Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2058: Ling Tian's shots are all rubbish

"Let's take action together and kill it on the spot!"


The other three also nodded, and the ancient treasure of the immortal monarch shook on his head, and the four immortal treasures surrounded the entire valley with panic and coercion.

Under the four immortal treasures, Qinglong's young body is like falling in the wind, shaking.

However, even so, Qinglong still clung to the golden spear and refused to fall.

He raised his head and looked proudly at the four ancient treasures that descended from the sky, unwilling to accept it.

"You guys don't move here!"

Under the ancient mirror, Ling Tian clenched his fists, and then put the cloak pulled from Shen Pavilion on him, and his figure flashed and disappeared under the ancient mirror.

"This guy is really interesting."

Feng Qixi pouted his mouth and said.

"It is the luck of this Qinglong to meet Ling Tian."

"You too."

Zhao Min looked at the Qixi Festival.

"Oh? Who is he!?"

Feng Qixi raised eyebrows.

"You will know in the future, he and you can't get around the Ascension Alliance."

Zhao Min shook his head and said nothing.

Outside of the ancient mirror, Ling Tian appeared on the top of Qinglong's head in the blink of an eye.

The horned dragon transformation is still on, the blood dragon is boiling, and the power of the flesh is urged to the extreme.

Then, Qi Hai was urged to the extreme by the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue. Because the immortal fire could not be used, Ling Tian only blessed the will of the God of War in Qi Hai to kill the sky, condensing the five fingers of pure Yang, and lifting the sky!


Now Ling Tianhai's figure has become clearer and clearer. Although it has not yet recovered to its peak will, it is still far beyond the general will of the fairy, at least it is incomparable to the will of the fairy in the body of Fengfeng Qixi.

A magnificent phantom cross-legged appeared on the top of Qinglong's head. That figure, like a great emperor, suddenly raised his head and looked at the four ancient treasures that descended from the sky. He lifted his five-fingered hands and directly pushed them up.

In an instant, the sky dome of the entire canyon space seemed to burst, causing the pressure of the four ancient treasures to shatter one after another.

"This...this is the will of the Immortal Venerable!"

"He actually has the will of the Immortal Venerable in him!? How could it be possible!?’

Under the ancient mirror, Feng Qixi almost didn't care about believing in his own eyes.

She wanted to be proud, and she didn't even put the head disciples of the four immortals in her eyes.

Because he knows that once he achieves the divine body, coupled with the will of the immortal in his body, his future is unlimited, at least sweeping the Dao Gong Tianjiao, entering the Holy Land, and standing shoulder to shoulder with the top Tianjiao of the four immortal dynasties is certain.

But now, she actually saw such a magnificent will of the Immortal Venerable in Ling Tian's body, and she almost turned the will of the Immortal Venerable in her body into a scum in seconds!

Not only her, but now in Bu Liuyun and others, she is also completely frightened.

The five-fingered palms rising from the ground, like the hands of gods, shook their hearts fiercely.


With a shocking sound, the mountains and rivers around the gorge were all caused by flat land.

And the four ancient treasures of the immortal monarch were also directly shaken out by Ling Tian's five pure Yang fingers.

Even on the ancient treasure, there were so many cracks that they were all scrapped.

One finger is so powerful!

The Qinglong stood on the ground, looking at the figure floating above his head, completely stunned there.

He never expected that it was the human race who had just tied him to save himself.

Moreover, this human race today is so strong...

"The fairy king!?"

The four immortal disciples who had been shattered by Gu Bao were all lifted out, and they were dumbfounded when they looked at the figure floating in the distance under the will of the immortal venerable.

You can't suppress the magical powers of the four great immortals, Gubao, how tyrannical this guy is! ?

"It's not the fairy king, it's just a powerful battle!"

"It's another dragon! Does he still have a helper?"

Lu Gan and the others frowned. The powerful person who suddenly appeared was full of dragon breath. Although his bloodline didn't look as powerful as Qinglong, it was really terrifying under the coercion of the will.

"who are you!?"

Gu Li and the others flew back, raising the sword in their hands and pointing directly at Ling Tian.

As long as they are not the fairy king, they still have the courage to fight.

"You wait, you don't deserve to know my name!"

Ling Tian's voice was cold, like a god.

"Looking for death! You dragon clan, you are so rampant!"

Lu Gan said angrily, "Now, there are high-ranking elders of my fairy gate outside, do you think you can save this dragon clan!?

However, Ling Tian really didn't bother to pay attention to these so-called Tianjiao.

He flew directly on the ashlar and reached out to grab the dragon ball fruit.

In any case, he will take away these two fruits.

"Presumptuous, Dragon Ball Fruit is ours, let go!"

Seeing that Ling Tian was about to take the dragon ball fruit, Gu Li and the others were all furious. If the guy who was killed halfway took the dragon ball fruit, this time they would fall short!

As a result, the four of them almost didn't hesitate, and they approached Ling Tian to besiege.

Click! Click!

Now, the Lingbao is no longer there, and Bu Liuyun and the other four have extremely powerful killer moves. The void wherever they pass seems to be chopped like a bubble, waiting until the magical powers are connected. The momentum was immediately deafening, like a huge ocean, rushing down wildly, like a beast, roaring non-stop.

In any case, these four are also the top talents of the West County of Chu State. In the case of desperate efforts, their combat power can match the high-level fairy monarch.

Ling Tian was full of disdain in his eyes.

Although these guys are much better than that of Shen Ge, they are really not enough.


Ling Tian shouted in a deep and loud voice, turned around, and burst out the power of the extremely powerful Xian Yuan and Dragon Clan. The terrifying kendo will broke out, and he held the immortal monarch long sword that he had snatched from Shen Pavilion with one hand, and the terrifying sword might exploded in an instant.

He clenched his five fingers, and raised his hand with his other hand and slammed it out. Although he did not use any martial arts in order to hide his identity, under the blessing of the will of the horned dragon and the will of the immortal, he still made endless vitality. Shenlong's big hand turned its arm into a dragon shape. When the coercion reached its extreme state, the dragon screamed and thunder flashed.


The punch is like a dragon. The power of this punch contains the extremely terrifying energy of Ling Tian. The wind and thunder roar, and the killing moves of the four of Lu Gan attacked. Only for a moment, they were blasted into cracks by this punch. Rude and unreasonable, surging away at the moment the crack exploded.


Immediately falling apart, Bu Liuyun and the others' complexions changed slightly, and they immediately retreated in panic.

Seeing the boxing front that dissipated in the air, they were terrified, they did not expect that this Lingtian boxing front would be so powerful.

Doesn't this need magical powers?

"Hehe, just you, are also worthy to prevent me from taking dragon ball fruit, a waste thing!"

Ling Tian stood like a sword, and the moment his eyes swept across the faces of the three of them, he said coldly.

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