Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2072: The secret of the land of a thousand cities

"If I were Dahi Zhenyan, I would be afraid of the old candle dragon!? If I were Dahi Zhenyan, I wouldn't be able to attract you, this stinky boy!"

Jin Mie snorted, "As for the candle dragon, hehe, he has already built the candle dragon's eye, and there is the candle dragon fire in it. That kind of fire is one of the five divine flames. Besides, he found it again. I won’t be able to beat another **** flame.”

"Who else are you looking for?" Liu Yao frowned.


"What!? How could this be possible! Isn't the Samadhi already disappeared in the Great Meng in the ancient times?" Liu Yao was startled.

"I don't know about that. At that time, the old fellow Zhulong held the dragon ball cremated by Samadhi, and wanted to evaporate the yellow spring and reverse the cycle of reincarnation. I blocked it and lost."

"But in the end, Senior Jizo appeared, it should have resolved the disaster."

Jin Mie shook his head.

"Then you should have met Lao Hou?"

Ling Tian asked again suddenly.

"Who is Lao Hou?"

"It's Hell Yanzhen, the watchdog of Hell Huangquan!" Qing Xu snatched.

"Oh, I didn't see it." Jin Mie shook his head.

Ling Tian: "..."

"Okay, but Huang Quan is still in the cycle of reincarnation. Hell Yanjian has already returned to the **** Huang Quan. By the way, what's going on here, you won't be reduced to the point of collecting garbage, right?"

Liu Yao suddenly frowned.

Ling Tian couldn't help but laugh.

Indeed, the interior of the Land of Cinder Destruction is like a huge garbage dump.

"Huh, you guys are still smiling? I really don't know what Chai Migui is not in charge. You think I want to collect garbage. Isn't it a pity that I throw these things away?"

Jin Annihilated murmured, "Probably a thousand years ago, in this deep space, there was a place called... the Land of Thousand Cities! Yes, they called it the Land of Thousand Cities, and there was a hundred races. The place where the warriors gather, they are looking for a way to leave this deep space and go to the Seven Great Immortals."

"But for five hundred years, it won't be possible after all. More and more cities have gathered."

"But one day, there was a sudden civil strife in the land of a thousand cities. In the deep space, the Zerg race entrenched in the hidden land also took advantage of the chaos and killed all the warriors in the land of the thousand cities."

"The city collapsed and fell into the deep air."

"In order to hide myself, I can't make a move. After a hundred years, I will put away these ruins."

"It's you."

Finally, he looked at Ling Tian.

"Me? What do you mean?"

Ling Tian was still thinking about how the land of a thousand cities was destroyed.

At this time, it was pointing at himself.

"Although these cities are destroyed, the materials are still there. These are all resources, and most of the formations are also there. Even if it is repaired, it shouldn't take much time."

"Think about it, if all the cities here are repaired, this is an extremely powerful fleet, even if you get to the Seven Great Immortals, it will be quite useful!"

Jin Mie said with a smile.

When Ling Tian heard this, his expression also moved.

That's right!

He almost forgot this. Although these cities are in ruins, if they can be repaired, they are definitely an incredible resource.

The land of a thousand cities has been built by warriors of various races for thousands of years!

Where are you going to find this ready-made fleet!

"Jin Mie is right, Ling Tian, ​​even if you arrive at the Seven Great Immortal States, everything depends on you. It is necessary to establish the Immortal State, but without a large army, don't even think about it. With these cities, You are tantamount to having a fleet. When the time comes, there is no shortage of human race troops to vote!"

Liu Yao also smiled.

"Then... the younger generation pays homage to Xie Jin to destroy the senior!"

Ling Tian got up and bowed towards Jin Mie.

Jinmie collected the land of a thousand cities, which was a great gift for him.

"No need to thank me, I'm just following orders."

Jin Mie waved his hand, "From now on, I will follow you, but I will not take it easily, because I am still healing, and it will take me several more years to move, so you don’t want to rely on me to sweep the world. ."

"You can rest assured, this kid is very temperamental. Unless he is about to die, he will let others help. Otherwise, he won't be so embarrassed now." Liu Yao smiled.

"Senior, why did the land of a thousand cities suddenly perish?"

Ling Tian asked quickly.

"I always don’t care about these things, so I’m not very clear, but I think it may be related to that road. They not only destroyed Shengxian Road, but in the end, they destroyed the land of a thousand cities just in case. Go out here, what they are guarding against is actually you."

"Don't worry, you should know who those guys are soon."

Jin Mie got up, "Now, you should also show me what this space of good fortune is like."

Ling Tian looked at Liu Yao.

This Jinmie is a ruthless character, let him enter Taoyuan, I don't know if it is appropriate or not.

"It's okay, in Taoyuan, no one wants to be presumptuous."

Liu Yao didn't care.


Ling Tian nodded and waved his big sleeves, and everyone fell into Taoyuan.

"Yeah, little girl, it's a good time to be lucky!"

"My name is Jin Mie, what is your name."

After landing, Jin Mie first saw Tao Yaoyao holding a white cat in her arms.

"My name is Yaoyao, oh, you guys are so hot!"

Tao Yaoyao frowned.

"Hehe, no way, brother, I have a fire in my heart!"

Jin Mie squeezed Tao Yaoyao's face, and immediately looked around with his hands held down, but the smile on his face disappeared little by little.

"It deserves to be the space of good fortune, the tower of four elephants, the phantom sting bee..."

Finally, his eyes fell on the huge peach tree not far away.

Immediately, his complexion changed drastically, and he turned around to look at Tao Yaoyao, his gaze continuously circulated on Tao Shu and Tao Yaoyao, and finally he couldn't help taking two steps back.

"This...this thing, how could it be here!?"

Jin Mie exclaimed, as if seeing something extraordinary, his face was full of horror.


Tao Yaoyao asked ignorantly.

Ling Tian frowned even more.

What's wrong, this is, no matter how you put it, this Jinmie was once a giant, even if it is not comparable to Emperor Wu, it should be a quasi emperor, right?

Is a tree scared like this?

"Six Yao, you didn't tell them this? Or you don't know this thing?!"

Jin Mie looked at Liu Yao again.

"Of course I know."

Liu Yao shrugged.

"Then you are really not afraid? The guy in the West is not easy to provoke. Are you hiding her things here and looking for death? At that time, your one, or our deity, will not be able to deal with it!"

"It's terrible. You are crazy enough."

Jin Mi shook his head again and again.

That existence in the West, what does it exist? Buddha?

Ling Tian scratched his head.

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