Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2053: Qing Dilong

He could see that these human races are powerful. If they fight together, even if they win, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

"Hehe, a mere beast, dare to threaten me to wait?" A strong man glanced at the Eagle-body Immortal, and said indifferently: "Here, it is the boundary of the human race. The four immortal gates of the west county of my Chu State are now joining hands. , Give you a chance, leave here now, I will wait, lest your demon Lord die."

After all, the four great immortal masters stepped towards the void one after another.

"Everyone, now the Dragon Palace is right in front of you. I'll wait to solve these beast monarchs first, and then fight for the treasure together, how about?"

A senior immortal monarch in Feibai Immortal Gate said.

"It should be so."

"Let's do it together!"

The other elders of the immortal door also nodded,

For a time, all the powerful immortal monarchs of the four immortal gates were imposing, the celestial light oscillated, and all three flowers gathered on the top, strong wills rose to the sky, refined into one, and surrounded the canyon.

"Hehe, you wait, you really don't know whether you live or die, in front of my Demon Lord Di Yin, you have only a dead end!"

The huge magic eagle transformed into a tall human form wearing a pitch-black battle armor, slowly descending, and the fairy monarchs of beasts roared with devilish energy into the sky.

"Hehe, I have long heard that in the mountains on the border of Chu State, there is a Demon Lord Di Yin, who is powerful in battle. Today, Fang Yang, the Promise Immortal Gate, wants to see and see. How many catties are you?"

Among the Four Great Immortal Gates, the strongest Wuji Immortal Sect old man suddenly spoke, and then he saw the scorching sun in the sky, holding a long sword with immortal light in his hand, with the sun's brilliance on it, falling down, reflecting on the blade. , Turned into a ten thousand zhang sword light, slashed towards Na Di Yin, the blade was biting, and the sun was scorching hot, as if to kill everything.

The speed of the knife was extremely fast, but Na Di Yin gave a sneer, his wings shook behind his back, and there was a dazzling light on his feet, his body shape shifted like lightning.

The blade fell down and split the lonely mountain from the middle. The crack in the middle of the mountain was burning with flames, but Di Yin stood quietly beside it.

The Xeon of the Promise Immortal Gate continued to slash out with a single knife. This time, the light of the great sun penetrated the void, sealing the entire space and shrouding it.

Di Yin's body turned into a series of afterimages, his feet shone with dazzling brilliance, and when he stepped, there was a sound of thunder, his body actually shuttled through the blade, his body was so wonderful.

"What a superb posture."

Ling Tian couldn't help but praised that this Demon Lord Di Yin should not have the supernatural powers of cultivating the body technique. Such exquisite speed is due to his talent.

Sure enough, monsters and monsters are the same. Although they rarely practice exercises and supernatural powers, their talents are far superior to humans.

The senior immortal monarch of the Promise Immortal Gate saw that his magical powers had nothing to do with him, and he was immediately embarrassed, "Four great immortal gates, go together, kill these monsters!"

For a time, the four great fairy gates, the fairy light shook, and they rushed towards the demon monarchs around the canyon.

"For the sake of Master Qinglong, I will wait and fight to the death, kill!"

Di Yin shouted angrily, and the army of monsters swarmed by him also swarmed.

For a time, the two big regiments lifted their fight.

The fight between the immortal monarchs was so terrifying, for a moment, above the canyon, they were torn apart by various magical powers, roaring loudly, like the end of the day.

Ling Tian watched from a distance from the battlefield. Suddenly, his pupils shrank. They saw Shen Ge and Zhang Miao and others. They slowly landed in the dense forest on the hillside outside the gorge and disappeared.

"There should be a hidden passage into the canyon."


Ling Tian pointed to the dense forest.

"Then let's go over now, the strong from the Four Immortals are not as good as Warcraft this time, they can't take care of themselves!"

"Be careful!"

Feng Qixi offered an ancient mirror, and everyone hid under the ancient mirror, slowly approaching the ancients.

The ancient treasure of the fairy monarch in the Qixi Festival of Wind is really good. No human fairy or beast found along the way. Ling Tian was also in the dense forest and found a dark hole, which should lead to the valley.

Before I wanted to come, Zhang Miao and others entered the dragon lair from here, and got those dragon scales.

Entering the pitch black cave, everyone walked for a whole incense stick time, only then saw a little light.

The light was dazzling, with five colors lingering, like a treasure.

Everyone slowly touched the entrance of the cave. The entrance was in the middle of the mountain wall. Everyone looked down and saw that in the valley, the fairy stones were piled up like a mountain, and there were various bright and rare gems and ancient treasures. They were piled together like a hill. .

"This..." Everyone in Ling Tian was speechless when seeing this scene. This place was completely a dragon mansion, and it was extremely luxurious. This dragon clan's lair was simply a treasure!

"It is rumored that the dragon is greedy and loves treasures. It seems to be true." Feng Qixi sneered, but as a lady of the auction house, she was not surprised by these treasures.

"Look there, is it Dragon Ball Fruit?

At this moment, Zhao Min suddenly pointed to the opposite side of the mountain wall, where there was a long boulder sticking out. Above the gap between the boulders, there was a spiritual grass growing at the height of knees. The branches and leaves looked like a wandering dragon. The whole body was blood red. All were enveloped in blood-red flames.

And above that plant, they suddenly saw three fiery red fruits, like crystal rubies, suspended there!

"It's Dragon Ball Fruit!"

Feng Qixi whispered, his eyes straightened.

This blue dragon was guarding it, indeed, it was Dragon Ball Fruit.

Treasures that can achieve the divine body are right in front of you, how can we not let Feng Qixi be excited.

"Quiet, the blue dragon is on it."

Ling Tian reminded.

At this time, on the square boulder, there was a blue dragon entrenched.

It seemed that it was only ten meters in size, and the whole body was full of azure crystal dragon armor that was as bright as colored glaze.

However, at this time, he had a dragon head, and he was constantly using his dragon's breath to burn the dragon ball fruit.

"Huh? This Qinglong looks like it's not as tyrannical as he imagined."

But Ling Tian frowned suddenly.

This blue dragon looked like a young dragon!

Judging from the dragon breath radiating from his whole body, it is at most the combat power of the top immortal monarch, and it is far from the realm of the immortal king.

"It's a young dragon, he is using his dragon's breath to ripen the dragon ball fruit!"

Feng Qixi is overjoyed, if the blue dragon is really the realm of the fairy king, then it will be really tricky.

With their current abilities, it is impossible to take treasure from the Immortal King. At that time, they can only hope that the four immortal gates and Qinglong will lose both, before they can fight.

But now, it seems a lot simpler.

"But the Azure Dragon bloodline is extremely noble, and the combat power is fierce, we still have to be careful for the second."

Zhao Min reminded.

"Hehe, someone is going to test the water, that idiot Shen Ge, I know why he took such a risk."

Feng Qixi looked at the gorge below and sneered.

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