Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2036: General Zhen Guo

"Yes! You still understand me! Ling Tian, ​​when shall we leave and do we want to rest?"

Feng Qixi looked at Ling Tian.

"You are the warriors from Xijun, don't lie to you, this Wolong Town is the entrance to the Third Avenue Palace, this trip is a million miles away! Even if it is a non-stop drive, it will take three months. Moreover, it is difficult and dangerous inside, and the monsters are all-round. Why don't you take a break here, or join our battle group, and then go to Dao Palace together, it can be considered as a care!"

At this time, someone asked among the martial artists who had surrounded him.

Most of these warriors are among the top 100 who have passed the test in the major counties, and their combat power is generally not very high. The probability of being able to safely walk to the Three Dao Palace is also very low, so they want to come in groups, even There had been a horrible Hundred Man Group, and in the end, even the star teams from major counties did not dare to despise it.


Ling Tian shook his head, then patted the green cow and sat down, "Go now."

There is not much time, and they have taken a lot of tasks.

As for the Warcraft aspect on the road! ?

Hehe, he hasn't moved his muscles and bones for two months, and his whole body is itching!

Ling Tian was unmanned, with two mounts, passing through the small Wolong Town, and heading straight for the deep mountains.

Under the stone monument, a group of warriors were in a daze.

"Just these few people, how many are they ranking!?"

"I heard it was the 98th on the Wolong List."

"Ninety-eight? Xijun, no background, Ling Tian?"

"Cut, I thought it was amazing, but it was just a golden fairy peak. Just this, it can also be registered for the 98th place on the Wolong list by West County, what a joke!"

"Yes, it's pretty stinky, I don't think they can go far!"

Among them, the young Tianjiao sneered.

At this time, outside of Wolong Town, under a cottage by the creek, an old man was fishing on the fence.

Behind him, stood a fairy king with a helmet and a crown.

This immortal king is a burly figure, not angry or prestigious.

The cultivation base is even more unfathomable, even if it is better than that of the Houye of Naxi County, he doesn't let it go.

"Hehe, I said Wentong, you said that you are a general of Chu State, who is not on the front line, why come to my little Wolong Town to do?"

The old man sighed suddenly, looked at the fishing rod that had never been hooked before, and said.

"Master, Wentong shocked you. It's my fault."

The general convicted.

"Oh, don't stop, I'm just a rural old man, not the master of your town's national general. If you are okay, just leave!"

The old man waved his hand, a little impatient.

"Master! You used to be the master of Chu State! Now in this imperial palace, who is not your apprentice!?"

"It's true that, Master, now Chu is worried about foreign and foreign troubles. Although you have handed over the Great Chu Iron Cavalry to me, I do not have your mountain and river warfare, and I can't display one percent of the Chu country's iron Cavalry combat power!"

The General Immortal King suddenly said with excitement.

"Hehe, it turns out that you also want the Shanhe Soldier Book?"

The old man smiled.

"No, the disciple dare not. The disciple just wants to invite the respected Master to come out of the mountain to help the Chu State Shrine!"

The fairy king shook his head repeatedly.

"No, I don't have one cultivation base now, so what can I use to help the community?"

"As for the military book?"

The old man groaned, "If it falls into the hands of the emperor, this thing can bless the human race. If it falls into the hands of evil or mediocre people, it will harm the entire human race!"

"You go, Shanhe Bingshu, I won't give it to you."

"Master, you..." The immortal king stood behind the old man, his fierce pupils suddenly shrank.

But soon, it returned to normal.

"Qu Wentong, I warn you, don't call me Master, I only have one disciple of Li Ji, and that is the former Dugu Patriarch, Dugu Hanshan!"

"You, let's go!"

"Teacher, old national teacher, subordinate, goodbye!"

The immortal king was helpless, his figure collapsed and disappeared.

Outside Wolong Town, General Qu Wentong of Chu State Town brought back more than a hundred generals, suspended above the mountains.

The atmosphere is particularly solemn

"General, this old immortal is too acquainted. Now that he has no previous cultivation base, he still refuses to hand over the Shanhe Soldier Book?"

"That's right, General, it's better not to do two things, kill this old national division, and grab the mountain and river soldier's book!"

Behind him, a fairy monarch clamored.


But in the next moment, those immortal monarchs exploded and died, and the blood mist dissipated with the wind, making the mountains silent.

"If anyone dares to speak harshly to the old Guo family, he will end up with them!"

Qu Wentong said coldly: "You all followed me all the way from the battlefield to death. If it were not a last resort, I would never attack you."

"But if you dare to insult the national teacher, in this Chu country, there is only death."

"Today, they do not die, and it is me and you who die later!"

"Subordinates, remember!" The celestial monarchs were solemnly, and all shook their hands.

"I don't know where you are."

"With the talent and combat power of the young man, he should be halfway through the journey now, right? The general can rest assured that the young man must be the first new student in the trial at the beginning of the Taoist palace!"

There is a fairy king flattering way.

"Not necessarily. The younger generations in this class are much stronger than before. As far as I know, the four major counties and the three major families have sent the most talented disciples to come, and You'er is under pressure. "

"Fine, this is a battle between their young people, bleeding here is better than dying on the battlefield in the future, let's go!"

Qu Wentong took a deep look at Wolong Town and left.

At this time, in front of Wolong Town, another group of people arrived in a hurry, and the warriors who recruited the team in the town greeted them, but the next moment, they dispersed as birds and beasts.

I saw the group of five people.

The leader was a woman in a red brocade.

She sat cross-legged on top of an extremely ferocious red-armored strange bird, and rushed all the way to the stone stele in Wolong Town.

The four people behind him were all shrouded in the big red cloak, and they couldn't see their faces.

"Huh!? What about the task on the stele?"

Looking at the empty stele, the woman suddenly frowned.

The martial artists around were fleeing, and no one responded.


However, at this time, the blood of a person behind him flickered, and the next moment, he returned to the place, but he had an additional junior warrior in his hand.

"My lady asked, what about the mission on this stone tablet?"

"Don't tell me, die."

The man said coldly.

"No, don't kill me, report to Miss Luo, the task on this stone tablet has just been taken away by a team!"

The captured Jin Xian said in horror.

"Where's the team, it's crazy!?"

The woman in red said coldly.

"Yes, it's from West County. I only know that the guy in the lead is riding a green bull, and he seems to be called Ling Tian, ​​ranking 98 on the Wolong List!"

The woman in red immediately walked behind the stele and saw the name as expected.

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