Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2030: Mingyue leaves

"By the way, how did you become the Immortal King of the Celestial Clan? Moreover, the cultivation base has advanced so fast!?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

Ling Tian knew Qin Mingyue's talent.

But if you want to cultivate to the realm of the immortal king, you can't just rely on talent. A Tianjiao like Qin Mingyue wants to cultivate to the realm of the immortal king, and the resources needed are massive.

That would be an extremely terrible number.

"Well, I still want to ask you, do you know, for example, today's Clan Vast Sky Great Emperor, who is the goddess in the Jiuli Emperor's Palace?"

Qin Mingyue raised her eyebrows.

"Goddess of Jiuli Imperial Palace?" Ling Tian shook his head.

"Well, the status of the goddess of the imperial palace is equivalent to that of Emperor Wutian Wu's heir. Compared with her, I am still far behind."

"At the beginning, after I ascended to the upper realm, I landed at the junction of Jiuli and Hua-Xia Xianzhou. It was the imperial palace goddess who sent the golden immortal to receive me from Jiuli to the imperial palace. I have always been in the imperial palace with the goddess Cultivation, that’s why it is possible to achieve the immortal king so quickly."

Qin Mingyue nodded.

"Who is the goddess!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"You really don't know?" Qin Mingyue looked at Ling Tian's ignorant look, and suddenly smiled: "The goddess's surname is Tantai, and her name is Jinzhu."

"What? The imperial goddess is Jin Zhu!"

Ling Tian was immediately dumbfounded when he heard this.

The astonishment on his face was beyond words.

Who can imagine that the virgin, soft and quiet Tantai Jinzhu who used to be in his own Taoyuan, turned out to be the imperial goddess who is now aloft! ?

Moreover, she is the goddess of the heavenly race.

The Celestial Clan is recognized as the strongest race among the Seven Great Immortals.

Wudi Wutian in his imperial palace is also an existence close to the great emperor's combat power.

If the goddess is really Tantai Jinzhu, then its status is indeed incomparable to Qin Mingyue.

"Yes, when I knew it was her, I was really scared."

"But this is the case, and Jin Zhu has always been protecting me, otherwise, I am in the Celestial Clan, and it will be difficult for me to move."

"So, Xiang Gong, you don't need to worry about me now. With Jin Zhu around, no one dares to move me."

"Also, Jin Joo misses you too, but it is more difficult for her to see you than me."

Qin Mingyue sighed.

"I know that she is a goddess, and it is inappropriate to see me, a little human golden fairy. Don't worry, I will grow up as soon as possible."

Ling Tian tightened Qin Mingyue's hand, "Let's go, get out."


Qin Mingyue could feel the stubbornness in Ling Tian's heart, and now it was hard to say anything.

The Baolian Lantern was removed, and the figures of the two appeared in front of everyone again.

"The Moon Immortal King is out!"

"They were inside, what did they say?!"

"This human race is looking for death!"

Seeing the appearance of Qin Mingyue and Ling Tian, ​​the immortal monarchs of the Celestial Clan were extremely excited.

They couldn't tolerate it, and the Jinxian and Yuexian King of Human Race were alone.


Qin Shaoyang saw it, and hurried forward, calling out in a low voice.

"Well, the others are okay!? Who has soared up?"

Ling Tian nodded and asked.

"A lot, Long Xuan, Little Dragon Girl, and Ran Hongfu have all ascended, but Liu Yiyi, Master Li's sisters, and Ling Nian haven't ascended yet, but counting the time, it should be fast. Now ascending is really much easier. "

"Oh, right, the lord of the Southern Tang and the ancestors of the Ling family have all ascended a long time ago. I heard that they are in Dayan."

"Although I am in the Celestial Clan with my sister, I have connections with them. If they know that you have come to the Seven Great Immortals, they will be very happy."

Qin Shaoyang thought for a while.

"It's safe."

Ling Tian was noncommittal.

Liu Yiyi and others have not yet ascended, so he still has a chance.

He absolutely can't, lagging behind everyone.

"You kid, practice hard, otherwise, I will catch up soon." Ling Tian hammered Qin Shaoyang in the shoulder.

"Hey, I can't compare with you at all, but brother-in-law, how do you plan to go next? Or, go back to the Celestial Clan with me!?"

Qin Shaoyang said with a smile.

"Heaven!?" Ling Tian shook his head, "I am Human."

Before, Murong Ziyan did not enter the Celestial Clan in the name of the Human Race, but now they can go to the Celestial Race.

Besides, Qin Mingyue's reputation in the Celestial Clan is too strong. He doesn't want to cultivate under Qin Mingyue's halo. One day, he will go to the Celestial Clan to pick up Qin Mingyue and come back.

"Then... only Dawei is left. This Human Race Immortal Dynasty can be considered tyrannical. Among them, there are many arrogances. You should like it." Qin Shaoyang scratched his head and suggested.

"Da Wei...no, I killed a Da Wei fairy three days ago, ha ha." Ling Tian curled his lips.

"This, brother-in-law is ruthless to you, kill the fairy when he comes."

"However, this is not easy. To tell the truth, I don't like Da Song and Da Jin very much. You can't just go to Dayan and find your ancestor, right?"

Qin Shaoyang squeezed his chin, and said, "No, no, Dayan is at the far north. It's too far from here. You don't have a year or a half to make it through."

"Huh? Brother-in-law, I have a good suggestion, maybe you can go to that place!"


His eyes lit up suddenly.


Ling Tian also looked over,

"Chu State!"

Qin Shaoyang smashed his hand and said, "Brother-in-law, you just arrived, maybe you don’t understand yet. We just came from the Chu country. This fairy country was once a powerful force in China-Xia Xianzhou, and was later destroyed by the dark imperial palace. Now, at the junction of these two states, I have also fallen to the ground. In the fairy country, there are many immortal kings and immortal monarchs, and the inheritance of martial arts is still there.

"The most important thing is that Chu State has always been at odds with Dawei, and Chu State has annexed the surrounding immortal kingdoms and became the ambition of Da Chu, the fifth immortal dynasty of the human race. Therefore, they are just using people, even if they know that you kill There is no problem with a fairy of Wei."

"Da Wei, never dare to blatantly go to Da Chu to find your trouble."


Ling Tian touched his nose, "Da Chu... it sounds pretty good."

"Okay, this trip, I will go to Da Chu, it's getting late, you and your sister, it's time to leave."

Ling Tian patted Qin Shaoyang on the shoulder.

"Good! Brother-in-law, you can't let us wait too long!"

Qin Shaoyang sighed last, and then backed away.

"Take care."

Ling Tian looked at Qin Mingyue again.

"Well, I will miss you."

Qin Mingyue's complexion was hidden under the veil, but she could still see the deep reluctance in her eyes.

But now Ling Tian really can't be with her.

After taking a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​Qin Mingyue's eyes were cold again, and he turned back holding his sword.

"Heaven Clan Immortal Monarch, leave with me!"

With a soft drink, those Celestial Immortal Monarchs who wanted to trouble Ling Tian could only glared at Ling Tian, ​​and finally returned to the great formation together with Qin Mingyue, turned into a ray of light, soared into the sky, and disappeared.

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