

"Yun Gong, you are out."

"Well, what's the matter?" Ling Tian asked.

"Oh, one sentence or two is not clear. It seems that Senior Li Wen got the news. There was a change in the void, so he set off with the city fleet ahead of time. I am also going to return to the city."

Su Jiu'er shook his head.

"Okay, go, I'll go back too."

The two separated.

Ling Tian returned to Yutian City, commanded the city to fly away from the mainland, followed the huge Qizhou City, and slowly sailed into the dark void.

"You descendants of Tianjiao, I know, you are looking forward to the Tianjiao competition, but we don't have time. We will officially escape into the dark deep space in half a month and begin the conquest."

"But along the way, we will encounter a hidden community of Void Insect Beasts. You can go to find and kill them. After half a month, which city has the largest number of Void Beasts, will win, and I will reward the Void. Great cannon."

"Of course, during this period, I don't care what method you use, or even grab it!"

"After the dark and deep space, we will face death at any time, the weak, there is no need to move on."

"Shengxian Road is cruel, today, but just the beginning!"

Li Wen's voice vibrated in the void.

At this time, on the wall of the city fleet behind the main city, the younger generations of Tianjiao all had a fiery eye.

The competition was not cancelled, but was conducted on the road.

Moreover, in this way, the final victory depends not only on the combat power of individual top talents, but also on the whole.

"Hmph, brothers in Golden Lion City, the foreign race is invincible, no one wants to defeat us, let's go!"

Jin Tianjin roared, leading the city, and rushed out first.

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