Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2066: Fairy fire for longevity?

Ling Tian just glanced at the crystal nucleus, and handed a storage ring to the maid without changing his face. The maid glanced at the fairy stone inside, and then nodded to Chen Chen.

"Haha, the son is proud, and then, let's continue."

Shen Chen was overjoyed in his heart, so he continued the auction.

"Brother, when you bought this crystal core, do you want to refine tools or alchemy?"

Ran Qinghong was still a little puzzled.

"Uh, for sure, I just like it, I want it, but I don't want to miss it. I am anxious. If the fairy stone is gone, it will be gone. I will earn it in the future." Ling Tian smiled.

"Well, my brother has such a bearing, I'm afraid that only Dao Gong Tianjiao can compare it."

Ran Qinghong shook his head. Although he knew Ling Tian didn't want to say it, he spent nearly 50 million immortal stones in a moment. This is really not a small handwork.

Although all the next lots were very good, Ling Tian didn't make any more shots.

The crystal nucleus was discovered by accident, and now, he just wanted to wait for that fairy fire.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the auction was already halfway through, and Shen Chen saw that everyone was lacking in interest, so he rolled up his sleeves, took out a blue-red brocade box, and placed it on the platform.

"Everyone, I know that many of you are craftsmen or alchemy masters, so you can't miss this lot."

"Moreover, I also know that many of you are here for this thing."

Shen Chen's voice fell, and some immortals who were already dozing off suddenly opened their eyes.

Ling Tian also opened his eyes suddenly, and the moment the crystal core was taken out, the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue in his body was touched.

The fairy fire he was waiting for finally appeared.

"Everyone, this is a high-level fairy fire, with up to one hundred and eighty layers. As far as I know, it is higher than all the fires you hold in your body?"

Shen Chen smiled and looked at the old man of Feibai Immortal Gate and Yanyang Immortal Gate.

The two of them are the highest-level refining tools and alchemy masters among the immortal monarchs present here.

The two elders looked at each other, both suppressing excitement.

Shen Chen was right. Now, in their bodies, there was a 137-layer fire and a 140-layer Qinglian Immortal Flame, which was far less than the 180-layer Qinglian Immortal Flame. "

Above the 180th floor, it is already considered to be the high-grade level in Immortal Fire. Even in Dao Palace, there are not many people who can exceed this level of fire.

Being able to encounter such a treasure in Tianlan City really exceeded their expectations.

Therefore, they will stay here for ten days!

They could let the crystal nucleus before, but they are bound to win this natural fairy fire today.

"Treasurer Shen, don't lead the war, hurry up and auction it, what's the starting price?"

Ziying Fairy also spoke.

Although he is not an alchemist, but the value of this immortal fire is immeasurable, he doesn't need it, but Han Jingshuang can meet it.

Han Jingshuang is the first arrogant of Zixia Immortal Clan, and the technique of alchemy is not trivial.

This time the test is not only the martial art of the assessment, but also the art of alchemy, the way of formation, and the way of painting and calligraphy.

In any case, he had to fight for Han Jingshuang.

"Haha, everyone is interested. To tell the truth, this fairy fire can appear in our Jubao Firm, and the old man is also shocked. If it is not for the special requirements of the seller, this fairy fire will not be your turn to shoot. "

"So, for this fairy fire, the seller doesn't want how many fairy stones, but can only exchange things for things."

j Shen Chen smiled.

This fairy fire is equally precious to him.

"Oh? What does the seller want?"

The old man of Yanyang Immortal Gate hurriedly asked.

A crowd of immortals, including Ling Tian, ​​also looked over.

Being able to exchange things for things is in line with Ling Tian's wishes, but I hope that what the seller asked for is not something strange, otherwise, he would have nothing to do.

"The seller said that he needed a herbal medicine that could increase lifespan, or a pill."

"But the requirement is that there are no side effects and no preconditions. For example, Zengshou Dan. This kind of pill can only be taken once, and it can only increase the lifespan of 50 years. After taking it, not only Zengshou Dan is useless. Many immortal herbs are useless, so they won’t work."

"So, if you have the best life-enhancing baby in your hands, take it out!"

Shen Chen smiled with his hands in his hands.

But his voice fell, and the faces of the immortal gentlemen present were particularly wonderful and different.

Some fairy princes shook their heads after hearing this, obviously not in their hands, while some were frowning in thought, rummaging for storage rings.

As for Ling Tian.

Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Chen, "Treasurer Shen, the seller may have a request to increase the life span of the baby? How many years can this fire be changed?"

After Ling Tian asked, the other immortals also looked over.

The old man of the Feibai Immortal Gate also nodded and said: "Yes, there are not many treasures that can grow lifespan. I have a 3,000-year-old nourishing fruit in my hand, which can promote the martial artist without any restrictions or side effects. Eighty years of life!"

"Eighty years!"

"The nourishing fruit of three thousand years of life!"

"This is a good thing! The value should be more than 50 million immortal stones."

The celestial monarchs looked at the yellow spirit fruit in the hands of the old man of the Yanyang Immortal Clan, and they were all amazed.

There are no restrictions, no side effects, this nourishing fruit, but the top name.

"Haha, I don't want to conceal it. I also have this replenishment fruit at the Jubao Firm, and there are two! But the seller won't change it."

But Shen Chen shook his head.

This made the old man of Yanyang Immortal Clan disappointed. This was the only treasure in his hand that met the requirements.

"Hehe, it's my turn, right?"

At this time, the old man at the Feibai Fairy Gate suddenly stood up and smiled: "Treasurer Shen, there are a few treasures in my hand. Look at the seller. Can you catch your eye?"

As he said, he first took out a yellow fruit, "It's a coincidence that the old man also has a three thousand-year-old tonic fruit in his hand."

"Hehe, what am I doing? Haven't you heard the treasurer Shen say that the seller won't change it!"

The old man of Yanyang Immortal Sect sneered.

"What if you are adding this?" But the old Feibai Immortal Clan smiled, and opened his other palm, which contained a pill and a seed.

The pill is like a drop of blood, and when it appears, it surging with the exuberant essence of the gods.

"Blood Ascending Pill!?"

"The first elixir of life enhancement under the gods!"

"This pill can increase your lifespan by one hundred years without limitation!"


The celestial monarchs exclaimed, but the old man from the Yanyang Fairy Clan cursed his lips, a little bit uncontrollable.

No way, who made Feibai Xianmen's alchemy more tyrannical?

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