Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2068: Battle of the Immortals Sixth Chapter

too frightening!

The aliens who watched the battle from afar had an incredible look in their eyes, just one enemy and four. Ling Tian actually severely injured the four major city masters with a single sword?

In the deep space, there was no sound except the roaring wind and thunder. One after another, they looked at Ling Tian in astonishment. Such a method might be about the sixth level of the heavenly immortal, right?

But Ling Tian was clearly just a descendant of the human race, and couldn't imagine how he did it.

"Hmph, it's your ability to force the old man to make a shot himself!"

When Ling Tian walked out of the shock wave, a voice suddenly sounded from the darkness behind him.

Ling Tian's complexion changed, and he suddenly turned around, raised his hand and punched, like a dragon's claw, and then blasted out.


However, in the darkness, a black boxing front came down quietly, and with a blast, Ling Tian's hurricane holy tone fist, which was condensed with the power of the dragon clan, was directly torn apart.


A mouthful of blood, which could no longer be suppressed, spewed out.

Ling Tian was punched and knocked down the sky.

The light of thunder and fire surrounding the dragon body was disillusioned at this moment.

It's like a star about to annihilate.


Yutian City was already thousands of miles away at this time, watching the fading thunder light, Zuo Xianzhi slowly knelt down on the ground.

On the city wall, countless warriors also knelt down one after another, leaning on their weapons, looking at Ling Tian's direction.

They are praying, praying that Ling Tian will survive.

And Yutiancheng slowly, completely concealed into the deep space.


"Haha, all right."

Ling Tian, ​​who was shaken by a punch, slowly floated up.

He glanced at his **** arm, and a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth.

Six heavenly immortals.

Sure enough, the ultimate combat power that his physical body can withstand is the Sixth Heavenly Immortal.

He raised his eyes and looked forward, a burly body emerged from the darkness.

It was an old man with gray hair, with a pair of black fleshy wings spread out on his back, which was more than ten feet long.

"Dark Bats?"

"Haha, that's right, the old man is the death of one of the four elders in Wuzhou!"

"My grandson, Qiu Yunxiao, also died in your hands, right?"

The old man held back his anger.

This Ling Tian didn't even get torn apart by his own punch?

"Hehe, too many kills, I can't remember."

"If you want revenge, just come."

Ling Tian shook his arms, and the dragon's power surged, closing the broken hand bones.

"Do you think you can survive if I try my best?"

Qiu Chen had a gloomy face.

"Try it, it's not that easy to kill me."

Ling Tian hummed softly.

"It seems that you still don't understand what is the Sixth Heavenly Immortal."

"Now, you are about to know what a stupid idea it is to fight with a six-tier alien race."

The sound fell, and above the sky, the light of a giant axe suddenly cut down.

It was dark and deep, without a trace.

The attack was condensed almost instantly.

Heavenly Immortal Sixth Layer, the speed that can mobilize Heaven and Earth Immortal Yuan is far beyond the comparison of younger generations.


Ling Tian's Long Yuan sword also trembled in an instant, and the ten thousand sword shadows gathered their sword light and greeted them.


But this time, the unfavorable sword light was directly shattered.

The axe slashed down, swallowing Ling Tian again,


The blood surged again, even Ling Tian couldn't help but whispered.

Shocked back dozens of miles.

Now, facing the death of Qiu, Ling Tian's cultivation base, the sword world, and the fairy soldiers did not have any advantages.

Compared with the alien race of the Sixth Heavenly Immortal, the gap is not so easy and can be filled.

"Are you served?"

Qiu Chen walked on the void.

With a battle axe in his hand, facing Ling Tian, ​​he still has spare power.

"Come again!"

Ling Tian and the Long Yuan sword in his hand made a dragon chant, a sword, a punch, and a palm at the same time.


Bang bang!

But the blood splashed into the void again.

Ling Tian's sword light, palm prints, and fist front all shattered.

The figure, as if floating, flew out.


Ling Tian lay in the void, his chest was already cracked, and his arms were not intact with an inch of flesh and blood.

Facing Qiu's death, he was very powerless.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are proud enough to take my three moves, but now, you can die."

Qiu died slowly, holding the battle axe in his hand again.

"Haha, it's not that easy to kill me!"

But Ling Tian, ​​who had been seriously injured, suddenly skyrocketed. On the foundation of the Qi Sea Dao, the mysterious figure suddenly opened his eyes.

The brilliance of the will, far better than the fairy king, burst out in the sea of ​​breath in his chest.

Boundless energy flooded his limbs.

Ling Tian, ​​who was blessed at the beginning, has already exploded with the strongest combat power, the sword light rises on the ground, and the thunder dragon screams forward.


The sword's edge and the axe's light once again shook in the dark void, and the shock wave swept across thousands of miles, blasting many cities into flight.

All the alien races backed away in horror and swallowed fiercely as they looked at the light of the shattering weapons in the space.

"This, what will this is?"

"The fairy king? It's definitely not just the fairy king!"

"Could it be that Xianzun failed!?"

"What kind of ancient will is hidden in this human race!?"

"It's really a terrifying descendant of the human race. If I don't get rid of it, my alien race will not sleep peacefully!"

The foreign race exclaimed again and again, and after a shock, Qiu, who was shocked two steps back, was also shocked.

He looked at the Human Race junior who had stood up again. He was obviously seriously injured and could only insist on not falling, but his eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

Is this guy so afraid of death?

Although above his head, there was a sacred and vague figure of thousands of feet floating, under the blessing of his will, his combat power was barely able to match him.

But this is still nothing.

"What other means, you can use them all!"

Qiu Chen sneered.

Qiu immediately unfolded his fleshy wings behind him, and endless demonic energy soared into the sky. In that instant, Qiu Chan burst out a thousand-foot battle spirit, which was a huge monster dark bat.

This battle soul is definitely the fairy king level.

With the full combat power, let this enemy die, and the combat power skyrocketed again, which is far from the ordinary six-fold Heavenly Immortal, it can be compared.

"Little human junior, now, let me see what you can do to block me!"

Its voice fell, and his hands looked like sharp claws, crossing the void and grabbing directly.

Ling Tian's long sword swept away, and with the help of the will of the primordial beginning, it displayed the sword light of Bengtian.


However, the Qiu, blessed by the will of the battle spirit, was not afraid of the sword light that surpassed the sky at all. Only two claws would tear the sword energy of the Longyuan sword.

Long Yuanjian groaned even more, and a crack appeared in the sword's edge.

Facing Qiu's death, Long Yuanjian had reached its limit.


Ling Tian was shocked again.

Today's primordial martial soul has not fully awakened.

He still had no choice but to truly contend with the powerhouse of Heavenly Immortal Sixth Layer.

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