Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2059: How many Celestial Warriors are there?

However, Ling Tian frowned when he saw this Heavenly Phoenix sword.

Zhao Min once told him when he encountered the Heavenly Sin War Halberd, there were five immortal soldiers in the Heavenly Territory.

Before this Heavenly Phoenix Battle Sword, Ling Tian already knew that four were born, and shouldn't the last one be Greedy Wolf Bow?

Moreover, Ling Tian has an ancient score for forging soldiers. Although there are not many immortal soldiers in the upper realm recorded on the score, there are indeed a total of five parallel to the halberd of Heaven's Sin.

What is going on with the Heavenly Phoenix Sabre?

"Xianyu Immortal Soldiers, how many?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked at Zhao Min.


Zhao Min also frowned.

The others looked at each other, almost in unison, "It's five of them."

"Although before the birth of the Celestial Celestial Soldiers, we don't know what kind of weapons the Celestial Celestial Soldiers are, but there are indeed only five." Canglan Mountain also nodded.

"No, it's seven."

But at this time, Huangfu, who was the first to recognize the Heavenly Phoenix Sabre, shook his head, "A total of seven heavenly domains."

"Ling Tian, ​​this is a secret, I will tell you later afterwards."

"The secret, in that book."

Huangfu looked at Ling Tian, ​​but stopped talking.


Ling Tian nodded.

She knew that the book Huangfu was talking about was the Star Feng Shui technique.

And this book, most likely, has something to do with Li Chunfeng.

Ling Tian knows very little about the latter.

It is extremely mysterious and powerful, but it is in the same line as Ling's family, Nantang, and the existence behind him who manipulates everything, not the same way.

Then, the Heavenly Domain Immortal Soldiers have changed from the five legendary soldiers to seven, which is indeed related to Li Chunfeng.

But now, the war is not the time to study this secret.

Of course, Sheng Qiye and others looked at the astonishment on the faces of Ling Tian and thought they were shocked by the Heavenly Phoenix Sabre, so they couldn't help but sneer at this time.

"Why, are you scared?"

"If you are afraid, now, hand over the Heavenly Sin War Halberd, the Heavenly Thunder Warhammer, and the resources in your Imperial City. Get out from the ancient ruins!"

Sheng Qiye shouted.

"Hehe, why, do you really think that a Sky Phoenix sword can scare us Yutian City?"

Huangfu held his chin up, as if there was no surprise.

"What? Isn't that enough?"

"Golden Tianban is enough to defeat Lingtian, Situ takes Zuo Xiao, who among you group can be my opponent for Sheng Qiye!?"

"Even if you join together, don't want to block my fire unicorn sword!"

"If you want to be a dead soul under the sword, I will fulfill you!"

Sheng Qiye's voice fell, and he suddenly drew out the Huoqi sword.

In an instant, the boundless flames rose in the void, soaring into the sky with the flames of the unicorn phantom, and roaring in the sky, it was an invincible posture, extremely sharp.

The power of Sheng Qiye's sword world enveloped dozens of miles around, and he had reached the realm of advanced sword world.

Sheng Qiye, who is now holding the Fire Qi sword, is indeed terrifyingly tyrannical.

All of a sudden, the complexions of Canglan Mountain, Zhao Min and others changed suddenly.

Sheng Qiye was right.

Now, on their side, they have three top combat powers, while on the side of Yutiancheng, only Ling Tian and Zuo Xiao.

Although the Heavenly Sin Halberd was also in the Imperial City, Na Murong Ziyan was equivalent to waste.

Therefore, the extra Sheng Qiye is absolutely invincible.

Even if the rest of the people go together, it won't work.

"Hehe, Huangfu, it's now, shouldn't it be time for me to take action?"

But at this moment, Li Wuyou suddenly stood up and stood shoulder to shoulder with Zuo Xiao.

"Li Wuyou, stop making trouble!"

Zhao Min whispered.

At this time, in the crowd, Jiang Chao and others from Gusu City also laughed in their hearts.

What can Li Wuyou do at this time?

"It can only be handed over to you."

However, this time, Huangfu did not scold Li Wuyou again.

"Hey, yes, it's time for me to loosen up my muscles and bones!"

Li Wuyou tilted his neck, even after taking a long breath, the next moment, he raised his arm in the astonishment of everyone's eyes.

"Skywalker, show!"

The voice fell, the sky burst into the sky, and a blue light suddenly fell.

The boundless situation stirred the void, and finally, it condensed into a long stick and was held by Li Wuyou.

Under the blessing of Tianxing Cudgel, Li Wuyou seems to be a different person.

His whole body was roaring with will, even though he did not reach the level of the fairy king, it was definitely the top golden fairy will!

Its combat power is enough to rival Situ Wuxin.

"Another Celestial Immortal Soldier!"

"Here, are all the five Celestial Immortal Soldiers gathered?"

"Oh my god, in this way, there are three heavenly domains in Yutian City!?"

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded when looking at the Skywalker in Li Wuyou's hand.

What is the origin of this imperial city, the heavenly immortal soldiers got together?

Moreover, this Li Wuyou has always been an infamous Tianjiao, and now he has become a top combat power?

This is too deep, isn't it? "

"Haha, my nephew, I am going to fight this Sheng Qiye today, you go and take over that Situ Wuxin!"

Zuo Xiao raised the Tianlei Warhammer and flew towards Sheng Qiye.

"no problem!"

"Situ Wuxin, dare to fight with me Li Wuyou?"

Li Wuyou's stick pointed directly at Situ Wuxin.

"court death!"

In the black robe, the Tianhuang sword in Situ Wuxin's hand suddenly shook, and it turned into a black and red shadow, shooting Li Wuyou with electricity.

The two went to war directly before the ancient ruins.

The knives and sticks shook each other, and the shock wave swept thousands of miles.

This is a confrontation between the Celestial Celestial Soldiers, which makes all warriors tremble in their hearts.

But what made them even more shocked was that Li Wuyou held Situ Wuxin with his hand holding the walking stick.


Seeing everything in front of her, Sheng Qiye was the most upset.

He didn't expect that Yu Tiancheng would even have a hand.

"Haha, but it doesn't matter."

"Even if you have the Thunder Warhammer in your hand, don't want to stop me!"

"After killing you, you all will still die!"

The corners of Sheng Qiye's mouth twitched suddenly, and immediately he held the Fire Qi Sword, the sun's wings bloomed behind him, and a Heavenly Sword fell.

Kill Xiang Zuo Xiao.

"Haha, good time!"

Left Xiao's hand was holding the Thunder Warhammer, his feet shook, and the thunder bath body, everyone only saw a flash of thunder, and the thunder sledgehammer was manifested in the void, in the middle of the sword of fire that filled Qiye.


With a blast, the flame sword light was shattered by the thunderbolt.

Among the thunder light, Zuo Xiao, who was carrying the sun's wings, sneered out.

His Sunlight Wing was obtained from Ouyang Feng.

With the sword of Sheng Qiye now, I can't even think of defeating Zuo Xiao with a sword.

Zuo Xiao, blocked Sheng Qiye's sword?

how can that be?

It was enough to say that Zuo Xiao was able to defeat Ye Mingyu before, after all, Ye Mingyu did not have Celestial Immortal soldiers in his hands.

But who is Sheng Qiye?

He is recognized as the number one arrogant of the human race.

Since he got the Fire Qi Sword, he has never lost.

Even if it is able to block the power of a sword, it is quite difficult.

But now, a Zuo Xiao can do it?

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