Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2025: Asking the sky and a sword [five more]

"Presumptuously, I want to ask the Celestial Immortal Sect inheritance to win me, die!"

The black dragon roared, and in an instant, stirred the boundless sword intent, turned into a sky-reaching black sword, and slashed towards Ling Tian.

This sword soul is extremely strong, and within a thousand years of this canyon, it has also absorbed a lot of remaining sword intent, and its combat power is even more extraordinary.

However, Ling Tian and Xiao Lei were not afraid.

"Xiao Lei, I will help you with a hundred thousand sword shadows and accept it!"

Ling Tian cried out, and immediately within the Dragon Abyss sword, the sound of the dragon chant suddenly appeared, and the dragon formed by thunder appeared. Under Ling Tian's 100,000 sword shadows, Xiao Lei was in the blink of an eye. The black dragon directly suppressed it.

Between the roars, the two sword souls fought frantically in the canyon.

Ling Tian stopped paying attention, this was Xiao Lei's battle.

However, on the rock that disintegrated the dragon soul, Ling Tian still found a pitch-black ancient jade slip with no totem patterns on it.

Ling Tian's spiritual thought penetrated deep into it, and immediately there was a shock on his body.

"Wen Tian Yi Jian."

In the jade slip, what was recorded was a magical power of kendo secret technique.

Although there is only one move, it is extremely mysterious and obscure.

But if it is fully understood, the power is extremely strong.

It can be used as a killer.

Now, Ling Tian possessed a magical power that could be regarded as a killer, that is, the pure yang finger.

However, the four elephants of Tianji cannot be regarded as a mortal blow when they are incomplete.

Now, the appearance of Wentian Yijian is a help in the snow.

Just a moment after Ling Tian enlightened Wentian Yijian, the gorge also quieted down, and Xiao Lei descended from the sky. Although now on the dragon's body, the aura of the thunder scars that had been cracked by difficult things had fallen a lot, but his body But it hides a particularly tyrannical sword soul energy.

This battle, after all, Xiao Lei won.

"Very well, Xiao Lei, rest and refine. After you have completely absorbed the sword soul, you and me will fight side by side again."

Ling used the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword to incorporate Xiao Lei into it.

Today, although the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword is already the top level among the swords of the immortal monarch, it has not exerted the tyranny of the Star Sword at all.

You know, the hilt of this sword nowadays is from the once divine weapon Star Sword.

How can it work with a mere weapon of the fairy king,

The main reason why the rank of the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword could not be promoted was that Xiao Lei's sword soul power was too weak.

Now, everything is resolved.

When Xiao Lei laughed at this sword soul, the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword, it would no longer be the Dragon Abyss Sword.

Beyond Jianyuan Valley.

Listening to Gu Nei's violent tremor and dragon roar, Lu Chen couldn't help but sneer.

"You kid, it's really going on, but under Asking Heaven Sword Soul, no matter how strong you are, you will be destroyed if you don't die!"

"In the realm of Jinxian, what can you do even if you are the royal clan of Chu State? Dare to rob me of the inheritance of Feibai Immortal Gate, knowing whether you live or die!"

"Head, no one knows life or death." However, just after his voice fell, Ling Tian's voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"You, you came out!?"

Lu Chen turned around suddenly, but found that Ling Tian was standing behind him safe and sound.

Even the clothes do not have any wrinkles.

Jian Yuangu did not cause any harm to Ling Tian?

how can that be?

"I asked about the inheritance of the Heavenly Immortal Sect, did you get it?"

Ling Tian nodded, "That's natural."

"No, it's impossible, how long is this, I don't believe it!"

Lu Chen shook his head.

He couldn't accept it, and asked Tianxianzong's kendo inheritance, just like that, he was easily driven away.

"Hehe, believe it or not, when you hear Wentian Yijian appear in the world, you will naturally believe it."

Ling Tian turned around and left.

"Wen Tian... Yi Jian."

Lu Chen shook his body and fell directly to the ground.

"This one is good."

Lu Chen's side, an old fairy king, tearing through the space, came down.

Behind it, the fairy king's wings flapped slowly, scattered with fairy light.

"Elder Taishang, he, he took away Wentian Xianzong's kendo inheritance, we are gone."

Lu Chen looked disappointed.

"Haha, otherwise, for thousands of years, we have been struggling to keep the inheritance, but will not enter, even if this inheritance is shocking, but it can not be used, what value is there."

"Now, being taken by this son is not necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps, soon, my four great immortals will witness Wentianxianzong reappearing in the world."

The fairy king held his hand and chuckled again and again.

"Could it be that this guy still wants to go to the other three immortal gates to rob?" Lu Chen was startled.

"if not?"

Feibaixianmen exit.

Seeing Ling Tian swaggering back, the crowd of fairy monarchs flying to the white fairy gate were frightened.

This Ling Tian clearly didn't put the immortal door in his eyes.

"Ling Tian, ​​did you get it?"

Feng Qixi raised eyebrows.

"Well, let's go."

Ling Tian nodded, and under all eyes, he wanted to leave.

However, Ling Tian suddenly stopped, turned around, his eyes swept over the Tianjiao who were flying to the White Immortal Gate.

Under Ling Tian's sharp gaze, the arrogant heads of each Tianjiao dropped.

Both are Tianjiao, but the gap between them and Ling Tian is too big.

However, there is one exception among them.

Jinxian, Lu Wuxian.

This young man was suppressed by Ling Tian with **** once on the test.

He looked straight at Ling Tian, ​​there was no fear in his eyes, only reverence.

Seven days ago, Ling Tian actually blocked Liu Mubai's punch with the golden immortal realm.

That scene was deeply engraved in Lu Wuxian's mind.

This let him know that Lu Wuxian can be surpassed, not invincible.

"Wuxian, come forward."

Ling Tian suddenly spoke.

Lu Wuxian was startled, and was about to step forward.

"younger brother."

Lu Gan frowned.

Now, Lu Wuxian is the hope of the entire Feibai Immortal Gate. If there is an accident at this time...

"My okay brother, he won't hurt me."

Lu Wuxian shook his head, and still arrived in front of Ling Tian.

"Yes, the sword intent has grown again."

Ling Tian glanced at Lu WuXian.

There is absolutely nothing to say about this young man's kendo talent. If he surpasses Liu Mubai over time, it is also possible.

After all, his age is much younger than both himself and Liu Mubai.

"Well, after the test, the gain is not small, and the sword intent is above the breakthrough."

Lu Wuxian shook his head.

"Well, keep working hard, here I have something for you, but you have to wait until you become a fairy king and understand the sword intent of the middle-level **** before you practice."

After all, Ling Tian took out a pitch-black jade slip and handed it to Lu Wuxian.

Immediately, Ling Tian led people and left the Feibai Immortal Gate.

Lu Wuxian infiltrated the jade slip with his spiritual thoughts, and then his whole body was shocked.

"Wen Tian... Yijian?"

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