Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2036: Join the clan horror firm

Everyone was puzzled, Ling Tian refused directly.

All the warriors looked at Ling Tian and shook their heads.

This guy's spirits are too high.

Even the Qinghong Gang can't look down on it! ?


Ling Tian's categorical refusal made Zhang Miao's face a bit uncontrollable.

However, he really liked Ling Tian's character and combat power. If these three people joined, he would be more certain if he wanted to come and go to the dragon clan lair.

"Ahem, brother Ling Tian, ​​I know that the three of you are heroes of the world. Maybe you just came to Chu country and don’t know the reputation of my Qinghong Gang, but what do you say, it’s the first time you arrived in Tianlan City. Familiar, it’s hard to avoid trouble by yourself. Why not, the three of you will join our team temporarily, and we will take care of each other. Even if we make friends, how about!?"

Zhang Miao sighed and looked at Ling Tian eagerly.

It looks like a deep-bodied grieving woman.

Ling Tian couldn't help but couldn't help it.

"Then..." Ling Tian and Zhao Min glanced at each other, and finally nodded, "Well, then trouble Brother Zhang Miao."

Ling Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the noise of the surrounding warriors. The reason why he agreed to join the team was the choice he made after weighing the pros and cons.

First of all, after entering the team, he can grasp the information about the current situation as soon as possible. Secondly, after joining the team, he will be able to get a brand new identity, and there will be a lot less trouble since then. Before he has enough information, he is unwilling to reveal his identity prematurely, otherwise he is afraid that it will cause trouble. Moreover, even if he joined the team, he was not regarded as helping the Qinghong gang, and he could leave at any time. Coupled with Zhang Miao's kindness, it was hard for him to refuse.

"Haha, no trouble, no trouble!" Seeing Ling Tian promised, Zhang Miao was overjoyed.

He grinned, stretched out his hand to pat Ling Tian's shoulder, and said, "Welcome to join us!" This joy is extremely sincere, not like a fake.

"I'll introduce you to the members of the team. This is the Zhiduo star Wu Yong of our team. Hahaha, he is the weakest in combat power, but he is not really useless. There are many ghost ideas. This is Qiu Xian with a dragon. The Hushan Taoist sect is inherited, and the combat power is not weak and comparable to the fairy monarch, this is Qiu Shui sister, the goddess of our team! Haha!"

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​don’t worry, our reputation is well known in Tianlan City. Everyone is a knight and righteous generation, and has never bullied the weak. The dark demon gold immortals who died in our hands, there are not one thousand, there are eight. Hundreds!"

Although Zhang Miao's words are straightforward, they are listenable and very cordial.

Ling Tian nodded and pointed to the two women behind him, "My wife is Zhao Min, and I am a student of Zuo Xianzhi."

The three of them looked at the people behind Zhang Miao.

Wu Yong, with a fair complexion, dressed in a long robe, and middle-aged, with a Ruoyouruowu smile on his face, and his eyes flashed from time to time, and he seemed very shrewd.

Qiu Xian, with a solemn expression, did not smile, dressed in a soapy yellow Taoist robe, carrying a Taoist long sword, with a lingering fairy light bursting out of its scabbard, his rank was not low.

The woman on the left, Qiushui, is as her name suggests, she is slender, with fair skin in a long aqua skirt, and a pair of water-cut pupils, watery and extremely attractive.

Among the four, only Zhang Miao was the cultivation base of the first-time immortal monarch, and the other three were all in the late golden immortal period.

Ling Tian nodded and greeted him, and he was willing to join, because although these people had very different auras, there was no evil in their eyes, otherwise he would not be with them.

And the three of Wu Yong were also quite enthusiastic about Ling Tian and others. Qiu Shui even pulled Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi to introduce them. Women became familiar with each other much faster than men.

"Hahaha, very good, very good, by the way, Brother Lingtian, do you have a place to go during your trip!?"

Zhang Miao laughed.

"Um, I wanted to find an inn to settle down." Ling Tian said.

"That's not enough. We have a place to stay. It is a hundred times stronger than those inns. However, we must first dispose of the trophies in our hands, or else, you will follow me and wait for a visit to the firm!?" Zhang Miao waved his hand.

"The firm!?"

Ling Tian heard the words, thought about it, and agreed.

He happened to want to go to the firm too, maybe he could find high-grade fire and dragon blood, maybe.

"Then go now, there are too many people here!"

The seven people gathered in one place, all of them fleeing, and then turning into a scared rainbow, whizzing forward.

Tianlan City is so large that it can fly even within the city, but in all special areas, there are special array restrictions and it is impossible to fly.

Along the way, Ling Tian was observing this important border town.

The roads are neat and tidy, some kind of low fairy grass is planted on the side of the road. Although it is not precious, the fragrance has a calming effect. The ground is paved with bluestone slabs, and there are many buildings on both sides. The streets are quite crowded. lively.

Shops, restaurants, auction houses, and even brothels for fun and pleasure are all available in this gathering spot.

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After arriving at a square city near the center of Tianlan City, the seven fell into the light and walked inside.

There are not many shops here, but each of them occupies a huge area, and the building is magnificent. It is obvious at a glance that it is an extremely high-end store.

Even Ling Tian found Tianyi Auction House in it!

The Ascension Alliance is really strong. With the current situation of the human race, within a city on the border of Chu State, there are still businesses of the Ascension Alliance.

"Brother Lingtian, this Tianlan City is at the junction of the Four Kingdoms, and it is the closest city to the deep mountain battlefield outside the Great Wall. Therefore, there are many warriors in the city, even from various immortal kingdoms, where dragons and snakes are mixed. You must be careful when you act in the future. . Don’t be calculated. In the future, you will know that sometimes, the trifles of the Sanshan Gang are actually the best to deal with."

Zhang Miao said as he walked.


Ling Tian nodded. Although Zhang Miao looked rough and mad, he still acted extremely meticulously.

A group of seven people, even if they didn't show off their flight, the degree was still near the extreme. After passing through a few streets, dozens of miles away in an instant, everyone appeared in front of a large business house.

It was even bigger than the Tianyi Auction House that Ling Tian had just seen.

There is a constant flow of people in front of the firm, and there are plaques on the gate, and the reputation of the firm is precious.

The name is a bit tacky, but the four big characters on it are as sharp as a blade, and a tyrannical sword intent pervades it, as if written by a god.

Standing under the firm, Ling Tian stared at the plaque, as if he saw a powerful immortal, holding a war blade in his hand, standing on the sky, boundless domineering.

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