Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2033: The repair base skyrocketed the border of Chu State [Three Thousand Da

Excited Ling Tian didn't want to waste it. When Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi were called in, the three of them occupied a room on the first floor and began to practice.

Now, in Ling Tian's hands, there is still this large amount of Immortal Ascension Pill from killing the Zerg race.

These golden pills are massive, enough for the three of them to practice for a long time.

There is no shortage of cultivation resources for the time being.

On the first floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian took out a million yuan ascending elixir, transformed into a river of immortals, and turned around.

The sea of ​​qi shook wildly, the inner strength mental method was activated, and the energy of Xianhe began to swallow wildly.

Now that it takes half a year to reach the border of Chu State, Ling Tian wants to use this time to increase his cultivation as much as possible, so that he can reach Chu in the future, and strive to improve his cultivation. By then, he will feel confident A lot more, then we are fighting for resources and we have more chances of winning.


The formation moves, the cents gather.


Jindan refining, the medicine power is rolling!

Cultivation must continue!

Clouds and clouds, white horses pass the gap, time is like a Juanjuan stream, flowing silently, and in a blink of an eye, a year has passed from the outside world, in the Pagoda of Four Elephants, sixty years have already passed!

In the Four Elephant Pagoda, hundreds of thousands of liters of Immortal Gold Pills simultaneously release the extremely strong immortal energy. Even though the immortal elements emitted from each one are insignificant, the immortal wave formed by the gathering is huge and quite frightening. People, madly surging endlessly.

In the first floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda, Xian Yuan condensed into a river of thick and viscous, almost turned into a solid, Ling Tian sat cross-legged in it, his figure looming, but all the Xian Yuan near him would be swallowed up.

Ling Tian at this moment was like a bottomless pit, and Xianhe crazily gathered in his body.

call out!

call out!

Xianyuan tossed, making a whistling sound.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's body made a horrible roar of Qi Hai, which condensed into a whirlpool above his head, sucking the last fairy river into it frantically.

The Xianhe turned into a sound wave, and gradually disappeared into the first layer of space. In just a few breaths, it was swallowed by a whale, and Ling Tian surrounded by the Xianhe revealed its inner figure.


Spitting out a suffocating breath, Ling Tian slowly got up.

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One year outside, in the Four Elephant Pagoda for sixty years, Ling Tian didn't move, day and night refining and raising the Immortal Golden Pill, and the remaining immortal fire that had not been completely refined.

Now, Ling Tian's accumulated Jindan for Immortal Ascension and the energy of Immortal Fire have all been refined.

Ling Tian also looked inside at this time, and found that the sea of ​​qi had doubled once again, and his cultivation was from the beginning to the golden immortal, and everything went to the middle of the golden immortal.

The earth immortal has nine layers, the heavenly immortals have six layers, and the golden immortals have three layers.

It took Ling Tian half a year to go from the early stage of the Golden Immortal to the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, which was scary enough, especially with Ling Tian's talent and the difficulty of advanced cultivation level, which was unmatched by others.

Therefore, such a speed is really already, quite horrible.

However, Ling Tian was not satisfied with this.

In the middle of the golden fairy period, when will you become a fairy king, or even a fairy king?

"Resources are still too few."

Ling Tian stood in front of the window and let out a long sigh.

The Immortal Ascension Gold Pill has been exhausted, but for Ling Tian, ​​high-level fire is the purest resource that makes the cultivation base skyrocket.

But the fire can never be met, and Ling Tian can't help it.

"Wait for Chu State, first look for news about Tinder."

Ling Tianzheng thought about it. Outside the door, Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi came together.

Now, because of the sixty times the time flow rate of the Four Elephant Pagoda, the two women's cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

Even surpassed Ling Tian.

Zhao Minxiu is the highest, and now he is about to reach the mid-Golden Immortal peak.

Zuo Xianzhi first crossed the catastrophe to become a golden immortal, and then also entered the middle stage.

The resources of the Immortal Ascension Pill that Ling Tian left for the two daughters were too rich.

"Ling Tian, ​​we have been at the border of going abroad for half a year."

Zhao Min spoke.

"Oh? Really, it was already here."

Ling Tian looked at the sky of Taoyuan and found that Taoyuan should have fallen into a canyon.

Obviously, Tao Yaoyao was also waiting for Ling Tian to leave.

"Let's go, go to see and see, the town of Chu State."

Ling Tian held his hand and walked out.

Under the huge peach tree, Ling Tian suddenly stopped.

Now, under this peach tree, there are already all kinds of fairy grass.

Among them, all are rare things, and even many of them are extinct orphans in the outside world.

The most eye-catching thing is the refined wheat field.

That's right, it's the wheat field.

It's just that these wheat-like fruits are like golden beads, and the wind blows, and a golden sea wave rises.

And these are the Valley of Eternal Life!

Ling Tian took a deep breath. He never thought that the Linggu that Tao Yaoyao planted many years ago has now become so many!

This is a **** of heaven and earth!

