Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2057: Heads-up or group fight?

Under the Thunder Warhammer, all defenses are nothing but terracotta dogs.

In the rear fleet, Ye Mingxiao suddenly stood up.

Extremely ashamed.

In the first battle of this competition, his brother was defeated.

If you lose in the hands of Ling Tian, ​​then forget it.

Today, he was defeated by a previously unknown Zuo Xiao.

The latter is not even the Son of God!

Above the night city, the warriors of the Ascending Alliance looked at everything in front of them, and they were also dumbfounded.

Ye Mingyu was so defeated, so how could they be Yutiancheng's opponent?

Ye Mingyu fell on the night city, but at this time, he was already extremely embarrassed. Looking at the surrounding battlefield, his men were killed by Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi one after another, frightened and helpless.

He underestimated the combat power of other Tianjiao in Yutian City.

This imperial city is too strong.


Although he was not reconciled in his heart, he could only escape.

Otherwise, his night city can't be kept at all.

But even so, more than a thousand Terran warriors surrendered, left the night city, and defected to Yutian City.

"Hehe, rubbish!"

"Brothers, kill to the Worm Nest!"

Zuo Xiao panted heavily and led the army to move on.

In the Imperial City.

Ling Tian looked at Murong Ziyan who was sitting on the head of the city and drinking, and couldn't help shaking his head.

After so many days, Murong Ziyan is still decadent.

"Have you persuaded?"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Murong Zining sighed, "I have persuaded, but I know my brother's temper. I know that he is very stubborn. If he didn't want to open it, no one would persuade him."

"He is an extremely proud man, but now he has become extremely inferior."


Ling Tian sighed, Murong Ziyan's talent was actually very good. His game, the Heavenly Sin Halberd, was the strongest only if he held it in his hand.

However, it's a pity.

The imperial city was like a broken bamboo, Huangfu, Canglan Mountain, Zhao Min and others led an army to sweep the insect's nest in the void, like a broken bamboo.

These worm tides are entrenched in the void, on top of some small continental fragments. After killing them, not only can they obtain a large amount of cultivation resources, but above the fragments, there are also a large number of city upgrade resources.

Along the way, Yutian City has been upgraded to a radius of four hundred miles.

In the main hall of the city, Ling Tian looked at the sand table in the hall with a crowd of arrogances.

On the sand table, although there is no location information of the major cities, it can show the amount of resources acquired by the respective cities.

That is the ranking of this competition.

Perhaps it will surprise many warriors.

Yutiancheng was ranked second.

Even Seven Nights City was pressed below, but it still failed to surpass the Golden Lion City.

After Seven Nights City, there was a dreadful Blood Spirit City, and the gap in the number of resources was not very large.

"Hehe, it seems that if we want to get the first place, we and the Golden Lion City will have a battle after all!"

Looking at the sand table, Li Wuyou smiled.

"This is inevitable. The entrance to the darkest space is very narrow, and we will eventually run into it." Huangfu nodded.

"Shengzi Lingtian, there is a situation outside, the Blood Spirit City is approaching."

At this time, outside the hall, a warrior came to report.

"Blood spirit tribe's shadow? Haha, what does he mean?"

Zhao Min sneered.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all smiled without saying a word.

Was it looking for death when he came to commit the imperial city at this time?

"Of course I want to rank. After we won the Imperial Sky City, the Blood Spirit City can even challenge the Golden Lion City."

Li Wuyou shrugged, "However, he underestimated the strength of our Imperial City. Who will play this time and show him the color?"

"Be careful, the Yinji combat power is very strong, even if it is not weaker than that of Sheng Qiye. Although he does not have the Celestial Immortal Soldier in his hand, he should be bloody, that immortal treasure, evil door." Huangfu reminded.

"Haha, don't worry, I have the Thunder Warhammer in my hand, and all evil worshipers will evade, let me come!"

Zuo Xiao stood up.

"Hey, don't make any credit for you to take it, this time it's my turn, right?"

Li Wuyou also got up.

He also has Celestial Immortal Soldiers in his hands, and his hands are itchy at this time.

"What are you worried about? The hole card in your hand hasn't come out yet." Huangfu glanced sideways, and the latter suddenly wilted.

"You don't have to fight, this time, you all go out."

"All?" Everyone raised their eyebrows.

"Well, make a quick decision and show your momentum."

Ling Tian picked up the wine on the table, the immortal fire burned, and the spirits boiled.

Soon, with a bang, he fell back to the table.

"Before the wine cools down, end the battle."

Warm wine and yin?

Everyone looked at each other, and then streamers burst out from the hall.

In the empty hall, Ling Tian looked at the sand table, rubbed the storage ring in his hand, and the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

Outside the imperial city, the army of the blood spirit city was ready.

Yin Chi sat in the middle of the town, shrouded in a **** light of thousands of feet, evil spirits rushing to the sky.

He already knew that Yutiancheng had directly defeated Ye Mingyu in the first battle, and that Zuo Xiao, who possessed the Tianlei Warhammer, made the shot.

But even so, he didn't care.

He hadn't paid attention to Ye Mingyu and his ilk.

Moreover, he was extremely disdainful of the Celestial Immortal Soldiers.

As a blood spirit, he has the blood slaughter mark and thinks that he can match the Celestial Soldiers.

