Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2041: Can't get around the Ascension Alliance [four more]

"I came today to sell things, why? In front of so many fellow warriors, your Jubao Firm wanted to hack my things?"

The charming woman said coldly.

"Hahaha, if there is sister Feng, it's just a pill, I'll give it to you!"

The son gave a long laugh, and threw the jade slip over.

"Haha, no, only ten million top-grade immortal stones!"

The Jiao Han woman took the Yu Jian and left directly.

Above the counter, the young man in white squinted his eyes slightly, with a stern look on his face, flashed past, and even disappeared in front of everyone.

"Brother Zhang, what is the background of these two people!?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Actually, I have been hanging around in Tianlan City for decades, and I have never seen these two tianjiaos, but looking at the appearance of the young man, he looks like a member of the Jubao Firm!"

"Could it be those three shopkeepers?" Zhao Min raised his eyebrows.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but nod their heads.

This young man's cultivation base was at the peak of the late Golden Immortal stage. Judging from his temperament and talent, it was very likely that he was the third treasurer of the fat man.

"The woman has a great tone. It seems that her status and background should not be inferior to that of the young man. It's really a trench, ten million high-grade immortal stones, and she doesn't even blink her eyes." Wu Yong tsked.

"Don't gossip, let's choose our own things quickly!"

Autumn waterway.


All four of them chose a lot of things, but when they were counted together, the immortal stones that each of them got were not enough.

"How to do!?"

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Wu Yong frowned, then looked at the three Ling Tian.

"Don't look at me, my pocket is cleaner than my face." Ling Tian spread his hands.

If he had money, he wouldn't be standing here anymore.


Finally, Zhang Miao pursed his lips and said, "Among the four of us, my cultivation base is the highest. It is already extremely difficult to increase combat power again, and Wu Yong's cultivation base is the worst. What's great is his brain, and there is no urgent need. Qiu Xian is different from Qiu Shui. You two can increase your combat power. It is relatively simple. Three million immortal stones can make your combat power soar. This is of the greatest significance to hunting dragons in the mountains in a month’s time. Therefore, I suggest, The three million immortal stones this time will be used by both of you first, and will be returned to us when we come back from the next hunt!"

"Wu Yong, what do you think!?"

After all, he looked at Wu Yong.

"Haha, I don't care, I'm not in a hurry anyway."

Wu Yong squeezed his beard and smiled.

"Brother Miao, this won't work, we can't stand it!" Qiu Xian shook his head repeatedly.

"You two, don't go outside with us. Both are dead brothers and sisters. I'm the captain. That's the deal this time."

Zhang Miao ignored him, handed in three million immortal stones, and exchanged a lot of natural treasures.

Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and then he swept across Zhang Miao without a trace, and nodded in his heart. This person looked rough and mad, but he was thick and thin, and his chest was quite small. The assignment of Xianshi seems to be insignificant, but it is really not a thing, otherwise it is very likely to cause dissatisfaction among the team members. Even if you don't say it, there is a gap, and it is very troublesome to make up.

As a warrior in this war-torn land, everyone knows the importance of training resources. There are countless selfish warriors, and there is nothing wrong with this. After all, no one can guarantee a safe return every time in the deep mountain battlefield. Naturally, it is the most important thing to improve one's combat power. How can one give up one's own fairy stone?

But this Miao was loaned out by himself first, and then convinced Wu Yong to let Wu Yong have no lumps in his heart, and Qiu Xian and Qiu Shui were even more grateful.

After some manipulation, a tricky thing was solved in this way, and the cohesion of the team was better than before. ‘

Ling Tian had to admire these methods.

Qiu Xian and Qiu Shui were overjoyed when they got the massive training resources they wanted, and Zhang Miao led the crowd, talking and laughing out of the Jubao Firm, and quickly left.

The three shopkeepers of Jubao Commercial Bank suddenly joined, although it was completely unexpected by Zhang Miao and disrupted all his plans.

But with Zhang Miao's character, he didn't feel too bored.

After about half a pillar of incense, Zhang Miao took Ling Tian to a stop before a house. The house was not small in size. Although the location was remote, it was better than quiet. There were few warriors around.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​this is our place to stay. It belongs to the Qinghong Gang. Ordinary people will never dare to come here to disturb. You can rest assured that after seven days, we will go to the deep mountains together to find the dragon clan! "

Zhang Miao smiled.


Ling Tian nodded, and Ling Tian took Zhao Min and Zuo Xianzhi into the house.

Inside the room.

Zhao Min and Ling Tian sat on the futon, Ling Tian held the thunder fairy fire condensed, that was the last weight of Jun Lei's palm, the hundred thunder seal.

Now, Ling Tian has cultivated Jun Lei Palm and Hurricane Shengyin Fist to the highest level.

There is no power to say, but Ling Tian will once again face the situation of ineffective cultivation techniques.

The search for tyrannical supernatural powers and immortals must also be on the agenda.

Ling Tian still felt a pity for that thousand-star bone refining pill.

Although the pill recipe was scrapped, he has a sword shadow, and Tao Yaoyao may also have a memory there, and it is possible to complete the pill recipe.

"Ling Tian, ​​I always feel that the third treasurer of the Jubao Firm is not doing well. I am afraid that this trip to find the dragon in the deep mountains will not be peaceful."

Zhao Min frowned and wiped the greedy wolf bow in his hand.

Although this immortal bow is a heavenly immortal soldier, it is as powerful as a golden immortal weapon. Now Ling Tian has blessed the sun immortal stone, and its formation is inscribed, which can be comparable to a top-grade golden immortal weapon.

"No, the soldiers came to cover the water and the earth, no matter what treasurer or son he was, he angered me, so I killed him."

Ling Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes were full of evil spirits.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​sister Zhao Min, is it easy for you two to come out!?"

But at this moment, outside the house, Qiu Shui's voice suddenly sounded.

The three Ling Tian glanced at each other, and then got up and pushed the door out.

It was discovered that Qiu Shui's face was full of anxiety.

"what's happenin?"

Ling Tian frowned and asked.

"Zhang Miao and the others, something went wrong!"

Qiushui hurriedly said.

"Qiu Shui, say slowly, what's the matter?" Zhao Min soothed.

"It's all about Zhang Miao and the others. After sending you back, the three of them went out to fight and drink, but on the way back, they were detained by the Tianyi auction house for some reason and asked them to pay tens of millions. Immortal stone, otherwise, send them to the Tianlan Dungeon! If you enter that place, you will have to peel off if you die!"

"What to do!? Now the helper is not in Tianlan City, we have to find a way to save them!"

Qiu Shui was trembling and crying.

"Tianyi Auction House?"

Ling Tian and Zhao Min glanced at each other, and secretly said in their hearts that this Ascension Alliance seemed to be impossible to bypass.

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