Although it is not considered an orphan in the Seven Great Immortals, but in sum, I am afraid that there are not as many as in Taoyuan today! ?

If I sell all these longevity valleys, can I get a fairy dynasty in exchange for it! ?

It's not difficult to think about it.



However, the wheat field was surging, and suddenly there were two lights and shadows, one black and one white.

Ling Tian frowned, but discovered that these two lights turned out to be Xiaoqing and Xiaobai!

Xiao Qing, who was originally huge and hideous, now turned into an appearance the size of a butcher dog, flapping fleshy wings out, while Xiao Bai shuddered and chased him.

Xiaobai was the little cat who followed Ling Tian after Ling Tian descended into the chaotic battlefield.

After that, Xiaobai stayed with Tao Yaoyao.

Ling Tian hadn't paid much attention to it before, but now he discovered that Xiaobai's white fluff was faintly glowing with golden light, and the crescent ball above his head was also blooming with divine light.

Even his bloodline aura can suppress Xiaoqing!

what's going on.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and suddenly found that the corners of Xiao Bai's mouth still had green grass juice remaining.

It turned out that after being embraced by Tao Yaoyao, Xiao Bai often ate all kinds of immortal grasses, and even the sap of the Longevity Spirit Valley. With such a large supplement, it is really strange that the bloodline does not evolve.

Xiao Qing was thrown out like a thief, and with a swish, he ran behind Ling Tian.

The small eyes looked at the screaming Xiao Bai who arched in horror.

"Xiaoqing, you're here to steal the Valley of the Longevity Spirit again!"

Tao Yaoyao also chased it out at this time, and said with her arms akimbo.

It turned out that Xiaoqing was eating the Valley of the Longevity Spirit and was discovered.

"Ahem, that, Xiaoqing is wrong, it will be charged to my account!"

Ling Tian coughed slightly, put Xiaoqing in the sign, and walked out of Taoyuan.

"Smelly Lingtian! Do you have any account with me!"

On the border of Chu State, inside a hidden gorge, from the outside, the valley is ordinary, with faint clouds and mists, trees looming, and a quiet and peaceful scene. Even if a warrior passes by, it is absolutely impossible to notice the strangeness.

On this day, the sky was clear, the blue sky was like washing, and the valley was surrounded by clouds and mist. Three rays of light shot out from it, pierced through the sky, and went straight to a human city thousands of miles away.

These three escape lights are Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi.

Among them, Ling Tian held his hand, and Tsing Yi, who was indistinguishable from Zhao Min, had white hair flying, with an aura of extinction.

Zuo Xianzhi is holding a guqin, and is usually fluttering in white, very pleasant.

Thousands of miles away, is the border of Chu State, a huge city named Tianlan.

Although it is only a border city, it is not only bordered by the immortal kingdom swept down by the dark imperial palace, but also connected with the Zhao Kingdom and the Great Wei. It is a strategic place where the four realms meet. There have been many warriors in the past, and the city is tough. Magnificent.

Nowadays, the Chu country is in chaos, and the internal vassals are constantly in chaos. Not only the left and right Zhao Guo and the big Wei are looking at them, but also the dark army on the opposite side has been fighting for years.

Therefore, in Tianlan City, a large number of human warriors gathered, not only from the Chu Kingdom, but also from other immortal warriors, either with the human army, or forming a team, going deep into the territory of the dark demons and hunting foreign races. The warrior, or looking for relics, hunting down monsters, and then returning to Tianlan City to trade treasures.

Such a heavy burden made Tianlan City extremely prosperous.

Here, the elixir spirit treasure, dragon blood and phoenix feather, almost everything can be found.

Not so, in Tianlan City, it is said that the top immortal monarch with combat power comparable to the immortal king sits in town. The guard is tightly guarded. Within the city, fighting is strictly prohibited. This is also one of the reasons that attracts a large number of warriors to gather here.

When the three Ling Tian arrived at Tianlan City, they also took a breath.

Even the Heavenly Saint City of the Chaos Battlefield Human Race, compared with this Heavenly Lan City, it is nothing more than that.

What's more terrifying is that above this city, there are huge horrible forts everywhere, and on each of the city bricks, there are prohibition runes, flashing light, these prohibitions are condensed into a large array, making Tianlan City as solid as gold.

Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and his eyes showed appreciation. This Chu Kingdom's Tianlan City ban was quite mysterious and surprisingly powerful. Relying on the formation method, if nothing unexpected happened, it would definitely be able to resist the general immortal king. The defender is extremely strong.

"Ling Tian, ​​I'm afraid it won't be so easy to enter the city."

Zhao Min looked at Lancheng Gate that day.

Unlike the cities they had seen in the past, Tianlan City did not have a gate to enter it, and one had to enter it from under the city wall with hundreds of formations.

The formation method can first detect the blood of the warrior. ‘

The spies of the Dark Demons cannot enter it at all.

"We are humans."

Zuo Xianzhi frowned.

"What I worry about is, Da Wei."

Zhao Min frowned.

"It's okay, if you block me, kill it!"

Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and flew down directly from the sky.

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