Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2034: The power of the clone

Taoyuan, inside the four-like tower of colored glaze.

Ling Tian sat cross-legged in front of the window, with a green empty tripod in front of him.

Inside the ceiling, the fairy fire boiled, and there was a bright light surging in it, and there were liquefied objects, gradually condensing into the shape of a person.

At this time, it had been seven days since Ling Tian began to refine the spirit body of the Sanqing Yiqi Clone Technique.

Seven days outside, in the Pagoda of Four Elephants, it was just over a year!

Ling Tian had never spent such a long time refining an artifact.

And this time the spirit body is the first.

After more than a year of repeated refining, melting, refining, and solidifying.

Then use the method of three cleansing and one spirit to integrate the spiritual mind into the spiritual body.

Only then finally did that spirit body gradually take shape.

And that shape and appearance were generally the same as Ling Tian today.

Looking at this transformation process, which can be called a shocking good fortune, Ling Tian couldn't help but be amazed.

The technique of the avatar of three cleansing one air is really amazing.

After a full seven or forty-nine hours, on the Qingxu Cauldron, all the materials were condensed into a solid body.

It was a metal doll the size of a palm.

Ling Tian took it in his hand.

The doll has not been sculpted by Ling Tian, ​​but the appearance of Ling Tian on it is slowly like a life.

The only difference is that there is no mark of heaven and earth on Ling Tian's eyebrows, and the faint dragon pattern on his body.

After playing with the doll for a while, Ling Tian took it in his hand and said something, and then a fairy qi blew on the doll.

The latter, with a bang, collapsed into a cloud of smoke.

As the smoke cleared, another ‘Ling Tian’ stood there before Qing Xuding.

Moreover, his eyes are piercing, perhaps because of the material's special willingness to make this ‘Ling Tian’ look cold.

"Let me see, how is your physical defense?!"

Ling Tiantianyan.

That clone even mobilized the vitality in the sea of ​​Qi to cover the surface.

Ling Tian chuckled, and immediately blasted him with a punch.

With this punch, he didn't use the power of the blue dragon, it was almost the same as the combat power of the top immortal monarch, not too powerful.


The front of the fist shook on the chest of the clone, but there was a metallic humming sound.

That avatar remained untouched, unscathed.

"Hehe, a bit powerful."

"Come again!"

This time, Ling Tian used the power of the blue dragon to soar to the realm of the fairy king.


There was another blow.

This time, half a step back from the clone, the celestial energy in Zhou's body has not yet dissipated.

With its spiritual body, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Very good, although your physical body is still not comparable to my Canglong body, it is definitely above the Horned Dragon Transformation."

Ling Tian nodded.

The spirit body of this clone is powerful, far beyond Ling Tian's expectations.

Although in this part of the body, because there is no blue dragon to stop the bleeding, it may not be impossible to practice the nine changes of the true dragon, but it may not be impossible to take another path. Moreover, the physical body is already quite good now. Can't compete with Ling Tian in the flesh.

Ling Tian thought for a while, could he find some unique secret magical powers in the future and let this clone cultivate.

Like the Way of Euphorbia?

After all, Ling Tian specializes in kendo, even if it is the Dao of Cudgel and Dao, Ling Tian has not been diligent for a long time because of limited energy.

Without the attainments and diligence of his great avenue, Ling Tian would not be able to use the god-level will, so that even if he displayed his magical powers, his power would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, now with this avatar technique, Ling Tian will once again share a lot of energy, which is equivalent to the change of direction that doubles Ling Tian's time.

Now, the first level of Sanqing can only split into one clone. If another clone can be split in the future, Ling Tian's cultivation speed will be doubled.

Ling Tian threw the Wentian Qilin war halberd to the clone. Before arriving at the Third Avenue Palace, Ling Tian didn't want to be distracted to practice the halberd. In the Four Elephant Tower, understand the meaning of Euphorbia, and now understand the will of God-level Euphorbia, let's talk about it.

In the following time, Ling Tian began to hone and consolidate his own cultivation level, and at the same time began to practice that Wentian Yijian and Shaking God Fist.

Two months outside.

In the Four Elephant Pagoda, one hundred and twenty months, a full ten years.

When Ling Tian pushed out the door from the Four Elephant Pagoda, he couldn't help letting out a long suffocating breath.

It is said that once one enters the immortal gate, there is no time to practice.

Even after reaching the realm of the immortal king, it may be very common to sit for a hundred years to break the first level of the realm.

Waiting for the immortal monarch realm, there is no time for a thousand years, no one can imagine a major breakthrough in cultivation.

So, let's not talk about that quasi emperor Wudi and his ilk.

This is also the reason why Emperor Wu has only a few people in this world. Without the support of a long life, almost all the martial artists have entered the cycle of reincarnation before they have cultivated to the highest realm.

Today's time may be a long time for ordinary immortals, but at least in Ling Tian's eyes, it's just a snap.

Ling Tian looked at it, under the peach forest, Wu Yuan Xianjun was still practicing cross-legged.

He has now been allowed by Ling Tian to enter the Four Elephant Pagodas, but for more time, Immortal Wu Yuan is extremely disciplined and only cultivates under the peach forest.

Fortunately, in this peach forest, the immortal spirit is full, and it seems that cultivation is of great benefit to the monster race.

And many times, Wu Yuan Xianjun will also help Tao Yaoyao organize the affairs in Taoyuan, so as to get the herbal medicine rewarded by Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao's shots are all genius treasures.

Therefore, the current Wu Yuan Xianjun, the cultivation base has magically reached the top of Xianjun, half of his feet, has entered the realm of the fairy king.

This level of cultivation speed was something Immortal Wu Yuan could not imagine when he was outside.

Therefore, he is particularly hardworking.

Compared to Wu Yuan Xianjun's diligence, the green rhinoceros Aman arched under the ten-mile peach forest made Ling Tian frowned.

This guy, every time Ling Tian saw it, he was either digging the soil or sleeping, and never saw him practice.

However, even so, this guy seems to be able to practice with a breath.

Taking the cultivation base alone, this guy is already the pinnacle of the first-order fairy king, and his combat power is stronger.

"You are leisurely, why don't you change your shape?"

Ling Tianfei came forward.

"Aman is a mount, not transforming."

That Qing Xi said.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Ling Tian thought for a while, "Get down."

The green rhinoceros fell on all fours without hesitation.

Ling Tian floated on Qing Xi's broad back, lay down on his back, and looked at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, and the peach blossoms loomed, which was really charming.

Under the peach tree in the distance, Zhao Min's flute sounded, causing Ling Tian to close his eyes and calm down inexplicably.

However, the time of ease is always short.

When Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes on Qing Xi's back, rolled up his sleeves, and disappeared under the peach forest with Qing Xi.

Royal Cloud Ship, above the bow.

Princess Liu Zhaoer stood by a railing.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he suddenly said: "It's almost here, I can only send you here."

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