Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2095: Yu Xuanji's face [four more]

"Gu Lingxi, what did they do for Ye Mingxiao?"

"Hehe, they don't have that ability." Yu Xuanji shook her head, "It was in the abyss of degeneration. I went to another passage. At the last time, I raised my head and glanced in front of me."

"Jianying cut my face."

"I used blood to engrave my name."

Ling Tian's heart was shocked, "I saw that word."

"You saw the man with the sword? He, isn't it you?" Yu Xuanji looked at Ling Tian's face, "Back then, when I saw your face in the Xuri Tower, I chose to help you."

"I, I don't know if it's me."

Ling Tian couldn't answer this question.

"Don't tell me, I know you have many secrets."

Yu Xuan Ji never entangled.

"But senior sister, can you show your face, maybe, I have a way."

Ling Tian frowned.

Yu Xuanji's face was hurt by Jian Ying, which is really a violent thing, it's a pity.


Yu Xuanji raised his face.

For her face, four years have passed, but in fact, she doesn't care anymore.

Wounded by that terrifying sword shadow, she had used many methods, but they were all useless.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and pressed it on Yu Xuanji's gully face, shaking the shadow of a hundred thousand swords.

The horrible scene appeared.

I saw Yu Xuanji's face, as if there was also a sword shadow swimming in resonance.


It was almost the same as Ling Tian had imagined.

The one hundred thousand sword shadows in the abyss remained on Yu Xuanji's face with sword intent, and for so many years, they have not dissipated. In addition, Yu Xuanji originally repaired the sword, which is equivalent to nourishing with flesh and blood, making those sword shadows stronger and stronger.

How can this be restored on appearance.

But Ling Tian is the body of ten thousand swords.

Under the god-level sword intent, the sword shadow was urged, all the sword shadows merged, and finally turned into a azure blue delicate little sword, condensed on the center of Yu Xuanji's eyebrows, and finally frozen.

Ling Tian's palm fell.

"Senior sister, all right."

Ling Tian raised his big hand, and a light and shadow rose.

Yu Xuanji slowly opened her eyes.

But seeing the way he looked in the light and shadow, in his eyes, in a sudden, the boundless brilliance bloomed.

Ling Tian was also shocked.

Yu Xuan Ji is indeed the first beauty of the human race.

Maybe even Zhao Min Zuo Xianzhi's appearance is inferior to this appearance.

"My face, my physique, my sword intent!"

Yu Xuanji suddenly spoke, and the blue sword shadow in the center of her eyebrows suddenly burst into light, and a powerful sword intent burst out of her body.

Enough to match the power of the top sword world!

Ling Tian used his god-level sword intent to bless the sword shadow remaining on Yu Xuanji’s face.

Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise.

Even Yu Xuanji's physique changed accordingly.

She could see that above her sea of ​​anger, there was suddenly a blue sword shadow floating.

Before this time, there was none.

"Ling Tian, ​​thanks."

"No need to."

Ling Tian veiled Yu Xuanji.

The two stood side by side in front of the city gate, looking at the blue sky above the sea of ​​blood...

A year's time.

Ling Tian returns, Yulong Jinxian.

Destroy millions of enemies, a floating city of blood.

His deeds gradually spread throughout the chaotic battlefield over time.

There are constantly foreign races, and all the races come to join.

In fact, other human races are resistant to alien races.

But Ling Tian had his own ideas.

Under the gate of ascending immortality, Fanjing is so careful that he will definitely not think that he is dead, he must be prepared.

At that time, there will be more Zerg.

Just relying on the human power and the army of Dugu Hanshan is useless.

And these alien races have never participated in this invading human race, and the territory is still far away from the human race.

There has never been any enmity against the human race, so with the addition of millions of warriors from the alien race, he will have more confidence in the battle at the gate of rising immortals.

In one year, almost all the tribes of the alien race had arrived.

The human races in various places have also come out one after another.

Ling Tian's power is getting bigger and bigger, and there are countless strong ones.

In the end, there were more than 30 gold immortals alone.

Moreover, many descendants of Tianjiao have also shown their prominence.

At a young age, he achieved the ultimate human sword repair of the Heavenly Immortal Triple Level, and his talent was even better than that of Sheng Qiye before him.

Human Buddhism disciples who activate the top Taoist body in the body come from the line of Hanshan Temple.

It was discovered that there was a young dragon clan with a trace of pure blood from an ancient beast in his body.

However, these were not as shocking Zhucheng as the Yu Xuanji of the human race.

Because in the eleventh month after Ling Tian descended, Yu Xuanji broke through.

With the ice sword body, it was cultivated to the top of the heavenly immortal, and the golden immortal frost and thunder calamity descended, becoming the only one before the chaotic battlefield returned to the road of ascending immortality.

For a time, many warriors of the same generation were envious.

And all of this, only Yu Xuanji understood that it was Ling Tian who used her sword intent to change her physique a year ago, and that's why she was able to achieve such a golden immortal achievement.

For a time.

Many Tianjiao turned out.

There are no disputes between the various races, and they humbly discuss and seek advice.

Dugu Hanshan is well governed, and the warfare is becoming stronger and stronger.

The chaotic battlefield had a flourishing scene before returning.

Although Yu Xuanji became a heavenly immortal and was the envy of many younger generations, there was one person who was the idol of all younger generations.

Even among alien races, that is an existence that will never be surpassed.

Terran Ling Tian.

Whenever talents of various races pass by the thousand-zhang city among the hundreds of cities, they will look at the huge tower in it.

In that huge tower, there is only one Tianjiao practicing in retreat.

Even the entire city here is thousands of miles away, and no strong people are allowed to approach it. All the golden immortals of the human race guard all around the city, guarding them day and night.

Because here is Ling Tian who retreats.

A fabulous Tianjiao character.

The twelfth month after the triumph of Terran.

The huge tower buzzed suddenly.

With a radius of 100,000 miles, the sky is shaking and the earth is roaring.

The Human Race Jinxian guarding the four sides of the city opened his eyes in that instant and looked at the huge tower in the city. There was a flickering light in his eyes.

With the huge tower as the center, there are thousands of miles of robbery clouds looming.

Ling Tian, ​​are you going to cross the robbery?



Suddenly, swords and dragons reverberated throughout the world, and Ling Tian's figure rose into the sky from inside the huge tower.

With a big wave of his hand, he looked up to the sky and roared, and the cloud of thousands of miles was gradually dispersed.

Don't cross the robbery! ?

All the strong are surprised.

But Ling Tian's voice had already sounded at this moment.

"One year has come, the fleet will set off immediately and return to Shengxian Road!"

The voice of Dugu Hanshan followed closely behind.

"Army, go ahead!"

The sound fell, hundreds of cities, the roar of the earth and the earth shaking, and the clouds rose.

The epic migration begins.

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