Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2088: Human race is at stake

The frontier of the human race on the western frontier.

Eighteen towns, Shuofang City.

Here, a few years ago, there was an attack by the four alien races. That battle almost wiped out the eighteenth town on the border of Western Xinjiang.

Shuofang City was the weakest city at that time. If it weren't for Ling Tian and others rushed to it, they would unite with the Fuyun Sword Sect disciples to repel the alien race.

Shuofang City has long been reduced to ruins.

After that, Ling Tian and Zhao Min walked out of Shuofang City and successively in Haoran City. South China City created a great reputation and became the son of South China City. Later, it was even more rumored that the former Miss Zhang family Lu Zhi Rumor, became the saint of Wushuang City.

There are three saints in one city, which is unique even in the past and present.

This made Shuofangcheng's fame, and many strong people came here.

But less than a year after the opening of Shengxian Road, the entire human race was trampled and attacked by foreign troops one after another.

The alien coalition forces are fierce, and there are hundreds of ethnic groups. Only the eighteen major towns in Western Xinjiang face more than a dozen alien coalition attacks.

The coming is menacing, far better than all previous battles.

The Eighteen Towns, except for Haoran City and Shuofang City, were destroyed almost instantly, causing numerous human casualties.

Blood flows into a river.

In Shuofang City, Zhang Shuo, who had become the lord of the city, led the human army to resist stubbornly.

However, he was also desperate in the face of a foreign army that was several times or even dozens of times larger than his own.

In the catastrophe a few years ago, it was Ling Tian and Zhao Min who returned to rescue Shuofang City from distress.

But now, the Tianjiao of the human race has entered the road to ascend to immortality.

And the ten holy cities have all suffered the impact of foreign races, how can the terrible place of Shuofang City resist the tiger and wolf teachers of foreign races! ?

"City Lord! Heaven is going to destroy my human race!"

In the city, the general of Shuofang City roared bloody.

"Human soldiers, I, Shuofang City and Haoran City, are the only two remaining cities in the Eighteen Towns of Western Xinjiang. Even if all of them are killed in battle, we are the last heroes of the Human Race and the heroes of all the warriors of the Western Xinjiang. We are not afraid of foreign races. !"


Zhang said he was holding the spear with one hand, and the other arm had been broken.

On the wall, the tens of thousands of warriors who have been promoted have their eyes torn apart.

In Shuofang City, at this time there were hundreds of thousands of human warriors rushing from all directions. Shuofang City was powerful because it had three sages.

But now, it seems it can't hold it anymore.

Seeing that the foreign race army was about to smash the defensive formation, the warriors above and below the city were already desperate.


At this moment, outside the city of Shuofang, a formation suddenly manifested in the space.

Even the harsh hum was loud.

The next moment, on the city wall, all the warriors were dumbfounded to see the alien army all over the mountains and plains, and they were all petrified into statues, and then a gust of wind flew over and transformed into a desert.

Looking at the endless sand sea in front of them, all warriors couldn't believe their eyes.

This is just so vicious, is it about to slaughter the alien army coming into the city?

This is no more than a blink of an eye, it's gone! ?

Zhang said holding the spear. If it weren't for the pain from his wounds and the blood falling from the spear, he really thought that everything in front of him was a dream.

"City Lord, what is going on?"

General You Dixian asked startledly.

"You ask me, where do I know!?"

Zhang said that he was also puzzled. Looking at this method, it was neither like Lu Zhiyao nor Ling Tian.

Who on earth will come to rescue Shuofang City.


Everyone was puzzled, and hundreds of figures suddenly appeared in front of Shuofang City.

They seem to manifest out of thin air, silently.

All the figures, all with thin silver armor and wings, were covered under the visor.

Hundreds of figures are uniform, even tall, short, fat and thin.

"This this……"

"You, who are you?"

Zhang said and others were shocked.

Their cultivation base is not low, but they have never faced the situation of hundreds of immortals directly.

"I am waiting for the Immortal Guardian of the Illusion Land, by the order of my lord Ling Tian, ​​to solve the siege of Fangcheng!"

"Now that the foreign army of Shuofang City has been destroyed, I invite you human martial artists to enter the Flying Heaven City and join our lord Ling Tian!"

Among the hundreds of celestial beings, a celestial being walked out and raised his hand. Thousands of miles around Shuofang City suddenly plunged into darkness.

For a moment, all the warriors in the city were frightened.

They raised their heads in amazement, but they suddenly discovered that they didn't know when, a huge city was suspended above their heads, covering the sky and the sun!

They had never seen such a sight in their entire lives.

"This, this, Ling Tian asked you to come!?"

Zhang said that he was already incoherent.

"Exactly, Zhang said that the city lord, it should not be too late, and also invite the warriors in the city to enter the city immediately. By then, you will also see the girl Lu Zhiyao."

That headed Dixian Dao.

"Good, good!"

Zhang said overjoyed.

Almost at the same time, similar situations occurred in Haoran City in West Xinjiang, Nanhua City in Central Region, and Gusu City.

The alien army, which was originally inevitable, was attacked by a mysterious army. The alien coalition army was defeated and almost swept away and resolved.

This is not terrible. What makes them unbelievable is that after the war, above the human race city, there are flying cities of all sizes.

These cities themselves are equipped with extremely powerful Xianyuan giant artillery, wherever they pass, the allied forces of foreign races are irresistible.

So, on the day when the Human Race Building was about to fall, a miracle happened.

Dozens of cities galloped towards the heavenly holy city from all directions.

On a huge city with a radius of thousands of miles.

Yu Xuanji, a disciple of Jinghong Academy, sat leaning on the city gate, carrying a sword on her shoulder, and a cigarette in her mouth.

On the dark brocade clothes, there were still blood stains faintly.

A mouthful of eye circles spit out, her red lips under her veil raised slightly.

"The last box, sure enough, you are back after all."

Yu Xuanji whispered.

She did not die after telling Ling Tian the secret of Falling Abyss, she has already proved that Ling Tian and the old man in the Falling Abyss are absolutely related.

In addition, she had seen the figure standing with a sword in another passage.

It's almost the same as Ling Tian!

Not far from the city, the Dean of Jinghong Academy and Zuo Zongren, the South China City Lord, stood side by side on the city wall, looking at the mountains and rivers flying by below, they couldn't help sighing.

"Ling Tian, ​​he is really a genius of Tianzong!"

Zuo Zongren held his hand, "If it hadn't been for Ling Tian's departure that year, let me take strict precautions against foreign races, I am afraid that it was South China City that would not last for this day."

"Yes, there are also such flying cities with a radius of eight hundred miles. It's really unprecedented. It's amazing!"

Dean Jinghong Shen Lang was even more shocked.

"The human race has Ling Tian, ​​it is the human race's fortune, if our human race can survive this catastrophe, that Ling Tian's deeds will be comparable to the gods." Zuo Zongren chuckled.

"It depends on whether the saved human race is grateful or not."

Shen Lang shook his head, "I'm more worried about the Heavenly City."

"That's the second remaining city among the ten holy cities of our human race. All the elites of the Hundred Alien Races are besieging the Heavenly City. There, what's wrong with the current situation?"

Zuo Zongren took a long breath, "Difficult."

"It is said that this time the Allied Forces of the Hundred Races were initiated by the Hidden Demons in Chiji City, and the number of allied forces almost occupies nearly half of the forces of the alien race."

"There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly immortals, and countless earth immortals. Even the foreign races who have cultivated the golden immortal have gathered as many as a dozen!"

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