Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2015: Last resort

The power of Fanjing seemed to be inexhaustible, and immediately raised his staff again and smashed it down wildly.


The pure Yang finger that Ling Tian sacrificed broke again, and the light of the Zen rod was immortal, blasting Ling Tian down the sky.

Now, Ling Tian's arm is dripping with blood, if it weren't for the protection of the unicorn armband, his arm would be broken even if it was blessed by the Horned Dragon Transformation.

"Ling Tian, ​​accept your fate, you can't stop me!"

Fan Jing's body sneered in the distance.

The stick in his hand kept falling.

With Ling Tian's current state, he was afraid that he would be bombarded and killed if he didn't last long.

"Ling Tian, ​​hold on for a while, when I destroy this zerg, I will help you!"

In the distance, the voice of King Hangu's Dugu Hanshan came.

In his opinion, Ling Tian could not be Fanjing's opponent when he could not overcome the catastrophe to become a golden immortal.

"Haha, no need."

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

He looked at the coming Zen stick, Ling Tian lifted up the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword.

Pure Yang means no good, then in the Longyuan Sword! ?

Today's Seven Star Dragon Abyss is based on the divine weapon Xingchen Sword.

Just now, Ling Tianke hasn't really used the power of this fairy soldier yet!

Immediately, Ling Tian pulled out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss, raised his hand, thousands of stars, gathered on the sword body, the dragon of ten thousand feet broke the dawn, ten thousand swords were condensed, and once again, a sword was cut down.


How sharp and sharp is the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, under the urging of Ling Tian, ​​it directly shreds Fanjing's Zen stick.

Not only that, Jianfeng's god-level sword intent, under the sword of Wanzhang Tongtian, almost tore the shadow of the magic light of Fanjing.


"Why is this sword so sharp!?"

The light of his Zen rod was shattered by Ling Tian's sword, and Fanjing frowned.

He could see that this fairy sword recast by Ling Tian was even more tyrannical than it was a year and a half ago.

!? 0 (

However, it is not so perverted.

His meditation stick was obtained from the Dark Emperor Palace, with sophisticated refining methods, and it is also an extraordinary existence among the golden immortal implements.

But now, it was easily shattered with supernatural powers.

"Hehe, this is just the beginning, now it's up to you, you can stop me a few swords!"

Ling Tian sneered and didn't bother to explain.

Immediately spurred a hundred thousand god-level sword shadows, condensed into a series of swords, and slashed towards Fanjing frantically.

There are countless swords, and every step is bathed in thunder and immortal fire, almost swallowing Fanjing.


Clang clang clang!

Continually blasted around Fanjing.

But this time, Fanjing danced wildly with the stick in his hands, but he could only resist.

In the end, after Ling Tian cut down nearly a hundred sword lights one after another, the Zen stick in Fanjing's hand actually shattered directly.

And Fanjing himself vomited blood.

The dark demon body that it transformed had already been smashed by Ling Tian's sword light, with all the ten thousand feet of the demon shadow.

Under the gate of ascending immortality, Fanjing was already seriously injured.

"Fanjing, evil does not suppress the righteousness. Under my Seven-Star Dragon Abyss, no matter what evil demon you are, you can only do nothing!"

Ling Tian came with a sword.

"I am not convinced, I will not admit defeat!"

"My dark palace, I will never fail!"

Fanjing was unwilling to roar.

"Unbeaten!? In front of me Ling Tian, ​​you can only lose!"

Ling Tian raised his sword and cut it down again.


Sparks splashed, and the Zen stick in Fanjing's hand was completely shattered.

The entire demon body was almost torn into two halves.

Its voice was shaken back a hundred miles.

"No, Dark Palace, don't lose!"

Fan Jing was almost crazy, his hands were condensed, and he attacked Ling Tian without hesitation.


Ling Tian coldly sneered, raised his big hand, offering Jun Lei's big palm, and easily shattered his supernatural powers.

Fanjing's black blood spewed and fell into the void, and it seemed that it was at the end of his life.

"Dark Palace, Zerg!?"

"Chihuahua dog, vulnerable!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, turned around and tens of thousands of sword shadows descended, and fell into the army of the Zerg. How terrifying is Ling Tian's swordsmanship?

Thousands of sword shadows raged, and the Zerg was killed more than 100,000 in an instant, even the Golden Immortal was killed by more than a dozen in an instant.

For a while, the Zerg army was panicked.

Fan Jing is now defeated by Ling Tian, ​​and the latter is already invincible on such a battlefield, completely affecting the balance.

"Pure Yang finger, shock and kill!"

"When I confuse the army of the battlefield, die!"

Ling Tian roared, and then condensed into a pure sun finger to fall, and the target was the Zerg overlord who was fighting with the Hangu King Dugu Hanshan.


The latter was directly swallowed by the pure Yang fingers, and suddenly he burst out with a stern roar, and was seriously injured.

For a moment, Ling Tian's mighty pressure was fully manifested, and with just one person, he broke the balance on the battlefield.

"Xianjun combat power!"

"Today's Ling Tian is absolutely comparable to Xianjun in terms of combat power!"

"Ling Tian, ​​holding the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword, is already invincible on Shengxian Road!"

Everyone looked at Ling Tian, ​​who seemed to be king over the world, not only shocked, but also delighted.

Human Race, Chaos Battlefield has Ling Tian, ​​it is a great blessing.

"Where are the Celestial Soldiers!?"

Under the gate of ascending immortality, Ling Tian suddenly shouted.


In a moment, Murong Ziyan, Zuo Xiao and other six people responded in unison.

At the same time, they flew towards the gate of ascending immortals, and the immortal soldiers flew out to the sky.

Ling Tian sent out the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword, surrounded by six heavenly immortal soldiers.

The seven immortal soldiers turned into mysterious totem textures, and in a short time, the gate of ascending immortals trembles, faintly, with signs of tearing apart.

Is the gate of ascension going to be opened?

Suddenly, on the battlefield, the army in the chaotic battlefield was overjoyed.

This battle was even simpler than they thought!

"Ling Tian, ​​I will never let you succeed. Compared with me, you are so much worse!"

However, after being cut down to the sky by Ling Tian, ​​Fan Jing, who had disappeared, suddenly heard a voice.

And the remaining millions of Zerg army, suddenly full of combat power, the next moment, unexpectedly blew themselves.

The roar of millions of Zergs' self-detonation resounded in the void like thunder.

This surprised the army in the melee battlefield.

Seeing the Zerg army retreating after exploding, it was dumbfounded, and the army that blew into a group of black blood, unexpectedly gathered again in front of the gate of ascending immortality.

The incarnation is almost ten thousand li long, the dark phantom, almost completely covering the gap in the gate of ascending immortals.

The dark phantom turned into a hideous and terrifying head.

"Ling Tian, ​​this is the blood sacrifice formation of my dark palace, under the shadow of the demon god."

"Don't you want to enter the gate of rising immortals, I will use the power of the Zerg clan to blow up this place!"

"Haha, I can't get out, you guys don't want to get out either!"

The demon head sneered.

When Ling Tian, ​​Dugu Hanshan and others saw this, they all frowned.

Sure enough, there is a last resort for this brahma!

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