Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2018: you lose

The breath that Ling Tian had been suppressing completely broke out.

Right now, this was Ling Tian's strongest unarmed punch without using the Long Yuan sword and without pure Yang fingers.

This was also Ling Tian's first real shot after his cultivation reached the peak of the Golden Immortal.

This Liu Mubai is already worthy of Ling Tian's attention.

Liu Mubai was equally surprised as he watched the punch that swept the sky and blasted towards him.

This guy is obviously a human race, but now this dragon breath, why is it so pure! ?

Moreover, how could the aura of a golden immortal peak burst out so tyrannical! ?

However, Liu Mubai, who has always been extremely arrogant, still said coldly: "No wonder you are so rampant. Now it seems that you still have some capital. However, it is a pity that I met. The gap between you and me is definitely not yours. The secret method can be smoothed out, everything is in vain!"

"Go down!"

In the end, Liu Mubai still did not sacrifice the primordial will in his body.

That was his last trump card and killer's skill. He didn't seem to be exposed after this trial.

Although Ling Tian is strong, he also punches now, which is enough! "


When the fist was overwhelmed, the world changed color, and the two fist fronts slammed on the square, and the horrible aura escaped. Mixing with scattered fireworks, forming a terrifying aftermath, turning into flames and sword light, sputtering towards the square.

Wherever he went, the battlefield burst.

At this moment, both of them have already sacrificed the power of the fairy king.

This has never been seen in previous sessions of the conference.

Even around the battle platform, those warriors whose cultivation bases weren't tyrannical enough have suffered the unsuspecting disaster. When the aftermath hangs on them, they all vomit blood.


At this moment, a figure flew out in the aftermath of the explosion.

That figure, the whole body of the dragon clan's aura surged, as if it was about to collapse

It's Ling Tian!

Is it still lost?

Everyone looked at the figure in horror and shook their heads.

Even if Ling Tian had exhausted this terrifying magical secret technique, in the end, could he still not receive a punch?


However, at the last moment when Ling Tian was about to fall onto the battle platform, his figure hovered abruptly.

On his body, the fairy fire and dragon energy were surging crazily.

He is dissolving his strength.

Looks like it succeeded!

Finally, after three breaths, the Immortal Fire and Dragon Qi on Ling Tian's body gradually calmed down.

Ling Tian also slowly raised his head.

His gaze was on the battle platform, the resistance that the storm had dissipated.

Everyone also reacted at this time.

There is one more person!

Liu Mubai!

However, when everyone looked over, they took a breath.

Although Liu Mubai hadn't been shaken back far.

But the fairy light on his head was still shaking wildly, and even the sharp sword intent around him had collapsed.

There was mottled blood on the big sleeves of the white clothes with his fists back!

Liu Mubai not only failed to help Ling Tian with a punch, but was injured! ?

This scene, a moment later, caused a great uproar in the audience.

Liu Mubai was condescending, as a middle-level fairy, he actually lost! ?

Undefeated Ling Tian, ​​even if he loses.

Today, Ling Tian still defends his position as the number one in the test!

Although, it seems that everything doesn't seem to be true.

"This is impossible!"

Above the Guantian Tower, Wang Chen was even more incredulous and frightened.

Liu Mubai has already taken action, can it be said that he can't help but soar to the sky! ?

So, doesn't it mean that his team was all defeated by one person! ?

"Hehe, interesting and interesting, it turns out that this person is still an individual repair, the changed flesh of the dragon clan, no wonder he wants the first place in the realm of the immortal monarch!"

Liu Zhaoer hugged her shoulders and looked at Ling Tian with interest.

She originally thought that the biggest gain for her to West County was Fengqixi, or Liu Mubai, but now it seems that this person named Ling Tian is the real powerhouse.

If you can recruit him into your own team, wouldn't it be icing on the cake?

"Master Hou, this Ling Tian's combat power is really horrible, this is a sign of the great prosperity of our West County!!"

"Yes, first there was such a peerless genius as Liu Mubai, and now there is another Ling Tian, ​​I am waiting to congratulate Master Hou!"

"From now on, my West County will definitely be in Da Chu and become famous all over the world!"

Upstairs in Guantian, the immortal monarchs and powerhouses of all major forces all congratulated the Lord of the West Jun.

"Hahaha, it's all your credit! Tongxi!"

Hou Ye Xijun is naturally very happy in his heart.

The emergence of talented descendants in the major prefectures and counties has always been one of the criteria for the Lord of Chu to assess the major prefectures.

And every time, West County was on the list without a name, which made his face dull, and he has been unable to look up. Now, I am afraid that he will not be there anymore.

Above the battle platform, the sword fairy Liu Mubai looked at Ling Tian, ​​who had never fallen, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Haha, you lost!"

"How about!?"

Ling Tian looked at the sky above the sky, Liu Mubai, who was indispensable in his eyes.

Although the dragon scales on his arm were already cracked at this time, his body was severely injured again,

In terms of injuries, he was much more serious than Liu Mubai.

Today's physical body really can't compete with the powerhouse of the Immortal King level, not to mention that Liu Mubai's punch is blessed by the god-level sword intent and is extremely sharp.

Ling Tian almost had an arm scrapped by him.

But in any case, he took this punch.

If he was also a fairy monarch, Liu Mubai would probably die.

"No, I'm Liu Mubai, I'm not defeated!"

Liu Mubai's pupils shrank, and the arrogance in his heart gradually made him lose his mind. He raised his hand again, and the terrifying Xian Yuan and Jian Yi suddenly gathered.

He still wants to make a move!

In his opinion, Ling Tian can block the next time, but absolutely, can't block the second time!

He didn't allow it, he failed!

Seeing the more terrifying fist fronts gathered on the battle platform, everyone was shocked.

"Ling Tian, ​​although you have tried your best, I haven't tried my best yet. The gap between you and me is beyond your imagination!"

"I, Liu Mubai, can't be defeated by you!"

Liu Mubai's voice resounded above the sky.

"Liu Mubai, you turned back!?"

"Too shameless, you!"

Feng Qixi and others scolded.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, and the immortal essence in his body also began to condense.

This Liu Mubai was really deceptive.


However, before Liu Mubai's fist fell, there was a sudden cry of sternness above the Guantian Tower.

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