Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2154: Zhao Min exits

Naturally, he wouldn't want to block Ling Tian's punch if he didn't use swordsmanship anymore.

This guy's Xianyuan is simply incredible!


Even Wang Chen frowned suddenly.

Ling Tian's punch was not only exquisite, but even the immortal yuan was exceptionally pure and solid, and even with the blessing of the immortal fire, this itself was a bit abnormal.

Among Wang Chen's team, only Qu Shenxuan was able to mobilize the energy of the fairy fire for his own use.

This is the talent of individual warriors.

However, although Wang Chen was surprised in his heart, he was not afraid. He is an immortal monarch.

Moreover, with the almost endless supply of resources from the West Junhou Mansion, he has been soaring all the way to Xianjun since he entered the martial arts.

Even a year ago, he had already entered the middle-level fairy monarch, much better than that of Liu Mubai.

Immediately, he was also the boxer under the battle armor and greeted the past.

Mie Yue!

Like him, there is no shortage of superb supernatural powers.



There was a blast, and the sound shook thousands of miles.

The storm swept around hundreds of miles, and the dense forest tombs all turned into powder.

When the storm cleared, Liu Mubai, Feng Qixi and others were all shaken out.

When they looked towards the center of the storm, their hearts were shocked.

In the sky, there are two figures floating.

One was still sitting on the green bull, while the other was a halberd, violently shaken by the fairy light.

Although, they have never taken a step back.

But the former is a golden fairy.

Ling Tian, ​​he was not abused, and he did not even retreat! ?

"No, how is this possible!?"

Liu Mubai didn't believe everything he saw at all.

No one knows the horror of Wang Chen Xianyuan better than him, how solid and profound! ?

Now, how could Ling Tian be able to resist it! ?

Could it be that Wang Chen kept his hands! ?

But now Wang Chen is even more shocked.

Just now, he didn't keep his hands at all.

Even this Ling Tian's punch made him feel a touch of horror.

Because, he could see that Ling Tian today hasn't used his full strength yet!

"Hehe, Master Xiaohou is worthy of Master Xiaohou, this punch is not bad!"

Ling Tian smiled.

OK! ?

Wang Chen's face sank, this Ling Tian, ​​it is clear that he wants to be a good man after he gets a bargain!

"Ling Tian, ​​you really make me angry!"

Wang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his big hand, and from his palm, an immortal king's sword appeared.

The surging blade intent burst out almost instantly.

At this moment, he turned out to be, wanting to use his sword.

Fight with all your strength!

He allowed it, and he was flopping.

"Haha, very good."

Upon seeing this, Ling Tian chuckled.

Wang Chen is really serious, is that right? ?

"Ling Tian, ​​it's your only choice!"

Wang Chen yelled, his long knife in his hand slashed down suddenly, and the light of the sword surging with seven colors was obviously blessed by the advanced magical sword technique. It was so powerful that Feng Qixi and others had never encountered it before. of.

"Master, beware!"

Zuo Xianzhi was worried that Ling Tian would be defeated, and the sound of Long Xiaoyue's piano suddenly sounded.

Yiqu Wushuang began to increase Ling Tian's breath.

"But so!"

Ling Tian's feet shook, floating from the back of the blue bull, inside the body, the blood of the blue dragon rushed, there is no need to completely open the blue dragon transformation, all over the body, only the dragon scales manifested, it is the power of Ling Tian, ​​and then in an instant Skyrocketed.

Immediately, Ling Tian greeted the sword light, and blasted out a wave of Shaking God's fists, like a world-shattering giant cannon, falling one after another, shattering the Wang Chen's sword light.

It's still impossible to use the weapon of the fairy king! ?

Wang Chen gritted his teeth, and now he has to admit that Ling Tian is an evildoer!

However, this does not mean that he surrendered.

Compared with him, this Ling Tian is far worse!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

However, just when Wang Chen wanted to use his full strength, a bell suddenly rang in the direction of Jinding, with one hundred thousand exceptions in the distance.

This sound, as if it could penetrate the void, swept the surrounding millions of miles in an instant.

"It's the bell that Jinding summoned Tianjiao. The ceremony is about to end!"

Liu Mubai's face changed.

Look at Wang Chen.

Time is running out, but at present, it seems that it is impossible for them to capture Ling Tian and others in a short period of time.

"let's go!"

Wang Chen struggled in his heart, but in the end, he still spit, "Ling Tian, ​​remember, there is a kind, go to the golden top!"

After that, he and Liu Mubai left.

"Cut, what? I thought Wang Chen was so strong, but now it seems like that!"

Wind Qixi pouted.

"It's just a knife, he still has the hole cards."

Ling Tianluo returned to Qing Niu's back.

"He has a hole card, Ling Tian, ​​you are not full! Now I see, except for the top five on the Wolong list, these people are not your opponents."

Wind Qixi pouted.

"Hehe, I found out recently, you like to hold me up!"

"Is there any attempt!?"

Ling Tian pinched his chin.

"Hey, it's actually nothing, that is, if you have any business cooperation in the future, you have to think about your own people first, right!? For example, the longevity valley, do you have any more!?"

Feng Qixi winked and stared.

"It's time for us to go to Jinding."

Ling Tian turned around, avoiding Feng Qixi.

"Cut, stingy."

Wind Qixi pouted.


At this moment, a light flashed on Ling Tian's side, and Zhao Min's figure appeared.

After eating the Thousand Star Bone Refining Pill refined by Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min retreats in the Four Elephant Pagoda of Liuli, and now that the light comes out, Zhao Min's temperament has changed drastically.

The current Zhao Min, even if he did not sacrifice the fairy light, there was still a faint divine light looming all over his body, and his cultivation level broke through to the realm of the fairy monarch in one fell swoop. Between every gesture, there was Shenghui shock, especially powerful.

"Wow, Sister Min, you are finally out!"

Wind Qixi is overjoyed.

"Madam, you are so strong!"

Zuo Xianzhi's eyes flowed, exclaimed.

"Mother, now it seems that your divine body is extraordinary. The medicinal effect of Qianxing Bone Refining Pill is too strong."

Mo Yu also praised.

"Well, the god-level physique is also beyond my expectation." Zhao Min nodded and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Now, finally, don't worry, it will drag you back."

"Neither came nor did."

Ling Tian shrugged.

Zhao Min's surge in strength during his exit this time was unexpected to Ling Tian.

The grade of the colorful Yin-Yang flowers before was extremely high, coupled with Ling Tian's alchemy technique, and superbly transformed, the quality and medicinal effect of the refined Qianxing Bone Refining Pill was not comparable to ordinary goods.

Therefore, Zhao Min was created today.

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