Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2078: Curse of Mohist School

"Senior, what are you..."

Ling Tian was shocked when he saw the true face of the black robe fairy king.

So lifeless, he has never seen it in a living person.

Could it be that this fairy king failed to cultivate some weird technique! ?

Moreover, not only the appearance, but the figure of this fairy king old man is also a little short, with the appearance of an ordinary human being 13 or 4 years old, with his fingers pale and dry, and it looks, indeed, a bit scary.

At this time, the black robe golden fairy behind him also took off his cloak,

Not surprisingly, although this golden fairy listened to words and was a junior, but it seemed that the same shortness, the same lifelessness, and the same extremely old age.

As if it was about to die.

However, because the black-robed golden immortal had just swallowed three longevity spirit valleys, it was almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. The black-robed golden immortal began to fade, dry and pale, also from the skin. It disappeared, but his eyes were still dark red, and they looked a little strange.

After a while, the Heipao Jinxian was no different from ordinary people, but his height was still so short.

"Haha, little brother Ling Tian needn't be surprised, this is the secret of our Mo family!"

The Mo family immortal king let Ling Tian sit down.

Then he said: "Here, I need to explain to the little brother first, where we came from."

"We, used to be Hua-Xia Xianzhou, the first hidden weapon family of the first immortal dynasty'Da Qin'. Later, the Hua-Xia Xianzhou turmoil and the imperial palace collapsed. Although the Qin Xian Dynasty was powerful, it was under the offensive of the dark army. , It is still annihilated."

"In that battle of the kingdom, my King of the Great Qin Dynasty, who was comparable to the Immortal Venerable, died in the battle, and countless people were destroyed. Because of the secret weapon of the family, the Mo family was proud of this and left some blood inheritance. "

"However, when we escaped from Huaxia Xianzhou, we discovered that all the descendants of the Mo family were cursed. This curse is extremely vicious, and it can swallow our vitality all the time."

"Because of this curse, my children from the Mo family are dying one after another, less and less. In the end, there are only some powerful people left who practice death qigong methods to delay the loss of life, but this still cannot completely change our life. ending."

The Black Robe Immortal King sighed, and blood and tears shed blood in his dark red eyes, "Later, the strong men of the Mo family looked around for a panacea that could increase longevity, in order to delay aging and death."

"But, after all, it is not a long-term solution. Immortal medicine and spirit grass have many restrictions."

"Until we Mohist learned that in the Imperial Palace of Chu State, there is a kind of spiritual valley, which is a **** of heaven and earth, named Changshenglinggu, which can increase longevity without limit."

"So, my nephew and I came to Chu country to find the so-called longevity valley."

"Unexpectedly, as soon as we arrived in Tianlan City, the energy of the curse began to explode. My nephew was almost dead. In desperation, I chose to auction the Immortal Fire in Tianlan City in exchange for the life-saving medicine and immortal grass. , You will also know what happened later."

Ling Tian listened quietly and nodded slowly.

It sounds reasonable.

But Ling Tianke had never seen such a terrifying curse.

It's too vicious to be able to swallow people's longevity.

However, this Mo family and mechanism skills reminded Ling Tian of Mo Minghai in Southern Tang.

According to legend, Nan Mozi and North Qianji are the masters of the institutions, and they have been passed down for thousands of years.

Could it be that the Mo School of Southern Tang was also inherited from the Mo School of the Great Qin Dynasty?

However, listening to what the old man said now, then the Mohist school should have been extremely powerful when it was in its heyday.

"Senior, can you let me see, the so-called curse!?"

"Perhaps, I can crack it."

Ling Tian thought about it.

In order to fight against the dark army, the Mo family had outstanding meritorious service, Ling Tian chose to trust them.

If there is such a curse, he is willing to try to crack it.

After all, he has a hundred thousand sword shadows in his body, which can relieve the poison of the world.

"Haha, brother, is it possible that you are still proficient in this way?"

The fairy king laughed.

"Uh, the junior can barely be regarded as a pill doctor." Ling Tian touched his nose.

However, the Heipao Immortal King shook his head, "It's not the same. Before that, we had visited famous doctors all over the world, and even the Great Wei Xian Dynasty, but there was no result."

"This curse can't be lifted by a pill doctor."

Although the Heipao Immortal King said so, he waved his hand and let the Mo Family Jinxian named Mo Yu come to Ling Tian.

"You can show Yuer."

"What's so beautiful? Sun Xianwang, the Chinese medicine doctor of the Wei Dynasty, didn't say it. This curse, unless the Emperor Wu takes action, otherwise, there is no solution." Mo Yu looked very impatient. He wanted to come and go all the way. He already had such a scene. Have experienced countless times.

Every time, it was the result of letting him down.

But despite the muttering, Mo Yu still dared not disobey his uncle's order, stood in front of Ling Tian and stretched out his arm.

"Let me tell you, the curse of our Mohist family is imprinted in the blood and soul, and the pill doctor is not aware of it."

Standing in front of Ling Tian, ​​Mo Yu looked like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

"Hehe, try it and you'll know."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and cut it on Mo Yu's wrist. A hundred thousand sword shadows poured into it.

But Ling Tian was also surprised that the sword shadow swept Mo Yu's limbs and corpses, and indeed did not find any abnormalities.

Blood and Soul! ?

Ling Tian murmured secretly, and immediately used one hundred thousand sword shadows to search carefully again, only to discover that there were some dark red things in Mo Yu's bloodline. These things were extremely small. Ling Tian looked at them carefully, and then found out, these. The small things turned out to be strange totems!

These totems are connected into one piece, almost all over Mo Yu's body.

Ling Tian tried to wipe it out with one hundred thousand sword shadows, but found that the surface of these totems had a layer of extremely tough energy to protect, even if it was; Ling Tian's one hundred thousand sword shadows could not be shattered.


Ling Tian retracted his palm.

"Little brother, how?"

The Black Robe Immortal King still looked forward to Ling Tian.

But the latter shook his head.

"Oh, as expected."

The fairy king sighed.

Then Mo Yu also retracted his hand and sneered: "I know, you are just a junior, what can you see?"

"I've seen the curse in Brother Moyu's body. It is an extremely small dark red mark with an ancient evil totem wrapped on it. Any medicine will not work. They will **** your blood and lifespan. Nourish, so that the curse will become stronger and stronger!"

"I said, is there a problem?"

Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

But when his voice fell, both the Immortal King and Mo Yu looked at Ling Tian in shock.

That appearance is just like seeing a ghost.

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