Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2038: Not the blue dragon

Zhao Min also looked over, and Xuan Even and Ling Tian approached the counter.

Sure enough, he found that the fat man was holding two dragon scales in his hands.

The dragon scales are very small, only the palm of the hand. It looks like they should be fragments of dragon scales.

The scales are not very shiny and somewhat pale.

"How? Dude, you have been watching for so long, can you identify it now!?"

Seeing that fat man kept watching, Zhang Miao gradually became impatient.

"Zhang Miao, don't worry, I really can't see these scales!"

"How did you get this scale at the time, you can see the dragon clan!? Or, you killed the dragon clan, what about other things, dragon muscles, dragon bones, and even dragon blood!?"

The fat man frowned.

Ling Tian also looked at Zhang Miao.

"Of course we don't have the ability to kill that dragon clan. If it is a blue dragon, the cultivation base is very likely to be close to the top immortal monarch. How did we fight it?"

"It's just that we did see a dragon, but the dragon was hidden in a canyon, and it was so far away that it was too far away to see clearly."

"These few scales were stolen from our nest in the valley after nine deaths!"

Zhang Miao spread his hands, looking a little helpless.

"You are not sure..."

The fat man frowned and muttered, "However, how do I look at these scales, it doesn't look like a blue dragon!"

"Can you do it, didn't you just say that your eyes are like electricity!?" Qiu Shui was impatient.

"The steward, can you show me!?"

At this moment, Ling Tian on the side suddenly spoke.

Fatty Guan Shi and Zhang Miao and others all made a sound.

"This is!? Why does it look so strange?" The fat man was puzzled, and only then noticed Ling Tian.

However, the cultivation base that Ling Tian revealed now was only in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, so Fatty didn't pay attention to it.

"This is a new teammate of our team."

Zhang Miao snatched a dragon scale and handed it to Ling Tian, ​​"Brother, would you still identify this thing?"

"I don't quite understand, just take a look."

Ling Tian shook his head, but did not admit it.

He held the dragon scale in his hand, and the dragon blood in his body began to surge.

After a while, Ling Tian opened his eyes, but the pupils inside them suddenly shrank, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Brother, what!?"

Both Zhang Miao and the fat man looked over.

"Not the scales of Canglong."

Ling Tian put the scales back.

Although this dragon scale looks gray-white, it is not a blue dragon. Its color is due to the disappearance of the dragon's breath.

However, Ling Tian used his dragon bloodline to sense, but discovered that the master of this dragon scale, the bloodline is pure and noble, and even far surpasses the blue dragon!

"It's not Canglong!?" Zhang Miao, Wu Yong and others looked at each other, and secretly asked if Ling Tian was too speechless.

Now they are here to sell things, isn't this tearing down the stage! ?

The fat man shrugged his shoulders with a clear expression.

"Brother Zhang is not anxious. Although this scale is not a Canglong dragon scale, if I am not mistaken, this dragon scale should be a dragon with a rank far above the Canglong dragon, and its value is even more extraordinary!"

"In other words, the dragon you saw is probably a Panlong or a Qinglong!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and everyone was shocked!

Qinglong or Panlong! ?

The fat man was stunned, and then he stopped saying: "The green dragon should be a dragon!? Do you guy know, what level of dragon is that!?"

"Naturally know that among the dragons in the Seven Great Immortals, the first grade is the ordinary pterodactyl, the second grade is the flying dragon, the third grade is the five-color dragon family, the fourth grade is the Tianlong family, and the fifth grade is the Shenlong family."

"Among them, the horned dragon belongs to the top level of the second-tier flying dragon, and then the blue dragon, the ben dragon, and the blue dragon are all five-color dragons. This kind of dragon bloodline can be regarded as the elite of the dragon family. Among them, the dragons such as the blue dragon, the yellow dragon, and the red dragon are even more of the five-color dragon family. The bloodline of the king in the middle, many five-color dragons have the realm of immortal kings. The next fourth grade Tianlong clan is the top bloodline of the dragon clan, including Yinglong and various colored dragons, all of which are at the level of the lord of the major dragon clan, fifth Pinnai belongs to the Shenlong clan, and dragons of this level exist in legends."

"Ao Qianchen, the Wudi Wudi of the Dragon Clan in Qingchen Xianzhou Imperial Palace, is the first rank of the fifth-rank Shenlong, but it is the Nine Heavens Shenlong Clan. On top of it, there are the Primordial Dragon Clan and the Primordial True Dragon Clan."

Ling Tian took the dragon scales and talked freely. The secrets of these dragons were still told to him by the ancient king Dugu Hanshan.

Because the Nine Transformation of the True Dragon requires nine types of dragon blood bones, including nine types of dragons from the second to the fifth level. After the horned dragon is transformed, it is the Canglong Transformation, and after the Canglong, it is the Panlong.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you little brother, you know a lot, even the primordial dragon clan and the Primordial True Dragon."

A hint of surprise flashed in the fat man's eyes, but he didn't expect that Ling Tian could really say it.

"I also know a little bit. Although this dragon scale is pale white, the dragon breath in it is definitely not something that Canglong can possess. Therefore, I guess it may be a beautified dragon or a five-color dragon."

"But no matter which one is, its value is far beyond what Canglong can compare, right?"

Ling Tian looked at the fat man in charge.

After a few words, the four Zhang Miao who listened to them were stunned. They often went on adventures outside, but they were not very proficient in such identification treasures.


Immediately, Qiu Shui raised his eyebrows and said, "Fatty, if you hear it, you can't try to fool us. This dragon scale is more valuable than the scale of the blue dragon!"

"This... that said, but after all, there is no dragon blood or breath in this dragon scale, only the tenacity of the dragon scale can still be used."

The fat man groaned, "So, Brother Zhang, I take a dragon scale and ask our third shopkeeper to see how much money he can give, how?"

"Uh, it's okay, but you have to hurry up, we don't have time to wait for you." Although Zhang Miao was impatient, but in order to sell more immortal stones, he could only agree.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will come as soon as I go, wait a while."

After all, the fat man disappeared behind the counter.

"Brother Lingtian, I didn't expect you to know so much. If we weren't there today, we might have been fooled by this fat man. You don't know, this guy looks silly, but in fact, he is very refined. The price received the treasure from the warrior, and then sold it to the boss at a high level. Over the years, he has not been fishing for immortal stones." Zhang Miao looked at Ling Tian gratefully.

Ling Tian smiled slightly, "It's okay, after all, I am a member of the team now."

"By the way, you guys are really in the middle of the mountains and saw that dragon clan!!?"

Ling Tian asked.

Although the dragon clan is not a blue dragon, if it is really a blue dragon, it will be of great use to Ling Tian. At the very least, it can be stored and kept for a blue dragon transformation in the future, which is also quite good.

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