Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2143: The ancient heritage meets Wang Chen again

The value of this ink spirit fruit, but the herbs in the Fangcaina Basin are much rarer.

It seemed that this guy named Tianling didn't seem to be lying.

"Hehe, there are a lot of treasures in that place, but with my abilities alone, I can't go deep into it. Therefore, I want to find a team to join. If you agree, I can take you there."

"It's up to you how to decide."

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders.

"This..." Zhang Chuan looked at Zhang Ni behind him, "Junior Sister, it's okay to bring one extra anyway."

"Yes, Senior Sister, chance is important, we can't come to Dao Palace for nothing!"

The two disciples of the Qingshui Immortal Sect also said.

"Hmph, that's fine, just take him, but if your kid dares to play with us, kill him on the spot!"

Zhang Ni said coldly.

"Don't worry, you won't be fooling you, let's go, that place, it's only a thousand miles away from here."

Ling Tian shrugged and smiled at each other with Han Jingshuang, and then the two of them flew up the mountains, turning into streamers and flew away.

"I always feel that there is a problem with this Tianling."

Zhang Chuan looked at the back of the two.

"Don't think about it so much, even if there are problems, it's just a mere gold fairy, so what can you do!?"

Zhang Ni sneered.

"That's right, I'm the one who worried too much."

"Let's go!"

Zhang Chuan nodded, and immediately followed with the three of them.

The distance of thousands of miles, for six people, was only half a day away.

However, along the way, the faces of Zhang Chuan and others became more and more grim.

Without him, wherever he went, the mountains and the sky gradually became blood-red, which was particularly shocking.

The air seemed to be filled with a terrifying **** atmosphere, and everywhere, you could see the corpses of monsters and human bones all over the floor.

Here, not long ago, there was a fight.

"and many more!"

Finally, Zhang Chuan sensed something faintly wrong, and stopped Ling Tian in front of him.

"Where is the chance you are talking about!? I'm afraid it's not, what conspiracy are you playing?"

Ling Tian shrugged, "I am a golden immortal, what conspiracy and tricks can I have, besides, along the way, haven't you already obtained two natural treasures?"

"This...but the aura here is really weird. I'm afraid it's not easy to get the chance. If we don't reach the destination, we are not going to continue."

Zhang Chuan shook his head. Although Tiancai Dibao is alluring, but his life matters.

"It's not far away, and you can see it by turning over this mountain in front of you."

Ling Tian pointed to the dark red and black mountain in front of him, like a troll in the dark night.

"Hmph, I hope you didn't lie to us! From now on, you are flying among us!"

Zhang Chuan's voice fell, and he opened the road ahead and went straight to the mountain.

Ling Tian curled his lips and had no objections, so he and Han Jingshuang were caught between a few people and flew over the mountain.

"This... this is simply, too amazing!"

However, when Zhang Chuan was the first to leap over the mountain and looked at the scene in front of him, he also involuntarily exclaimed.

Ling Tian and the others flew up, even though he had expected it in his heart, but when he really arrived at this blood-colored giant hall, his pupils still couldn't help shrinking.

Before the mountain, but a hundred miles away, a black lacquer is like an abyss-like cracked canyon, and in the canyon, under the envelope of endless darkness, a magnificent palace made of blood red like a golden crystal looms. There.

There are scary blood shadows surrounding the roar everywhere, the roaring sound, like a ghost crying, fills the inside and outside of the canyon, making this blood-colored palace like a king of ghosts.

"Which place is this!?"

After a long while, Zhang Chuan exclaimed.

"I don't know, but judging from the scale and breath of this temple, it is very likely that this place is a place where ancient relics are inherited!"

Zhang Ni shook his head, and immediately looked to the other side of the hall, and immediately screamed, covering his mouth, "All concealed aura!"

"Brother, where do you look, before a group of warriors, is it the witch of the Luo family in North County!?"

Everyone looked in the direction of that Ni finger. In the next instant, Zhang Chuan shook his whole body and cast a breath-isolating formation in front of him.

"Why can I still meet this witch Luo Yan here!?"

"No, no, Luo Yan, we can't provoke us, she is here, we have to go!"

Zhang Chuan was shocked and suspicious, his eyes rolled, and he was about to get up and leave.

"This is a place of ancient heritage. It's extraordinary. Even Luo Yan was attracted to him. Doesn't it, Young Master Zhang Chuan, really don't want to see it?"

Ling Tian said suddenly,


Zhang Chuan has always been an indecisive person, and he hesitated because of the ancient heritage.

In fact, he also knows that with his own talent and combat power, the possibility of wanting to get a good ranking in this freshman ceremony in order to be in the sect of an excellent mentor is almost slim.

But now, the ancient inheritance is right in front of you. If you get it, even if you don't worship the famous teacher in the future, the road to the fairy king will be promising in the future.

"However, Luo Yan has always killed people without blinking. Who dares to get involved with the inheritance she is fond of!?"

In Zhang Chuan's eyes, there are all complex colors.

"Junior sister, what do you say!?"

Zhang Chuan looked at Zhang Ni, but the latter was even more afraid of Luo Yan.

"Hehe, let me say that Young Master Zhang Chuan don't have to worry. Look, you find that this is inherited, and it's not just our team."

Ling Tian pointed his finger on the mountain peak not far away, "There, if I am not mistaken, it should be my Xiaohouye Wang Chen and the crowd!"

"Also around, there are also big and small teams from the big and small counties. They haven't left. Why can't we fish in troubled waters!?"

Zhang Chuan raised his brows, and immediately followed the direction of Ling Tian's fingers, and he saw Wang Chen and others.

"That's... Xiaohouye Wang Chen from Xijun, Sword Immortal Liu Mubai!? And the second son of the Qu family, Qu Shenzhen!"

Zhang Ni was also relieved, his eyes lit up, "Wang Chen ranked tenth on the Wolong List, and Liu Mubai was the eleventh. Qu Shenyi’s combat power is said to be only below his brother Qu Shenyou, ranking on the Wolong List sixth!"

"Their team is all powerful players from the famous side, so they can become opponents of the Luo family!"

"Brother, if they really fight before, our chance is not small!"

"Yes, brother, there are so many arrogances hidden here, I don't believe that Luo Yan can kill everyone!?"

The other two Qingshui Immortal Clan disciples also said anxiously.

"If this is the case, then let's plug it in!"

Zhang Chuan tightened the sword in his sleeves and said coldly.

Ling Tian on the side sneered in his heart.

These idiots are really for inheritance, not to die.

As for the sudden appearance of Wang Chen and Liu Mubai, it was also beyond Ling Tian's expectation.

It seems that today is an indispensable battle!

"I went out with my girlfriend today, and I came back late, so I can only have two updates. Sorry, I will make up for it tomorrow."

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