Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2065: The big omen is in danger [four more]

"Well, it sounds really scary."

Ling Tianchang took a breath, and even a city as large as the main city of Qizhou could be burned. What a terrifying energy was that?

"Everyone, now, you start to select cities and form a team!"

Above the hall, Li Wen said.

"City Lord, Ling Tian is a warrior of my human race. This time, I want to take his Imperial City with me to explore deep space."

At this time, Ye Mingxiao suddenly spoke.

Li Wen's face moved, and immediately smiled: "Well, I have to ask Ling Tian what he meant."

In fact, he wanted to keep Ling Tian's Imperial City by his side.

He knew that Ling Tian's situation was very dangerous now, and no general could tolerate him.

"I am willing to go all the way with General Ye."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian got up and accepted it.

At this moment, even Ye Mingxiao's complexion changed. Unexpectedly, Ling Tian agreed so happily.

"If there is nothing else, the younger generation will prepare."

"General Ye, when we set out, call us Yutian City."

Immediately, Ling Tian took a deep look at Ye Mingxiao and left.

Imperial city.

At this time, Yutian City had already followed the city of Ye Mingxiao, left Qizhou out of the city, and flew towards the dark depths.

There are fifteen cities in the fleet at night and night.

Ye Mingyu's city is also in it.

But Yutian City, in the fleet, was exceptionally rumored, and was the only city of the younger generation that reached a radius of five hundred miles apart from the city at night and night.

And above the city, there are ten giant void cannons tens of meters long.

Strong combat power.

"Ling Tian, ​​why did you choose to follow this night and night, this guy called us Yutian City, afraid that there is no good medicine in the gourd."

On the city wall, Huangfu frowned.

"Hehe, Ling Tian did it deliberately. Anyway, other fleets won't be kind to us. This night is relatively weak, even if we fight, we are not afraid."

Zhao Min smiled.

"Yes, Ryo doesn't have the guts!"

Zuo Xiaoqing moved to Zhongtianlei's warhammer.

At this moment, beside him, Li Wuyou, Canglan Mountain and Murong Zining all held Heavenly Immortal Soldiers in their hands, and they were extremely powerful.

Even in the face of the night night, they are not afraid.

"Yemingxiao is a villain, and we must be careful about it."

Huangfu shook his head, his hands were connected to the seal, and the compass on top of his head was spinning frantically.

"Why, the hexagrams are different? Is it good or bad?"

Li Wuyou frowned and asked.

"I can't see, there is no hexagram image at all, and the sky star technique is not good, but I just have intuition, not very good."

Huangfu shook his head.

"Don't worry, I have everything."

"Everyone go and practice. It will take another half a month to resist the destination. The giant tower has now been upgraded to the seventh floor, so don't waste it."

On the head of the city, Ling Tian finally spoke.


Everyone looked at each other, and finally all flew into the giant tower.

Ling Tian turned around, looked at the boundless darkness in front of him, and then his eyes fell on the scroll in his hand.

"Fallen Abyss..."

The fleet is not a feng shui along the way. There are many insect nests hidden in the dark and deep space, and the insects and beasts in it are very powerful.

But fortunately, there are many warriors in the fleet, and there are ten giant void cannons on the Imperial City. In half a month, it's still a surprise.

Finally, half a month later, the fleet arrived on the map, near the light spot marked.

On the head of the city, Ling Tian was dressed in Tsing Yi, standing with his hands behind him.

He frowned and looked ahead. There was nothingness, extremely dim, and I couldn't see anything abnormal at all.

"It seems that this time I will return without success."

Ling Tian's side, Huangfu shook his head.

In fact, they didn't really have high hopes for this place. After all, the exit of Shengxian Road, where it is so easy, can be found.

"It's a pity, not even ancient ruins."

Zhao Min sighed, if ancient relics can be found, it will not be considered in vain.

"Hehe, Son Lingtian, traveling ten thousand miles is our destination this time. Now, please go forward and survey Yutian City!"

However, at this moment, the city of night night in front of him suddenly stopped.

"let us go?"

Everyone in Huangfu looked at each other, this night night night, absolutely not at ease.

"Why should we go?"

Zuo Xiao grinned angrily.

"Hehe, if you are afraid, you don't have to go! I know, I, a general, can't control your Imperial City. Who doesn't know, your Imperial City is powerful?"

Ye Mingxiao laughed in the distance.

"Fine, let's go."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

It doesn't matter, even if you encounter a worm nest inside, it will be destroyed.

The imperial city roared, rushed out of the fleet, and went straight to the deep space.

"Brother, I still think it's a pity, it doesn't matter if they die, but those heavenly immortal soldiers!"

On the wall of Ye Mingxiao, Ye Mingyu's face was full of regret.

"I can't help it. With your brother and my current strength, I am not a perverted opponent like Imperial Sky City at all."

Ye Mingxiao had a gloomy face.

Why didn't he know the value of those Celestial Immortal soldiers?

I just hope that the other party can keep the promise and return the Celestial Immortal Soldier.

"What they want is Ling Tian's life, and being able to kill with a knife is the safest way now."

Ye Mingyu frowned, "Brother, Ling Tian is really perverted. Can they do what you said?"

"Hehe, don't worry, no matter how great Ling Tian is, he can't be the opponent of that group of guys. Even if our fleet of Twelve Generals in Qizhou meets, he will have to go around."

Ye Mingxiao gave a sneer, and immediately all over, "The city turns around and retreats a million miles!"

Two hours later, Yutiancheng had arrived at the location marked on the map.

But here, there is still darkness.

Nothing at all.

"It's empty, not even land fragments."

Li Wuyou lay on the wall.

"Is the marked location wrong? There shouldn't be nothing, right?" Zhao Min also rough eyebrows.

"Ling Tian, ​​I feel very bad."

"All warriors are ready to fight!"

But at this time, Huangfu's face was full of sweat.

The compass above his head was spinning wildly.

"Sister Huangfu, what did you find, do you need to be so nervous? I haven't seen anything around here!" Zuo Xiao scratched his head.

"I don't know, but I'm Master Tian, ​​believe me!" Huangfu's face was tense, and his whole body was trembling, "Big evil! Absoluteness is a sign of evil!"

"Go, go!"

"leave here!"

"It's coming, let's go! We are all going!"

Huangfu's voice trembled, as if he saw something terrifying.

"Hi, Master, look there, is there something!?"

At this moment, Zuo Xianzhi suddenly pointed his finger in the direction behind Yutiancheng.

When everyone turned around, it seemed that they suddenly discovered the dark deep sky, and there seemed to be something flashing with a faint light in the direction of their fingers.

Although it is very weak, it can still be seen.

Moreover, that thing is huge, spanning thousands of miles.

"Void Giant Cannon, aim there, let it go!"

Zhao Min gave an order, and the ten giant cannons on the city wall align their muzzles with a bang, and ten bright beams of light were shot out.

The beam of light tore through the deep space, and although the range was not enough to hit the mysterious existence, it still made everyone faintly see what it was.

"Ship, fleet!?"

"It's the fleet of other states, go, leave at full speed!"

Zhao Min exclaimed, urging Yutian City to speed up with all his strength, and shot away.

Under the cover of the beam of light, everyone clearly saw that the fleet that flew over was a huge fleet of nearly a hundred cities!

Among them, there are six giant cities with a radius of five hundred miles!

In other words, in this fleet, there are six generals of the five heavenly immortals!

Yutiancheng unexpectedly encountered the main force of other states...

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