Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2074: Ling Tian arrives

How is this possible?

Master Fanjing, who is in retreat and has a battle power comparable to that of a golden immortal, is not in Qizhou City?

This powerful, regarded by all Qizhou warriors as a life-saving straw, disappeared for no reason. Now, how do they survive in the face of such a powerful Wuzhou?

At this moment, Sheng Qiye Jintianjin and others standing under the huge tower were all dumbfounded.

Without Master Fanjing, Qizhou City would never escape bad luck under Wuzhou's pursuit.

"It's over, everything is over!"

The elder of Xian Liuzhong gave a low cry that day, and flew out of Qizhou City to stop the rushing Qiu Chen.

Although Wu Zhou had one more elder with six heavenly immortals than Qizhou, they had no choice but to fight to death.


At this moment, in front of the Qizhou fleet, a city suddenly came oncoming.

The city is not big, with only a radius of five hundred miles, but it is in the same direction as Qizhou.

In deep space, it is particularly eye-catching.

"That is, Imperial City!"

"Yutiancheng, unexpectedly came back!?"

Sheng Qiye and others stood on the wall, looking at the gradually approaching Yutian City, they all exclaimed.

Who could have imagined that at this time, the Imperial City could still be seen.

Didn't it mean that Yutiancheng defected?

Behind the fleet, Ye Mingxiao and others saw Yutiancheng wake up, their expressions changed drastically.

The Imperial City was not destroyed? !

This is even more impossible.

At that time, he clearly saw that Qiu Chen led a fleet of hundreds of cities to chase and kill Yutian City. The latter was only a radius of five hundred miles, how could he escape?

Seeing Yutiancheng, he was like seeing a ghost.

"No, absolutely can't let them live!"

Ye Mingxiao's eyes turned wildly, although Qizhou up and down now believes that Yutiancheng betrayed them, but just in case, it is safe to do nothing.

Otherwise, once his collusion with Wuzhou martial artists is exposed, then he will be the same, and he will undoubtedly die.

"Yutiancheng is a rebellious thief. They come here, they must want to block my way, the soldiers of Qizhou, kill them and destroy the Yutiancheng!"

Ye Mingxiao roared behind him.

But in the main city of Qizhou, no warriors left.

No way, now all the generals are fighting in the rear of the fleet, and among the remaining young juniors, Jin Tian is not an opponent of Ling Tian at all.

What's more, there are still a few enchanting Tianjiao who have Celestial Immortal soldiers in Yutian City, going up, fearing that they are looking for death.

"Useless waste!"

The night night halberd shook the general Wuzhou in front of him, "Gu Lingxi, come with me and take people to destroy Yutian City!"

"Why do you bring me?"

Gu Lingxi frowned.

She was ready to escape.

"Don't forget, you also participated in these things, and the things three years ago. You and I are grasshoppers on the same rope. The imperial city is immortal, and Lingtian is immortal. Let's not think about it!"

Ye Ming Xiao Yin sneered.


Gu Lingxi's face was gloomy. Although she was frightened at the threat of Ye Mingxiao, she had to give in at this time.

For a time, the two generals led a group of strong men out of the battlefield and galloped toward the Imperial City.

But when they flew to the wall of Yutian City, they discovered that the human warriors on the wall looked at them with dull eyes.

Moreover, Na Ling Tian, ​​Huangfu, Zuo Xiao, Li Wuyou and others were not on the city wall.

Almost all the strong have disappeared.

"What's going on?! Yutian City, or something has happened?"

Gu Lingxi frowned.

Ling Tian is no longer imperial Tiancheng, is he still dead! ?

"No matter what, this imperial city can't stay!"

The night night night was full of murderous intent, carrying the spear and yelling, "Yu Tiancheng warrior, you wait for you to defect to Qizhou, and now you dare to stand in my way, you deserve death!"

After all, Ye Mingxiao fell with a halberd and slashed towards Yutian City.


The imperial city array roared, and under this halberd, it shattered directly, making it seem extremely fragile.

Dozens of human warriors died tragically under the halberd of Ye Mingxiao.

"Nonsense, we were clearly framed by your Yemingxiao design, and we were almost killed by Wuzhou warriors!"

"Yes, you are the one who sprays blood!"

On the Imperial City, a group of warriors roared again and again.

Unexpectedly, they finally found the Qizhou City Confluence, but they still faced the disaster of extinction! ?

"Presumptuous, how can I frame you!? Saying more is useless, you are all going to die!"

Seeing that Yutiancheng's defensive formation was broken, he was immediately overjoyed. Since there is no evil spirit Tianjiao in Yutiancheng, no one can stop him.

In a sneer, Ye Mingxiao and Gu Lingxi's faces were full of coldness. They hung high above the Imperial City, their swords raised in their hands, and they fell down.

Ye Mingxiao's cultivation base is infinitely close to the fifth heavenly immortal level, and Gu Lingxi has already achieved the fifth heavenly immortal level. The two of them fully urged their supernatural powers, and the huge sword light and euphorbia aura descended on the imperial city.

With their full strength, the two's one killer move was enough to kill hundreds of ordinary Heavenly Immortal Dual Warriors.

"Do not……"

In Yutian City, countless warriors exclaimed, offering their supernatural powers to resist, but in the face of the combined supernatural powers of Ye Mingxiao and Gu Lingxi, their attacks were all shattered and could not be stopped.

The gap is really too big.

Seeing that the two magical powers were about to slash Yutiancheng, the warriors in it were all desperate.

Ling Tian's life or death is uncertain, Huangfu and Zuo Xiao and other arrogant talents have mysteriously disappeared.

Could it be that Yutiancheng is inevitable after all?

In Yutian City, the warrior is already desperate.

Outside the Imperial City, Gu Lingxi sneered at night at night.

"The one who moved my imperial city, die!"

However, just at this moment, on the deep space battlefield with a radius of thousands of miles, suddenly a voice of yelling came to mind.

Even all the generals and Qiu Chen and other elders of the Sixth Heavenly Immortal in that battle group were shocked.

This voice is too familiar.

Not Ling Tian? Who else can there be?

Suddenly, almost all warriors were shocked in their hearts!

On the Qizhou side, the martial artist's face changed. This supreme evildoer, who was once famous in Qizhou, returned at this moment of crisis. Is it a blessing or a curse?

On the Wuzhou side, Qiu Chen couldn't believe his ears.

This is impossible!

Ling Tian had obviously been engulfed by the Land of Cinder Destruction, and when he encountered the Land of Cinder Destruction, even the Golden Immortal would never want to survive.

Ye Mingxiao and the others changed their faces even more.

The one who moved the imperial city died.

From Ling Tian's voice, they could feel the terrifying killing intent.

It's like a **** judges the ants, about to be punished.

Sure enough, the sound of the yelling has not faded, and a general trend has risen into the sky, like a boundless tsunami.

From the direction of Yutiancheng, swept in.

That Ye Mingxiao and Gu Lingxi's magical powers hadn't completely fallen, they were all crushed and shattered.

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