Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2100: Xianjun God of War [Thanks to Jiangsu Kete boss for unblocking]

Lu Wuxian was stunned and stared at Ling Tian in front of him.

He knew that if Ling Tian didn't stop, he would be dead.

"This is a true sword-inspired form, and there is a tyrannical fire blessing. This Lu Wuxian will not lose injustice."

Upstairs in Guantian, Hou Ye Xijun nodded.

And those strong Feibai immortal gates are like sculptures, stupid.

Others didn't expect that this guy who hadn't made a move from the beginning, only moved once and defeated Lu Wuxian.

Who is this person?

"What, did you give up?"

On the battle platform, Ling Tian's fingers were still pointing at Lu Wuxian's head.

"I... are you Liu Mubai?"

Lu Wuxian suddenly spoke. Except for Liu Mubai, he didn't know that there was a junior sword repairman in West County who could be so tyrannical.

"Liu Mubai? I haven't heard of it. Why, is he strong?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Very strong, if you are not him, you can give it a try."

Lu Wuxian pursed his lips, put away the fairy sword in his hand, "I admit defeat."

"The attitude is not bad, you can sculpt it. In this way, this time, you are ranked fourth, okay?"

Ling Tian also retracted his finger.

However, everyone present frowned.

Now Ling Tian, ​​can he arrange rankings at will?

However, there is no way. Who can let this Ling Tian be the invincible existence of Golden Wonderland now?


Lu Wuxian nodded.

He just suffered an arrow injury, and being able to get fourth is already Ling Tian's gift.

"Then I am fifth?"

In the distance, Gu Zhan carrying a tomahawk, said.


Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Dare to move Minmin, immortality, it is already your good fortune."

"This Golden Wonderland will try, you don't need fifth place, get out!"

Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and immediately rolled up his big hands, flying out the Gu Zhan fan and slamming it to the ground.

At this point, there were only four people left on the battle platform.

And the first place is naturally Ling Tian.

"Do you know the price you paid?"

Ling Tian squatted in front of Mo Yu.


Mo Yu hung his head guiltily.

"I hope there is no next time, otherwise, your life will be gone."

Ling Tian got up, helped Zhao Min up, and retreated from the platform.

"Golden Wonderland has been taken, now it's up to you."

Ling Tian looked towards Feng Qixi and Zuo Xianzhi.

Although Zuo Xianzhi's fighting strength is good, Ling Tian is actually not optimistic.

At least, he still doesn't want Zuo Xianzhi to expose the will of Xianzun.

There are too many people here.

"Hey, just wait and see."

Feng Qixi held his shoulders, with a confident look.

As for Chen Xing, his expression was spiteful.

The Golden Fairy Trial was over, and it was accepted, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

The Qinghong team won a big victory. Because of Ling Tian's strength, the three of them were sent to the top three.

Lu Wuxian, who was previously considered the number one person in the Golden Wonderland, ranked fourth.

The fifth place was even more disappointed.

In the end of the four immortal gates, there was only Lu Wuxian, a single seedling.

Then Ling Tian, ​​even if he failed the fifth place, he would not give the place to the four immortal gates.

"Damn it, this son is too rampant!"

"Offended my four great immortal gates, even when he arrived at the Taoist Palace, he didn't have any fruit to eat!"

A group of four immortal monarchs secretly cursed.


Upstairs in Guantian, Wang Chen cursed in a low voice.

The four immortal gates are really unbearable!

"The Golden Fairy Trial is indeed a bit exciting, but I don't know if there will be any more accidents in the Fairy Trial." Wang Zi clapped his hands.

"There will be no accidents, Xianjun Realm will try, his Qinghong team, don't want to stand up!"

Wang Chen squinted his eyes slightly. After his team came out in person, no matter what tricks the Qinghong team played, there would be no storm.

The Fairy King Realm will try to begin immediately.

The rule, unlike Jinxian, is that there is no intermediate link, from the sea election to the final five remaining people.

Compared to the Golden Wonderland and the Fairy Monarch, it is even more cruel.

