Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2087: Mysterious Sword Bearer

There was a lot of space in the Depraved Abyss. Ling Tian looked up and saw that only the sides and feet could feel the ice-cold stone walls.

Above the head, there is no light shining down, and it looks very dark.

After following the old man for about half an hour, Ling Tian stopped.

The line of sight suddenly widened.

At the end of Dongting, there are two doors.

The rays of light surged from the formation, to the portal of teleportation.

"For so many years, all the good people who fall to me, I will give them a chance to survive."

"Some of them are close relatives, some are partners, or mentors and apprentices, but in short, as long as they are good, I won't kill them. Other than that, I will kill them all."

The old man stood between the two doors.

"For so many years, how many people are alive?"

Ling Tian asked.

The old man held up five fingers, "Is it really chilling? Only five have been able to go out alive for so many years."

"Yu Xuanji, have you seen you too?"

Ling Tian asked again.

"That girl, I remember."

"It seems that she still told you the secret of falling into the abyss."

"This girl is really not afraid of death."

The old man smiled.

All warriors who go out must plant the heart demon oath, if this secret is told from their mouths to people who are not tolerated by the old man, then they will die suddenly.

Perhaps Yu Xuanji could see something like this.

Or, she would rather die than tell Ling Tian this secret.

"So, if you want to leave Shengxian Road and return to the chaotic battlefield now, you can go now."

The old man pointed to a door on the left hand side.

"What about the right?"

Ling Tian pointed to another door.

"Hehe, this gate is a test I set. If you pass, you can get the chance of kendo within it."

"That fish girl also went in once, but she came out in half a cup of tea, and she didn't get anything. Instead, her cultivation base was sucked away a lot."

"If you want, you can also try."

"Brother, what are you doing? This Ling Tian is the person we want. It's all here. What test are you doing? Is it necessary?"

"What chance, take it out quickly, we still have a lot to do!"

Liu Yao was a little impatient.

But the old man didn't seem to care, he always looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian stepped forward and walked to that door.

"Senior, I know you used to be very powerful, can you say that you are the pinnacle of the sword in the world?"

"There are many swords in the Three Realms under heaven. I dare not say that it is the pinnacle, but I really haven't been afraid of any weapons." The old man smiled.

"Well, I don't actually want any kendo opportunities. I don't care about these. I just want to ask, if I pass the test of the predecessors, can you bring Xiao Lei back to life and recast Long Yuanjian?"

The old man was startled.

I watched Ling Tian for a long time.

In the end, he waved his hand, "The sword is in the heart, the sword is in the man, the man is there, the sword is there, he hasn't really disappeared, how can he recast it?"

"Okay, I will try!"

Ling Tian finally smiled.

Although he was still bloodstained at this time, he still walked in indefinitely.

Liu Yao shook his head until Ling Tian completely disappeared in this door.

"How? How do you feel when you see him again?"

The old man's eyes suddenly became apathetic, "He is still him, but now he is no longer that him."

"You've been waiting, when he returns, will you recast the day, right?"

"This day is not far away."

"No." The old man suddenly looked up to the sky, and two lines of tears quietly fell from the corner of his eyes.

"Although this day has arrived, it is the Longyuan Sword that he wants to recast, not me."

"Oh!" Liu Yao stepped forward and patted the old man on the shoulder. "Don't be so emotional. To be honest, I didn't expect that it would be you who would be attracted on the road to Shengxian."

"The Dragon Abyss Sword and Xiao Lei were also made from Ling Tian's blood. They are really no different from you. From Xiao Lei, I can often see your shadow."

"You should be happy, Ling Tian will become stronger, and so will you."

The old man wiped away the tears on his face and said with a smirk: "Well, this is inevitable. The day my sword is recast will be the time when my lord returns."

"This time, we won't fail again."


Inside the door.

As soon as Ling Tian walked in, the 100,000 sword shadows in the Qi Sea suddenly shook.

And the figure sitting cross-legged on top of the Xinghai Daoji opened his eyes instantly.

The divine light is looking down, and the heaven and the earth are solitary.

But in the outside world, Ling Tian suddenly felt the violent kendo will in this space, almost like ten thousand swords, shooting towards it.

It is even extremely difficult to even open your eyes barely.

In this space, it is still extremely dim, and only a faint sword light can be seen in the distance, shining.

Ling Tian didn't know what the kendo opportunity the old man was talking about.

But here, the kendo will is extremely suitable for sword repair to hone the sword intent.

Wan Jian saves his heart although it is painful.

But for Ling Tian, ​​this is nothing.

Yu Xuan Ji can still hold on to half a cup of tea, let alone him.

Ling Tian gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and walked forward step by step.

The more forward, the arrow that sword intent turns into becomes more violent and dense.

Like ice flakes rolled up by the storm in a cold night, it not only hurts but also consumes will.

Rao Ling Tian couldn't help but begin to tremble all over.

After a dozen breaths, Ling Tian felt that he had only walked less than a hundred meters.

Suddenly, Ling Tian stopped and saw a line of sharp small characters on the ground.

Yu Xuan Ji!

This small character is portrayed in blood, and space energy is the will, so after so long, this handwriting is still recognizable.

Thinking about it, it must be that Yu Xuanji had only come here, and could no longer move forward.

Ling Tian raised his head, shot towards the sword intent, and looked forward.

After dragging the sword intent to raging, the mottled sword light, Ling Tian suddenly saw that in the depths of this space, it seemed that there was a sword cultivating the sword, standing proudly, looking up at the world.

Invincible momentum, who is it.

Just a glance caused Ling Tian's heart and soul to be shaken.

Above the Daoji, the illusion of the beginning, also suddenly boiled.

It's like being stimulated by something!

One hundred thousand sword shadows are even more so, I can't wait to break out directly, and go straight to the ghost.

Who is that? !

Ling Tian's heart shook wildly, what a stalwart figure this figure was.

With a sword, it seems to be able to control a world.

Its peerless posture makes everyone feel ashamed.

But what made Ling Tian even more shocked was that he always felt that this figure was familiar.

But in his impression, it seems that no sword repairman can possess such a lunatic.

The way, the figure holding the sword suddenly turned around and looked at it. Although it was only a side face, it made Ling Tian not only step back two steps.

How does this sword bearer look so similar to himself? !

In other words, the hazy figure on the foundation of the Heqi Seaway also has the same divine essence permeating.

When Ling Tian still wanted to watch, the light and shadow suddenly disappeared.

What followed was a more violent sword attack.


Ling Tian snorted and glanced at the fragment of the Dragon Abyss sword in his hand. When Xiao Lei blew himself up, what pain he suffered! ?

These swords are brilliant, how can he take a step back?

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