Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2021: The princess of the blue dragon body is here again

Zhao Min couldn't help but whispered. It was the first time she saw that from the back of the human race, dragon wings could still be born.

This dragon wing is not a real dragon wing.

Rather, on the bulging dragon bones, the aura of the blue dragon is condensed and interwoven, but the aura of the dragon wings is extremely powerful.

Judging from the shape of this dragon wing alone, this time the energy of the blue dragon's blood bones will far surpass the horned dragon.

I don't know how tyrannical the body will be when Ling Tian is completely transformed into a blue dragon.

Zhao Min glanced at Ling Tian deeply.

Now, her kingdom of Zhao is on the side of Chu kingdom. Whether she can recover her own immortal kingdom, she can only wait for Ling Tian, ​​when, to grow up.

Zhao Min slowly withdrew from the Liuli Sixiang Pagoda.

Here! Here!

Ling Tian refining the blood bones of the Canglong without the will of the dragon clan went smoothly. Between refining and chemical, that violent impact rushed across the body, extremely powerful.

This was something Ling Tian had never experienced before devouring the essence and blood of various dragon races.

This Canglong blood bone is indeed very strong.

With the continuous refining of Canglong's blood and bones, the pale dragon scales on the surface of Ling Tian's body became denser, and the light wings condensed with the pale dragon aura behind them became more and more solid and huge.

An abundant and violent force continuously accumulates in the blood of Ling Tian's limbs and a hundred corpses, allowing Ling Tian's body to be infinitely close to the real body of the blue dragon.

On Ling Tian's chest, a Canglong mark gradually manifested.

The Canglong breath became stronger and stronger.

Thick as an abyss, like a mountain, like the ancient dragon that straddles time and space and imprints in the heart.


When the Canglong blood bones in the stone tank were all absorbed, the accumulation of such condensedness finally reached its peak, as if a river bursting with a **** burst.


A dragon chant sounded on Ling Tian, ​​rushing away, shattering the white clouds in Taoyuan.


Ling Tian pushed the door and put on a clean and tidy Tsing Yi.

Outside the Four Elephant Pagoda, Zhao Min, Zuo Xianzhi, Tao Yaoyao and others were there. After seeing Ling Tian, ​​their expressions changed slightly.

"Why, it's just that you have become more handsome, you guys, don't you need to look like an idiot?"

Ling Tian spread his hands.

"Fart, don't be shameless, it's just that you feel that your face has become whiter before, and it's a bitch!"

Tao Yaoyao sighed and left.

"Master really looks better than before."

Zuo Xianzhi blushed and said.

"Well, I'm still a disciple who can talk."

Ling Tian stretched out a long, lazy waist. Without urging the Azure Dragon Transformation at all, he could feel his body, even more terrifying dragon power was surging than when the Horned Dragon Transformation was initiated.

He knew that he wanted to find a place to try, how powerful the Canglong became today.

But think about it and forget it.

Now Tao Yaoyao seems to have reached adolescence and is very angry.

If you ruin the mountains and rivers of Taoyuan, I am afraid you will be hammered to death.

"Is Xiaoqing still awake?"

Ling Tian glanced at the underground palace of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

"No, Xiaoqing stole 500 grains of Longevity Spirit Valley, which is equivalent to one hundred thousand years of life. Even if Xiaoqing's blood is strong, it will take a long time to digest it."

Zhao Min smiled and said: "However, I am curious, what will Xiaoqing look like when he wakes up, it must be very powerful."

"Well, maybe, maybe it's even scarier than me."

Ling Tian shrugged, he was the same, very curious.

"By the way, how long did it take for me to retreat this time?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"It's not long, seven days outside."

"Oh, that's okay, what happened outside? I abolished Wang Chen's four great immortals. He shouldn't let it go." Ling Tian appeared outside Taoyuan with the two girls.

"Wang Chen didn't move, but the Princess of Chu..."

Zhao Min wanted to say something but stopped.


"Princess Liu Zhaoer of the Kingdom of Chu is here again? What exactly is she going to do? Does she still want me to join her team?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, this princess is still so persistent.

"That's not straightforward, I just want to see you, but you were refining Canglong's blood bones before, and you really couldn't get out. But this princess didn't care, she came to see every day. Gangmaster, there is also Qixi chat, I think Qixi should have friendship with Liu Zhaoer, but neither of them said clearly."

Zhao Min pursed her lips, "I can see that she still has something to tell you, you are the best, I'd better see you before."

"Oh, that's the case, it's not just me."

Ling Tian shrugged.

"You're so scared, do you really think that all women in the world mistakenly see you for life?" Zhao Min rolled his eyes.

"I don't know about other women, aren't you?" Ling Tian said with a humble smile.

"Bad guy."

Zhao Min flushed, "Xianzhi is still there!"


Ling Tian looked at the bewildered Zuo Xianzhi and coughed lightly, "Well, let's go, disciple, and be a teacher, go and see the princess of Chu, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd!"

"Um, good, good master."

Zuo Xianzhi quickly followed.

Sure enough, Ling Tian arrived at the courtyard of the mansion. Under the pavilion, Liu Zhaoer was talking and laughing with Ran Qinghong.

Feng Qixi was sitting under the pillar on the side, looking bored, looking at the small lake in front of the court in a daze.

"Hehe, I only left the customs below, and I never came out to entertain the princess. I still look forward to the princess Haihan."

Ling Tianchang laughed and flew into the pavilion.

"It's okay, Young Master Ling Tian got the chance from that test, so it's right to retreat."

Liu Zhaoer saw Ling Tian coming, and got up immediately.

He still wears a golden phoenix robe, which is dignified and elegant, and extremely noble.

This kind of temperament is not available to the royal family.

However, Liu Zhao'er cast a wide range of gazes on Ling Tian, ​​but he shook his head again and again, "It's really unbelievable."

"The speed at which the son digests the opportunity is really amazing, but in just seven days, the son's physical body has even improved. I am here. Congratulations to the son."

"The princess has eyes like a torch, I can't hide it from you."

Ling Tian was seated in the hall, but his heart was stunned, and he secretly said that Liu Zhao'er's eyes were really vicious.

I can see that my physical body is different from before.

You know, he has restrained the Canglong breath.

Liu Zhaoer can judge one or two from his temperament, which shows how fierce his eyes are.

This kind of effort should be related to the environment in which he lives.

As a princess of the Chu Kingdom, her position is respected, and she has seen countless celestial arrogances and powerhouses between the Taoist Palace and the Holy Land. This has also allowed her to train her extraordinary vision.

"Ling Tian, ​​the princess has been here seven times, I won't bother you, let's talk."

Ran Qinghong got up.

"Slow, the helper doesn't need to be like that. There is no secret between me and the princess, princess, if you really want to find something, just say it straight."

Ling Tian stopped Ran Qinghong.

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