Moreover, the outbreak of the war was even more tragic.

Xianjun is stronger than Jinxian, and the younger generation of the same Tianjiao, these Xianjun, more or less, are able to fight more or less.

As soon as the fighting broke out, countless people were seriously injured and withdrew from the ring.

After five hours of fierce battle, there were only six teams left on the square.

Twenty people in the Four Great Immortal Gates are full, as well as the four-man team in the West County Houfu and the Qinghong team.

However, for the latter, only Chen Xing, Feng Qixi, and Zuo Xianzhi are left.

And the one who broke the enemy the most in the sea election was a spear repairer named Yelu Chuxiong in the West County Houfu team.

The second place is Liu Tong, the fairy king Fenglei.

And ranked third, it turned out to be Feng Qixi.

Three months ago, the girl who was defeated by Liu Tong with two swords.

No one would have imagined that Team Qinghong would appear such evil spirits one after another.

At this time, six teams occupy the six directions of the square.

"I feel, we are going to be besieged!"

Looking at the remaining warriors in the square, Zuo Xianzhi frowned.

Because many people are watching them.

"Normal, we are left with two people. Wouldn't it be a fool if we didn't besiege us?"

Feng Qixi carried a long whip and guarded Zuo Xianzhi behind him.

"I'm not a human being?"

Chen Xing carried the blood-stained fairy sword, displeased.

"Haha, do you count? Anyway, you will be eliminated immediately, letting you come, it's really better to let Mo Yu go!"

"It's all waste!"

Feng Qixi sneered, her mouth was always vicious, and she would not care about Chen Xing's feelings.



Chen Xing was embarrassed and wanted to return his mouth, but there was a sudden roar of Xian Yuan in the distance, but it was Lu Gan of the three immortal gates who killed them!

"Chen Xing, you should be eliminated!"

Counting until the magical powers fell, directly enveloped Chen Xing.


Chen Xing was furious and raised the sword in his hand, but faced with a dozen immortal monarchs teaming up with supernatural powers, he would not have the slightest chance unless his combat power was comparable to that of the immortal king.


Just resisting two breaths, Chen Xing was blasted out of the square.

Was eliminated.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Lu Gan and others surrounded Feng Qixi.

Zuo Xianzhi is just an assistant to a luthier and doesn't have much attack power.

In their opinion, only after the Qixi Festival is resolved, it will do.

"Hehe, just relying on you few, it's not enough to see!"

Feng Qixi shook the wind thunder whip in his hand and smiled.

"Wait! This girl is mine!"

Lu Gan and the others were preparing to do it, but Liu Tong and the four of them stepped forward.

"Feng Qixi, three months ago, you escaped by a fluke, today, you won't have another chance!"

Liu Tong drew the long knife, the blade fell to the ground, and thunder began to wander on the ground.

The other three immortal monarchs also released all their breaths, allowing all the powerful immortal monarchs of the four immortal gates to retreat.

The strength of the four members of the Xiaohouye team is really terrifying.

"One by one, or together?"

Feng Qixi frowned, his face was only stern.

"Hehe, what happened three months ago, did you forget so quickly? You can't stop me even twice, you still want to struggle!?"


Liu Tong didn't pay attention to pity, fragrance, and jade. He shot thunder knife with a burst, and slashed down towards that Feng Qixi and Zuo Xianzhi.

"Thunderstorm, slash!"

Wanzhang Leiguang condensed into a giant crocodile with a blade. It was exactly three months ago that he had performed the strongest knife.

He didn't want to give Feng Qixi, a chance.

"Xianzhi, bless me!"

Feng Qixi's long whip stirred the fairy light behind and the will of the top fairy king at the same time.

Moreover, among the four fairy lights above his head, there was a faint light blue light flashing.

"God body!"

"This Qixi Festival is actually a god-level physique!"

Seeing the blue divine light in the fairy light, many powerful people suddenly got up.

Because even with the background of the four great immortals, the top Tianjiao in the door is not a god-level physique!

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