Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2039: Cut the first

On it, there is a blood-red silk thread, intertwined and encircled.

Above the distant mountain, Ling Tian frowned slightly.

It turned out that the Luo Youxue Shao sacrificed by this guy just now was inspired by these secret treasures.

Immortal Luo Family took out the secret treasure, immediately sneered, sacrificed the blood-colored disc, suspended it above his head, and waited for blood lines on it, and then shrouded it.


The blood line raged, but after a dozen breaths, all the huge lakes turned blood red.

Even Feng Qixi and others who watched all of this from a distance shrank their pupils.

The secret treasure in the hands of the Luo Family Immortal Monarch was so terrifying that dozens of Immortal Monarch level monsters were all beheaded like this?

"Hmph, after watching for so long, don't you still run away?"

With the blood-colored disc secret treasure on the top of his head, that Luo Family Immortal Monarch suddenly turned to look at the three of Xiangfeng Qixi.

"Hmph, I want grandma to leave, no way!"

"This colorful yin and yang flower, we want it!"

Feng Qixi said with his chin held up.

"Oh? The tone is not small, which force are you from?"

Xianju asked.

"No power, from West County, how about!?"

"West County!? Among the four great immortal gates of West County, there is nothing but rubbish. It is unnecessary to talk nonsense with you. If you don't escape, then die here!"

When the voice fell, the Luo Family Immortal Jun took it in his hand, controlled the blood-colored disc above his head, and sacrificed a blood line, sweeping across the Qixi Festival of Xiangfeng several people.

In his opinion, these fairy monarchs, a blood line, would be enough to kill them.

"Hmph, A Bao, let him see what is the fairy king artifact!"

However, in the face of the blood line coming from the lasing, Feng Qixi was not afraid at all, and when he raised the Fenglei whip in his hand, he shouted softly.

However, his voice fell, and the long whip in his hand did not move.

"A Bao?"

"Oh, Master, A Bao, A Bao is afraid!"

"You!" Feng Qixi raised his eyebrows. How could this guy who can only flatter him at a critical moment?

"I'm coming!" At this moment, Mo Yu flashed forward.

Qi Senbai's palm stretched out, and a series of scales condensed, and in an instant, in front of everyone, there was a hidden weapon enchantment under his men.



And the next moment, the blood line hit.

Although the hidden weapon barrier created by Mo Yu's sacrifice did not shatter in an instant, sparks splashed on it, and it was only cut into two pieces after resisting a few breaths.

Mo Yu's hidden weapon couldn't stop it either.

"A Bao, if you don't come out, I will kill you!"

Feng Qixi made a loud noise, and couldn't control that much, so he threw the thunder whip directly.

"For the master, A violent fight!"

Within the long whip, the soul of the storm dragon roared, and on the long whip, layers of dense white storm thunder suddenly violent, extremely dense, and turned into a thousand-foot thunder dragon.


The blood line touched the dragon soul whip.

This time, the blood line that was all-inclusive and unbreakable was directly shattered by Feng Qixi's long whip.

"Huh!? Immortal King Tool!?"

Seeing this, the Luo Family Immortal Monarch was suddenly surprised.

Such a younger generation who can hold the weapon of the fairy king must have an unusual background.

But he had never heard of Tianjiao among the four immortal gates of West County, there was such a number one person.

Moreover, these people are simply not from the royal family of the West Junhou Mansion.

"Hmph, you know how great grandma is, see how crazy you are!?"

Feng Qixi made a contribution with one blow, and immediately rejoiced, dancing the thunder dragon whip shadow, sweeping again.

Xianjun Luo Family put away the blood-colored disc, the number of blood threads in it was already low, and if all were used, it would be wasted.


Under the cloak of the fairy monarch, a scarlet short blade suddenly appeared, looking at the falling long whip, the figure flashed, turned into a **** phantom, and moved frantically.

Its speed is even faster than the thunder whip of the Qixi Festival of the Wind!

This kind of shenfa is indeed secretive.

"Hmph, the Immortal King Tool is in your hands, it's wasted!"

Suddenly, the Luo Family Immortal Monarch suddenly appeared on the top of the three of them, with the blood-red short blade in his hand, bursting down.


Immortal Wu Yuan was furious, and a roar of an ape shook out a terrifying sound wave, which suddenly slowed down the speed of Immortal Luo Family's slaying.

Taking this opportunity, on Zuo Xianzhi's guqin, a sound wave violently blocked Na Luo Family Xianjun.

"Hmph, waste, let you taste the taste of Feng Qi Lei!"

At this time, Feng Qixi's body skills suddenly activated, but instead appeared on the head of the fairy monarch of the Luo family.

Behind it, the fairy light oscillated, and the will of the level of the immortal was blessed above the god-level physique. The thunder dragon roared in his hand, and three thunderbolts fell down!


Feng Qi Lei was so terrifying, under the circumstances that the Xianjun's figure was controlled, the thunder shrouded, and immediately swallowed the Xianjun.

"Feng Qi Lei!? You, what is your relationship with Feng Jixing in the Holy Land!?"

In just an instant, the cloak of the fairy monarch of the Luo family was blown to pieces, revealing one of the thin young juniors.

However, his face is now full of panic.

It seems that the seven winds and seven thunders are some incredible magical powers.

When the three thunders fell, that fairy monarch was already in disarray, and his whole body was scorched.

"Hehe, it turns out that there are only three thunders!"

"My Luo family remembers you, wait for Miss's revenge!"

After the seven thunders of Fengqixi, the Luo Family Immortal Monarch was not dead yet.

With a sneer, he performed his body skills again, forcibly breaking Zuo Xianzhi's rhythmic entanglement, and ran away.

"Hehe, I want to go now!? Don't you, look down on Xiaoye!?"

However, just before the route where Luo Family Immortal Monarch flees, Mo Yu's figure suddenly manifested.

And its arm has been raised, and the seven-star moon chasing crossbow on it has ignited seven rays of light.

"A mere fairy, dare to block..."

That Luo Family Immortal Jun was furious, but before he finished his scolding, he felt a tingling pain in his body.

He leaned over and looked, only to find that seven holes appeared on his limbs and body at some unknown time.

Unconsciously, he was penetrated by an arrow!

"Dark, hidden weapon!?"


Before Luo Family Immortal had finished speaking, his body suddenly exploded.

The blood mist condensed into a weird human form, suspended above the sky.

"Hmph, Miss Luo Yan, will avenge me, you, no one can escape!"

Within the blood shadow, a voice rang, and immediately disappeared completely.

"What kind of wicked way, some wicked way!"

Feng Qixi put away the long whip and said coldly.

"Like some kind of magical secret technique, the so-called Luo Youxue Shao sacrificed by that guy just now is a vicious magical power. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be inherited from the dark demons."

Mo Yu picked up the blood-colored disc and studied it.

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