Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2064: Lu Sanshan is here too

"Don't be ashamed!"

The immortal monarch of the Promise Immortal Gate snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

Soon, in the box, strong people came in one after another. Basically, the cultivation base was above the fairy monarch, so that the golden fairy like Ling Tian existed, and he didn't see it again.


Suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open by a huge force, and in an instant, a violent aura rolled over, and everyone looked at it, frowning.

The person who came here has a rough face, a burly body, covered with fragmented armor, bulging muscles, extremely dark, and the cultivation base is also in the middle-level fairy, but the aura is powerful enough to fight the four immortals. The immortal monarch of the door is comparable to the old man, absolutely above the high-level immortal monarch.

"Brother, he is the leader of the Sanshan Gang, Lu Sanshan."

Ran Qinghong whispered in Ling Tian's ear.

"It's him?"

Ling Tian raised his brows, but he was not surprised.

A warrior whose combat power is equal to that of a senior immortal monarch.

"Hehe, it's okay, you are afraid, I am here, if he dares to move you, I will kill him!"

Ran Qinghong sneered, and Ling Tian's heart was shocked by the sudden rise of the cold atmosphere on his body.

The hands of dyed Qinghong, who looked very nice to get along with, were definitely stained with blood.

"Which is Ling Tian!?"

However, Nalu Sanshan's gaze fell on everyone, and he let out a sullen cry.

The celestial monarchs frowned, what is Lu Sanshan doing? In front of so many immortal monarchs, is it too much to regard yourself as a character?

"Helper, that guy is Ling Tian! I just saw him coming to Jubao Firm, so I followed!"

Behind Lu Sanshan, there was a golden immortal gang.

"Are you Ling Tian?!"

Lu Sanshan's gaze finally fell on Ling Tian.

"Yes, I am Ling Tian, ​​how?"

Ling Tian got up and looked at Nalu Sanshan with his hands held down, not afraid.

"What are you doing!?"

"You kill my brother, today, I'm here to kill you!"

Lu Sanshan was furious, his muscles bulged, as if about to explode, Xianju's aura agitated, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Ling Tian.

You Xianjun suddenly shot in the box, and everyone else was shocked.

Is this Lu Sanshan crazy? ?

But seeing that his goal is a younger generation of the golden fairy, he didn't say much.


However, before the big hand of Nalu Sanshan fell, the dyed green rainbow in front of Ling Tian snorted coldly, the tea cup in his hand fell, and a sword gas rose out of thin air, and the electricity shot towards Nalu Sanshan.

The strength of the god-level sword intent even made Ling Tian faintly shaken by it.


Just when the sword qi of dyed Qinghong and Lu Sanshan's big hands were about to shake each other, a loud shout suddenly sounded from outside the box, and immediately, a figure suddenly appeared in the box, black sleeves swept, and in an instant, It is to transfer the magical powers of dyeing Qinghong and Lu Sanshan into it.


Then, everyone saw that the old man, who thought he was black and white, was standing between the two.

"It turns out that Shen Chen's shopkeeper is here!"

The celestial monarchs got up one after another, with respectful expressions on their faces,

Ling Tian also frowned.

This old man has a high cultivation base, far above the senior immortal monarchs of the four immortal gates. Otherwise, it would not be possible to destroy the magical powers of dyeing Qinghong and Lu Sanshan with just one trick.

Although the two didn't make a full shot just now.


The old man snorted coldly, his big sleeves trembling, and scattered Xianyuan fragments from it.

With a cold expression on his face, he looked at Lu Sanshan, "Fang Master Lu, you are too much, this is Jubao Firm, not your Dawei!"

"Treasurer Shen, this kid, killed my brother! How can I swallow this breath?!"

Nalu Sanshan was blushing in black, and he could see that his heart was very angry.

Knowing that his brother was beheaded and killed in front of Tianlan City, he barely stayed for a while, and rushed to Tianlan City from the Great Wei border.

His purpose is only one, and that is to kill Ling Tian!

Revenge for the younger brother.

"Hehe, I don't care what you want to do, but if you want to do it in my firm, that's no good! I don't care what your background is, if you make another move, I will kill you on the spot!"

"The reputation of the Shen family of my Jubao Firm cannot be tarnished. If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

The big shopkeeper narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold look on his face, definitely not joking.


Green rainbows alternated on Lu Sanshan's face, but in the end, he still never shot.

He believed that the treasurer of Shen Da would kill him.

"Ling Tian, ​​you wait for me, there is a kind of you will never leave Tianlan City! Even if you have this blue rainbow to protect you, it won't work!"

Lu Sanshan panted heavily and sat down.


Shen Chen walked to the middle platform.

"Time is accompanied by a quarter of an hour. If no one comes, today's auction will officially begin."

Shen Chen took a deep breath, and even if he closed his eyes and rested, he never looked at others from beginning to end.

It is also true that compared with the background, the Jubao Firm is not even afraid of the Da Chu royal family, and compared with the cultivation base, Shen Chen is also comparable to the Tianlan City Lord, and is stronger than all the immortal monarchs present.

Naturally, he would not give face to any fairy here.

A little bit of time passed, Ling Tian was a little anxious, but at the last moment, a gust of wind hung in.

The figure stopped with the wind, but walked out a white figure and sat down on the seat next to Ling Tian.

Wind Qixi!

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and secretly asked why this weird flower is here again?


Feng Qixi smirked at Ling Tian, ​​then looked at Shen Chen, "Treasurer Shen, I am not late, let's start!"

"You girl, how come to the auction of my Jubao Firm? It shouldn't be your father who asked you to come, right?"

Shen Chen opened his eyes and frowned at Feng Qixi.

"Ha, he is in retreat, he has no time to care about me, yeah, isn't your Jubao Firm opening the door to do business? Don't let me spend it?"

Wind Tanabata Tanshou.

"Hehe, if you want to, that's okay."

Shen Chen took a deep look at the Qixi Festival, and then ignored it. Although the auction this time was a little superb, it wasn't a big deal for the firm.

"Since you are all here, I will not gossip and start the auction directly."

"Before the auction, I would like to say that this auction is still not only for immortal stones. If you have something the seller wants, you can also exchange it for something."

After listening to the crowd, their faces remained unchanged.

They all know these rules.

Ling Tian's heart also settled slightly.

If only immortal stones can be traded, there is not much in his hand.

The only thing that can be used is Shen Pavilion’s net worth and the celestial stones scouted from the Qinglong Gorge, but the sum of those celestial stones is less than 50 million top-grade celestial stones. Although it looks like a lot, if you want to buy celestial fire It is definitely not enough.

"The first baby, let everyone be the same, palms!"

Shen Chen looked cold, his sleeves were rolled up, and a golden bead the size of a longan appeared on the platform.

"The great ape crystal nucleus of the ancient times, with a thousand-year cultivation base, before death, was a top fairy king, a half-step fairy king!"

"This crystal nucleus can be used as medicine, or as a refining device. Under the **** pill and fairy kingdom artifact, they are all excellent auxiliary materials!"

Seeing the old man take out the first treasure, Ling Tian's eyes moved.

Although this crystal nucleus does not seem to be a big deal, it is of great use to Immortal Wu Yuan!

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