Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2148: Meet Luo Yan again! ? 【Five Watches】

what's the situation.

Doesn't this work?

"What's the matter? It's just a few nights, it can't be dealt with!? Are you also a waste!?"

Qu Shenxuan looked sideways, full of displeasure.

"Second Young Master, give Mu Bai another chance."

Wang Chen pleaded guilty.

The power of the Qu family in the Chu Kingdom is not comparable to that of West County, not to mention that the Qu family now has two powerful immortal kings, one is the town’s great general Qu Wentong, and the other is today’s Nanjun Hou. Lord.

Its power was so strong that it almost controlled half of the ruling and opposition parties in the Chu Kingdom, and only the Luo family of the first family could contend with it.

Therefore, even if Wang Chen is above the top in Xijun, when he gets here, he still has to bow to the **** of Qu, even if he doesn't want it in his heart.

"Mu Bai, don't waste time with these guys!"

Immediately, he turned and looked at Liu Mubai again.


Liu Mubai was also upset in his heart.

It seems that since meeting Ling Tian, ​​the so-called first person in the Golden Wonderland in West County, everything about him has become awkward.

Now, how could he have another nameless golden immortal and step on his head! ?

Immediately, Liu Mubai urged all his sword intent, and his entire body was condensed on the sword's edge, the sword light turned into a thousand-zhang's edge, and once again beheaded towards Ling Tian and the others.

This sword was extremely tyrannical, and it was Liu Mubai's strongest sword without sacrificing the will of the Immortal Venerable.

It was not that Liu Mubai didn't use the will of Immortal Venerable, but that will was his last dignity.

"Big Brother Tianling, beware!"

Han Jingshuang exclaimed, Liu Mubai's sword was really too terrifying, and even the entire hall was violently shaking, and the bricks were cracking.

"Haha, it's okay, it's so good, look at my halberd, what is it!"

Ling Tian sneered, and his palm shook. The Wentian Qilin Halberd in it suddenly resounded with a buzzing sound, and the Qilin Soul within it burst out under the impetus of Ling Tian’s god-level Euphorbia. Immediately helped Ling Tian blast out the halberd.

Although Ling Tian is still blank above the Euphorbia Cultivation Technique, just relying on the will of the god-level Euphorbia and the absolute weight of the Wentian Qilin Halberd, a halberd blast is still quite shocking!

Om... bang!

The sword light and the halberd light touched, and they began to split in an instant.

After a few breaths, Ling Tian was shocked and flew out and hit the wall of the main hall.

"Ahem, hiss, okay, it's blocked!"

Ling Tian, ​​who fell from the wall, shook his hands and asked Tian Qilin Halberd to be safe, but the shock caused by the shock just made Ling Tian's arms seem to burst.

The first level of the avatar technique, the body that it transforms into is only a little stronger than the horned dragon, if it exceeds the limit, it is very likely to collapse.

However, no matter what, Liu Mubai's sword still failed to make a contribution.

Seeing the people swept away by a sword, Liu Mubai's fair and handsome face turned black almost instantly.

This is not dead? !

"Force me!"

A hideous color flashed across Liu Mubai's face, and before the **** of anger became angry, he directly sacrificed a figure in the fairy light behind him.

Xianzun's will, at this moment, has moved!

How terrifying is the blessing of Xianzun's will to the warrior's combat power! ?

At least until now, Ling Tian hasn't really seen You Tianjiao using the will of the Immortal Venerable, because this will is an absolute killer.

"No, this guy is crazy, let's run away!"

Under the wall, Zhang Chuan was frightened a long time ago. He didn't want to fight Qu Shenxun. He was definitely looking for death!

The panicked Zhang Chuan slapped his hands on the wall frantically, trying to find the same restriction as the formation just now, and escape.

"Big Brother Tianling, what do we do!?"

Han Jingshuang frowned, but was not afraid.

After all, she knew that Ling Tian's true combat power was quite terrifying, and even the fairy king among the four immortal gates was not an opponent.

"What else can I do, run!"

Ling Tian carried the halberd, and like Zhang Chuan, he slapped frantically on the wall behind him.

Han Jingshuang: "???"

Zhang Chuan: "???"

But Ling Tian was not fooling Han Jingshuang.

He is now a clone, it is impossible to sacrifice the will of the immortal, Liu Mubai's opponent!

If you can't beat them, of course you have to escape, not to mention, there are Wang Chen and Qu Shenxuan behind!

"Hehe, it's useless, today, you will definitely die!"

Liu Mubai, who sacrificed the will of the fairy king, flew over with a sneer, and the sword of the fairy king in his hand was already raised again.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Ling Tian muttered, from his hand, there are already a thousand sword shadows, which are infiltrating along the wall.

This was left by Ling Tian's body when he released the clone again.

In order to deal with the formation.

Thousand Dao Jianying is not tyrannical, and it took more than a dozen breaths to break through the formation!

When Liu Mubai Jianfeng was about to reward him, the brilliance surged above the wall, and Ling Tian and the others who stood before were sucked in with a scream.


Liu Mubai's sword light stood on the wall, causing the entire formation to be violently shaken, and the hall seemed to be collapsing.

However, this sword still failed to kill Ling Tian and others!

"Damn it! I want you to be broken into pieces!"

Liu Mubai was going crazy. Three swords never killed a person. This was a great shame for him!

The crazy Liu Mubai lifted his sword and jumped directly in front of the wall. Today, even if Ling Tian fled to the end of the world, he would kill all these people!

At that time, Liu Mubai, who was in front of the wall, suddenly stopped holding his sword and stopped moving.

"Mu Bai, what's the matter! You disappointed me too much!"

Wang Chen in the back really couldn't stand it anymore, and walked to Liu Mubai's side, but when he saw the scene outside the wall, he was also startled.

"This, how is this possible!?"

Wang Chen seemed to be talking to himself.

"What the **** are you two trash doing!!?"

Qu Shen who was still breaking the formation angrily said.

"Second Young Master, this...behind this wall is the retreat of the Immortal King, Luo Yan, inside!"

Wang Chen suddenly turned around and said.


Qu Shenxuan's expression also changed in an instant.

Within the wall, Ling Tian, ​​who was sucked in by the formation, hadn't waited to stand still, and Zhang Chuan and others had not had time to breathe before they saw the figure drowning in the sea of ​​blood in the distance.

Almost scared to pee.

"Damn, so unlucky!?"

Even Ling Tian couldn't help but burst out foul language.

After escaping the three people of Qu Shenzheng, apart from this wall, they encountered Luo Yan! ?

This is simply dead everywhere!

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