This time he came just to defeat Zuo Xiao in a battle, even if he couldn't get the resources, it didn't matter.


However, when Yin Chi looked at the countless streams of light that flew from the sky above Yutian City, he was a little dumbfounded.

Shouldn't it, Zuo Xiao played alone?

What? It's all out! ?

Among the group of warriors, Zuo Xiao, Huangfu, and even Canglan Mountain holding the Dragon Yuan sword were there.

More than a dozen Tianjiao volleyed in the sky, and the coercion shook the void. Behind them, there are tens of thousands of warriors.

The prosperous momentum made the five thousand warriors of Blood Spirit City a little dumbfounded.

This is their first time facing the Royal Sky City lineup.

It seems to be different from what I imagined.

"My blood and spirit are dark, who dares to come up and fight me!"

Yin Chi's eyes rolled, and he immediately stepped forward, the blood rushing, and the red was mostly empty.

"Heads-up or group fight?"

On the side of the Imperial City, Zuo Xiao resisted the sledgehammer.

"Of course it's heads-up!"

"Why, are you scared?"

Yin sneered.

"Fear? I don't know what fear is like as a warrior in Yutian City! It's okay to single-handedly! We are a group, pick you one, let your people retreat!"

Zuo Xiao smiled.

"What!? You guys pick me one? What kind of heads-up, I pick a group fight!"

Yin frowned.

"The group fight is good, you one, hit us a group!" Zuo Xiao shrugged.

"How can you be like this, can it be fair, kind, one by one!" Angrily.

This imperial city is too unreasonable.

"It's really interesting, your blood and spirit city has hit the gate of my imperial city, just tell us? Are you funny!?"

Li Wuyou was happy.

"Oh, well, stop the ink stains. The glass of wine should be cold. Let's go together and kill him!"

Huangfu frowned, the fairy pestle raised in his hand, and the Heavenly Star Feng Shui technique evolved thousands of stars in the void, sweeping into the shadows.

Zuo Xiao smiled, the light of a white tiger flickered on his body, and the sky thunder hammer in his hand was raised and smashed in the past.

Canglan Mountain drew out the Dragon Abyss sword, and above the sword's blade, there was a Thunder Dragon that evolved infinitely sharp, shattering the void.

Afterwards, Zhang Xuanyi's Lu Zhiyao's gun, Yuan Mengchi's sword, Zhao Min's bow, and Murong Zining's knife.

Densely densely tyrannical magical magic arts, shrouded.

It doesn't make sense at all.

"You, you, you are too bullying!"

In the distance, looking at the celestial arts falling all over the sky, his pale and gloomy face was all blue at this time.

Even if there is a blood butcher mark in your hand, it can't stand it!

After half a cup of tea, Zuo Xiao and others happily returned to the main hall of the city.

"Haha, killed a thousand enemies, but failed to leave that gloom, and ran away with the blood spirit city!"

"Is the wine cold?"

Zuo Xiao and others looked at Ling Tian who was sitting in the hall.

The latter reached out his hand to lift the glass, and suddenly smiled: "Yes, Shang Wen."

The battle strength of Yutian City still made Ling Tian quite satisfied.

"Haha, that's good! It's fun! I didn't expect that one day we can bully people like this!"

"That's right, our Imperial City is so strong!"

"Ling Tian hasn't shot yet. If he does, who can be our opponent in Yutian City!?"

"Yes, I think we can defeat even Golden Lion City and Seven Nights City!"’

Everyone smiled at each other and their confidence rose.

The crushing along the way has made them extremely vigorous now.

And all this is because of Ling Tian, ​​if there is no Ling Tian, ​​today's scene, they would not even dare to think about it.


But at this moment, above the sand table in the temple, there was a hum.

Everyone's laughter stopped abruptly, and they all watched.

However, he saw a ray of light, condensed into a figure, and gradually appeared on the sand table.

It's City Lord Li Wen!

Seeing the figure formed by the glow, everyone whispered.

At this time City Lord Li Wen appeared, there must be some news.

"You descendants of Tianjiao, you are about to approach the entrance to the dark deep space, but we found an ancient ruin that appeared near the entrance. Let's explore it. It will be a big gain for you."

"Enough to decide, the final winner of this competition."

The voice fell, and the figure of City Lord Li Wen disappeared.

"Shengzi Lingtian, there's movement outside again!"

Everyone turned around, shocked, all flew out of the main hall and boarded the city wall.

At this time, above the city wall, there were only human martial artists, they all looked at the direction deep in the void, staring at them, and were extremely surprised.

Ling Tian brought a group of arrogances and descended to the top of the city.

I saw an area in the depths of the void, gleaming with gloomy light.

The light is different from the void. Within the void, it is not extremely dark, and it is still shimmering, but the dark place in the distance is like ink-melted water, gradually tossing.

In the end, the light and shadow condensed into an upright phantom, manifesting in the void,

Although the distance is extremely long, the mighty pressure radiating from within that area still makes people's hearts tremble.

"Ling Tian, ​​this ruin looks like it was left by the ancient golden immortal!"

Huangfu frowned.

I also felt the extraordinaryness of this relic. At the very least, it was much more tyrannical compared to the ancient relics of kendo that they had encountered half a short time before Shengxian Road.

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