Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2145: Into the land of inheritance

This is an excellent opportunity.

"Go now!?"

Zhang Chuan wanted to move, but Ling Tian stretched out his hand to stop it.

"Don't worry, someone will clear the way for us!"

After Ling Tian said, Qu Shenzhen on the sky that day made an angry shout.

"Haha, but a few of the Luo family disciples still dare to try to stop me from cursing!?"

I saw the second son of the Qu family flying forward, and between raising his hands, a small halberd flew out of his head.

Then, the halberd rose against the storm, and in an instant, it turned into a huge treasure of a thousand feet long, suspended above its head.

"The treasure of the fairy king!"

"It's the halberd of the Qu family!"

"This thing, shouldn't it be in the hands of Qu Shenyou!?"

Someone exclaimed.

From the background of Qu Shenzheng, possessing the treasure of the fairy king is nothing.

However, this broken halberd is a symbol of the Qu family, and it is also an immortal treasure of Qu Wentong, the great general of the country. It was originally passed to Qu Shenyou. Unexpectedly, the latter gave it to his younger brother, Qu Shenyou.熤.

This immortal king is a natural killer, extremely fierce!

Sure enough, the quivered **** with a broken halberd on his head fell from the sky, like an ancient fairy king.

Now, his whole body is enveloped in layers of flames, and he is also able to mobilize the immortal fire supernatural powers.

Can't be forever.

Even, in Qu Shenzheng, the breath was continuously released, so that the three powerful cloaked men who guarded the rift before the rift could not help backing back.

Qu Shenzhu is not an ordinary arrogant.

Now, his head is broken with a halberd, which is even more unmatched.

If the Luo Family's four monsters were all lifted up, perhaps they could still try to block the gods.

But now, it's impossible!

"Blood Luo four cuts!"

That Luo Family Immortal Monarch once again sacrificed his fate and knowledge.

Three blood beams swept towards the sky.

"Haha, little bugs!"

However, Qu Shenxi stretched out his palm, and the fairy fire rolled over his body, frantically rushing in front of him, and in a flash, he condensed into a big hand.

Clang clang clang!

The explosion sounded again and again, and Xue Luo was cut to death, all falling on the big flame hand.

However, the magical skills that shook Liu Mubai into the sky just now did not even shake the palm of the flames of the gods and fell to pieces.


Before the rift, the blood-colored cloak fairy king was also shocked.

Never thought that today’s Qu Shenzhu would be so fierce,

In fact, not only the Luo family martial artist, even Wang Chen and Liu Mubai could not believe their eyes.

Qu Shenhuo, indeed, is far more tyrannical than before!

"Hehe, the ignorant man who is a car, get out of the way!"

"Otherwise, die!"

However, Qu Shenzhu laughed wildly, the halberd above his head suddenly buzzed, and then burst out toward the crack.


Luo Family Immortal Monarch shouted together, everyone lifted their breath to the extreme window sill, and the blood colors intertwined before the cracks, wanting to condense into a barrier.


But when the broken halberd fell, a red explosion fell on the barrier enchantment offered by the Luo Family Immortal Monarch, and the latter was shattered in an instant!

The fierceness of the treasure of the immortal king is indeed not something these immortal monarchs can resist.

All the Luo Family Immortal Monarchs who were before the rift were stunned by the halting halberd, and those who were not strong in cultivation were killed on the spot.

However, it was the blow of the treasure of the fairy king, and the battle power of the fairy king of the Luo family was compromised by more than half!

The fissure in front of the land of inheritance is even more open.

"Hahaha, clown! All are clowns!"

"Wang Chen, Liu Mubai, follow me into the land of inheritance. If you two help me get the inheritance, I will have many rewards!"

That Qu Shenzhu laughed, and then with a broken halberd, he entered the rift,

"Mu Bai, let's go, if possible, try to inherit it yourself!"

Wang Chen looked at Liu Mubai.

"Relax, if possible, I still hope that Master Xiaohou will become stronger."

Liu Mubai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


Wang Chen patted the latter on the shoulder, and the two of them stood side by side and entered the rift.

"Opportunity is here, take advantage of the chaos and rush in!"

Above the distant mountain peak, Ling Tian suddenly grabbed Han Jingshuang's hand and shot it at the Scarlet Giant Palace.

"Let's go too!"

Zhang Chuan and others felt anxious when they saw this, and followed suit.

Not only them, but the warriors who were originally hiding in the surroundings, all at this time, directly violently rushed towards the Scarlet Giant Palace.

In this place of inheritance, Luo Yan couldn't cover the sky with just one hand, and it couldn't be more suitable.

"Kill, kill them all!"

The Luo Family Immortal Monarch who was shaken by the broken halberd lifted into the air again, and wanted to kill all the warriors who rushed over.

Although their combat power is still tyrannical today, there are still too many warriors rushing over.

Nearly ordinary warriors were beheaded before the inheritance, but after the impact, there were still a lot of them.

Among them, Ling Tian's team is included.

Zhang Chuan aimed a sword at a fairy monarch of the Luo family, led the crowd, and sank into it.

"Huh, come in!"

After crossing the barrier, Zhang Ni was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy.

"Beware, there are still crises here!"

Zhang Chuan exclaimed, and the warrior who rushed in realized that before the hall, there were blood shadow monsters everywhere.

These weirdness seem to be man-eating demons, discovering the breath of warriors who rushed in, they rushed in madly.

On the way, the three of Qu Shenxuan had already smashed a path and entered the hall.


On the other side, Han Jingshuang hadn't stood still, he discovered that a blood shadow monster, with its teeth and claws, was culling towards him.

The monster's combat power is absolutely comparable to that of the fairy king.

Zhang Chuan hesitated, but still chose to guard Zhang Ni.

Han Jingshuang, who was before the blood shadow, had already turned pale.

With her combat power, entering this place of inheritance is cannon fodder.

And Zhang Ni sneered,

Anyway, Han Jingshuang was damned long ago, and now they have entered the ruins, Han Jingshuang, just die!

"Hehe, die, save for a while, and share the treasure with us!"

A touch of disdain and indifference flashed across Zhang Ni's face.


However, before he finished speaking, a wailing sounded in the air, followed by a loud noise.

Everyone quickly looked at it, but the **** shadows scattered on the ground, roaring in pain. The blood-colored flame on his body scorched the ground black.

"Tian Ling!?"

Zhang Chuan and the others saw the guy standing in front of Han Jingshuang with their hands behind them.

All could not help but exclaimed.

The blood shadow monster of the fairy king level will be killed by a golden fairy peak like this! ?

Now, Ling Tian, ​​holding the Euphorbia in his hand, was shrouded in radiant fluorescence, and he was invincible.

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