Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2076: Horizontal

"This is impossible!"

Qiu Chen yelled, he couldn't accept everything in front of him.

But looking at Ling Tian who sneered in the distance, his anger was still burning.

He is dissatisfied!

"Look at how you block my blow, the dark bat kills the sky!!"

The violent axe light burst out with dazzling blood, and it struck with an extremely violent sound, trying to swallow Ling Tian with a single blow.

This cut was the strongest supernatural power Qiu Chen could master.


Amidst the loud noise, Ling Tianzhou's lingering aura, cracks appeared under this sharp tear, and it was about to fall apart.

Qiu Sheng's mouth turned into a sneer, no matter how strong Ling Tian was, he would still be a junior after all. This kind of combat power must be some kind of secret method, and it cannot last at all.


But the smile on his face was too late to dissipate, the seemingly collapsed momentum, like an immortality, reunited between the moments, and burst out with a more dazzling light of Thunder Immortal Fire.

The more dazzling, the better before!

With a bang, the thunder merged with the immortal fire, condensed into a giant palm like a big sun, and directly crushed the terrifying axe light.

"Haha, Qiu Chen, is this your strongest combat power? You have survived for so long, but you can't do that!" Ling Tian said casually, the extremely powerful immortal yuan, filled with thunder and burning in this world The fusion of Jin Xianyan is absolutely terrifying.

Even, he didn't use the Horned Dragon Transformation.

Today's Ling Tian, ​​his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Fourfold, and with the blessings of the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue and Taichu, he can already compete with the Sixth Heavenly Immortal.

Moreover, Jun Lei's palm is really too strong.

Qiu Chen's expression was gloomy, and he could also see that Ling Tian's cultivation level had soared to the late stage of the Fourth Stage of Heavenly Immortal, which was only half a month.

If he were given more time, how terrible this human race would be! ?

"No, you must not stay here!"

"Burning ancestral blood, lend me holy power!"

Qiu Chen's face was gloomy, and he was in the void, and a terrifying black flame suddenly burned all over his body.

At this time, an ancient demon aura burst out of its battle soul, and as that battle soul burned out and merged into Qiu Chen's body, its aura suddenly soared again!

Going straight to Jinxian.

"Ling Tian, ​​today, even if you die together, I will let you die!"

Qiu Chen let out a stern cry, and the black fire boiled all over his body, and then suddenly he chopped off the battle axe in his hand.

This avenue is already very impressive.

"Ling Tian, ​​die!"

Qiu Chen chopped down the axe and grinned grinningly.

He burned his blood and cut off his martial arts.

This axe, even in the early days of Jinxian, would never want to take it safely.

Ling Tian is sure to die!


But just as this axe was about to fall, there was a sound of cracking gold and stone, and Qiu Chen's eyes flashed with a different color.

Behind Ling Tian, ​​there was a fairy light surging, it was a phantom.

The coercion of his will far exceeds the will of the ordinary fairy king.

And its whole body, thunder and immortal fire, condensed into a hundred thousand sword shadows.

As Ling Tian raised the cracked Long Yuan sword in his hand, the shadow of a hundred thousand swords condensed into a sword light that could reach the sky, thunder and fire roared.

Directly light the axe and smash it to pieces.

Qiu Chen's strongest blow, just like that, was wiped out.

Not only that, in Qiu Chen's horrified eyes, Ling Tian's sword never collapsed, but cut through the void and killed him.


The thought of danger flashed in Qiu Chen's mind, his back felt cold, and he was ready to retreat.

But it was too late, Ling Tian's mouth evoked the coolness of Senhan, spurred Jianguang, and directly slashed down!

The four elephants of Tianji are extremely powerful.

The sword intent in the sky, turned into a terrifying power of the top sword world, locked its enmity.


A sword of cold light, thunder light burns the sky.

Accompanied by Thunder Dragon's vengeful roar, he swallowed his death directly.


A scream resounded through the battlefield from the sword light.

All Wuzhou warriors looked at the center of the battlefield in horror.

Involuntarily, the cold war was fought all over.

This, is this still a human race! ?

Is this still a descendant of the human race?

The elder of Sword Slashing Heavenly Immortal Sixth Layer?

What a perverted combat power this is.

The sky-reaching fire sword gradually disappeared in the dark space.

After that, all the warriors saw a huge bat floating in the middle of the battlefield.

His entire body was almost torn into two parts.

Although he was not dead, there was only one breath left.

Ling Tian flew over and stood with his hand.

"My human race in Yutian City, but were you kidnapped by Wuzhou?"

Ling Tian's voice was cold to the bone, like a **** of death.

"I do not know."

Qiu Chen's voice was faint, and he was dead.

"Then you, die."

Ling Tian didn't move, and the surrounding Xianyuan was shaped into a thousand-zhang big hands by his divine thoughts, clinging to Qiu Chen's body firmly.


At this time, there was a roaring sound above the sky far away from the battlefield.

Immediately, a dark figure loomed in the deep air, and the coercion of will like the sea swept over, with a mountain-like anger.

"Human, stop!"

It's Jinxian.

It is the city lord of Wuzhou.

But Ling Tian was not afraid at all, as if he had never heard of it, his face was expressionless, and when his divine thought moved, his big hand directly squeezed the dead body of the enemy.

Not only that, Ling Tian's figure flickered in the darkness and descended in front of Wuzhou generals.

He only has one sentence.

Who kidnapped my Tianjiao from the Imperial City?

All those who were speechless were crushed by Ling Tian's big hands.

No one was able to resist.

Even, in the end, Ling Tian killed all the generals above Wuzhou Heavenly Immortal Level 5, and stretched out the thunder big hand to the remaining three elders of Heavenly Immortal Level 6 and above.

At this moment, these elders had already been scared by Ling Tian's terrifying combat power and cold killing intent, so they didn't dare to fight, and turned and fled.

But under Ling Tian's sword light, they fell one after another.

In the end, only the last elder remained.

"Say, where is my imperial city Tianjiao!?"

The icy voice oscillated on the battlefield, like a **** of death chasing his life.

"I, I really don't know!"

"Do not kill me!"

The elder ran wildly in the darkness, his face distorted.

Ling Tian expressionless, Jian Guang gathered again.

"Human Race, you are really looking for death!"

However, in the high sky thousands of miles away, the golden fairy's shout finally came.

A pitch-black demon claw protruded out of the dark space and grabbed the sword light that Ling Tian offered.

Bang bang!

At the moment when it was released, Ling Tian's sword light shattered, and then the devil's claws did not disperse, he continued to press down and grab Ling Tian.

This claw is fifteen thousand feet long.

The mighty momentum, with unmatched magic power, smashed all the cities along the way.

Finally, the Jinxian of Wuzhou has made a move!

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