Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2044: Buy stone

What is he saying! ?

All of a sudden, the four of them were at a loss.

And Ling Tian also walked towards a shop opposite the auction house under everyone's gaze.

"What is he going to do!?"

"Is it going to go to the gem pavilion opposite to buy a baby!?"

"Fart baby!? It's a street stall, and it's all broken stones, what baby can there be!?"

"He can't run anyway, we just wait for a good show."

Everyone talked a lot, waiting to see what Ling Tian was going to do.

The treasure of ten million immortal stones is really precious enough.

Today’s good show, I don’t know how it will end.

"Three shopkeepers, these guys really don't know what's good or bad!" Fatty said in a low voice.

"I want to see, what this guy is going to do!" Shen Ge's face strained.

At this time, Ling Tian had already walked to the stall opposite the auction house.

The owner of the stall originally wanted to take advantage of such a wave of crowds to sell more treasures, but who ever thought that Ling Tian, ​​who is now the focus of the storm, actually walked towards him.

"Young Master, what are you going to do!?" Everyone at the booth was a golden immortal warrior with an extremely ordinary face.

On the booth in front of him, there were large and small stones and a pair of broken utensils or jade slips. At first glance, they all looked like rubbish.

In Tianlan City, there are countless warriors like him.

There is nothing special.

"Boss, I just want to be with you, pick some stones, you don't need to worry."

Ling Tian squatted in front of the booth and smiled.

"Buy my stone!?"

The stall owner was even more surprised when he heard the words.

What's up! ?

Just now, he also watched the storm in front of him from a distance.

Equally curious, what kind of treasure is in Ling Tian's hands that can be paid to Feng Qixi.

However, Ling Tian didn't take the baby, and came to buy stones from him. What kind of operation is this! ?

"You guy, are you kidding me, my lady, but you don't have so much time to fool around with you!" The charming girl said from the back.

"Hehe, Miss Feng, don't worry, I don't buy stones, where will the baby give you?"

However, Ling Tian didn't turn his head back, but it caused the audience to cry in exclamation again and again.

This guy didn't even have a baby in his hand, but wanted to buy this broken stone to compensate for the Qixi Festival! ?

This is just a joke!

It's not going to die! ?

A group of warriors shook their heads again and again, a young junior in the middle of the golden fairy, first offended Shen Ge, and now he wants to play the Qixi Festival.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, even the Qixi Festival could not help but sneer again and again, "You guy, you are obviously playing tricks on me, do you want to solve the stone and give me the baby on the spot?"

"Is it possible that you are still an appraiser!?"

Everyone was equally surprised when they heard this.

It turned out that Ling Tian had planned this way.

But it still sounds ridiculous.

What precious rough stones can there be on this stall! ?

The rough stone is low-level, so the chance of getting a treasure will be lower.

Like these stalls, let alone more.

I'm afraid that all the rough stones on the Tianlan City stall have been opened, and it's not worth 10 million high-grade immortal stones!

But Ling Tian ignored the cynicism of others. Instead, he swept over hundreds of large and small rocks on the stall, and finally picked out ten rough stones from them.

"I need all of these, here is a hundred top grade immortal stones, enough."

Ling Tian picked up the rough stone, dropped a hundred high-grade immortal stones, and got up.

The stall owner was stunned, watching Ling Tian walk away, still in a blinded state.

Ling Tian walked towards the Qixi Festival under the straight gazes of Zhang Miao and others.

"Miss Feng, the baby is already here. We owe nothing to each other. We can leave now."

After all, he threw the ten large and small rough stones to Feng Qixi, turned around and took Zhang Miao, and was about to leave!


However, how could Feng Qixi make Ling Tian go away! ?

"Don't you really think I'm a fool? These broken stones can be worthy of my yin and yang flower essence!?"

Feng Qixi's face no longer has a charming look, but it is full of sullen anger after being played on.

Behind him, a group of fairy monarchs also rushed out, stopping Ling Tian and everyone, and the windy Qixi Festival gave an order and directly shot.

In the crowd, Shen Ge and the fat man sneered again and again.

They thought that there was really something in Ling Tian's hands that could be taken out, but they didn't expect that it was the ten stones that Ling Tian had exchanged for a hundred immortal stones.

This is really ridiculous.

I am afraid that Feng Qixi has grown so big and has never been teased like this before! ?


Shen Ge snorted coldly. He knew Feng Qixi, the young lady of the Ascending Alliance was always domineering and unreasonable, and her heart was cruel.

Ling Tian had to suffer a lot when he did this.

"Miss Feng, my baby has been given to you, so why not untie these ten stones in front of everyone!? Miss is a dragon and a phoenix among people, I never thought of playing you!"

Ling Tian turned around and smiled lightly.

Not the slightest frightened by being surrounded by the fairy monarch.

"There's a baby!?"

"Huh huh!?"

Looking at Ling Tian's well-established appearance, she really hesitated for a while on Qixi Festival. After thinking about it, she directly threw the ten ore in her hand into the sky.

Immediately, in his bare hands, a light flashed, and a white whip appeared in front of everyone.

This long whip looks extremely extraordinary, blooming with a dazzling white light, it is definitely the best of the golden fairy.

The long whip was raised by Feng Qixi and swept towards the ten rough stones.

In an instant, the long whip stirred the wind and thunder, turning into a long whip like a silver dragon, oscillating on the original stone.

Although Feng Qixi did it casually, Ling Tian's pupils still shrank after seeing it.

This woman not only has a very high level of cultivation, but also has an extraordinary talent for martial arts. The exquisite control of this whip is absolutely extraordinary that Tianjiao can do.


In that instant, the long whip was sharp and shattered all the ten rough ore stones just right.

While the gravel skins flew, a dazzling light suddenly rose and slowly landed from the sky.

"Something went out!"

"what is that?"

"What a strange thing, it seems to be wrapped in something!"

On the street, the noise gradually rose.

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No one thought that the ten stones Ling Tian bought would really produce something.

This is too rare.

Could it be that this Ling innocent will not be able to learn from the stone! ?

"this is……"

Feng Qixi was also surprised. She raised her hand and took the thing back into her hand, only to find that it was a transparent stone that was opened from the stone.

The stone is the best material, the diamond without phase stone, although it is good, but the grade is not high, the value is only hundreds of thousands of top-grade immortal stone, and it is incomparable with that yin and yang flower essence.

"Shit! I thought it was something! Just such a broken stone!"

In the crowd, Shen Ge sneered.

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