Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2157: Top ten controversy

Feng Qixi didn't wait for Cui Daoyuan to finish, and then he shot awe-inspiringly.

Cui Daoyuan's voice stopped abruptly, but he didn't make a direct shot. Instead, the four Tianjiao behind him greeted him in anger.

However, the Qixi Festival has already been holding back a lot of energy.

This time on the battlefield, she was not prepared to have any reservations.

In the sea of ​​qi, the sound surrounded by the storm and thunder burst out directly.

In the light of the fairy light above his head, a mysterious phantom is faintly manifested.

The figure, the whole body, is full of thunder, and it's impossible to live.

Like the ancient thunder gods, at the moment they appeared, they blessed the power of the Qixi Festival, and in an instant, it skyrocketed wildly.

Under the blessing of this momentum, the long whip of storm and thunder in his hand suddenly turned into a long thunder dragon, roaring above the golden roof, and swept out.

Bang bang bang!

The four Tianjiao who rushed forward and wanted to suppress Feng Qixi with the momentum of thunder, were swept out by the thunder whip in an instant.

Puff puff!

He vomited blood one by one, but with just one move, he was drawn and lost his combat effectiveness.

On the battlefield, in the end, there was only Cui Daoyuan who was stunned in place.

"The will of the Immortal Venerable Thunder Element?"

A moment later, above the golden dome, there was a loud noise.

Everyone stood up looking at the Xianzun phantom floating above the battle platform.

Xianzun's will is not surprising.

Among the Tianjiao present, the top ten ranked Tianjiao must have the will of the Immortal Venerable in his body.

However, this warrior from West County was ranked 99th on the Wolong List before!

Even, no one has ever heard of the name Feng Qixi.

Now, this girl has directly sacrificed the will of the Immortal Venerable, and with the power of one person, she swept all four of the Cui family's team! ?

"This woman's talent is really rare, so powerful enough to rank in the top ten of the Wolong list!"

Above the golden dome, the Liuhua instructor of Yulei Dao Palace's eyes lit up.

But immediately, his eyes dimmed again.

It is impossible for Tianjiao like this to worship him in the end.


"Yes, I didn't expect West County to hide a hand this time!"

"If it wins, this time the Cui family will have no relationship with the senior of Dao Palace. Who the **** is this girl!?"

The senior instructors of the other two Taoist temples also exclaimed again and again.

"Feng Qixi, is the holy land Tianjiao, Feng Jixing's sister."

At this moment, the princess Liu Zhaoer in the distance suddenly spoke.

"What!? That holy land Tianjiao, Fengxing Xianjun Feng continues to go!?"

"Six winds and seven thunders can be used to continue the wind!?"

"It turns out that it's his younger sister. No wonder, the Feng Family is one of the big families of the Ascension Alliance. As expected, they are not ordinary people!"

After hearing what Liu Zhaoer said, the three mentors were shocked.

Even Dao Palace disciples have been recruited, and they quickly send a letter to the top instructor in Dao Palace, so that they can quickly grab people.

In any case, the talent of this Qixi Festival must be worshipped by the top tutor.

On the battlefield, other areas have also ended the battle.

Twenty Tianjiao of the four teams were born, and in the end, only five places were left.

Everyone's eyes also fell on the battle platform of the Cui family.

Although, now Cui Daoyuan, only himself is left.

"Yes, okay, damn!"

Cui Daoyuan, with a blue nose and a swollen face, felt the ridiculous eyes around him, and he was ashamed and angry, but the more anxious he was, the more uncomfortable his mouth was.

"Open the mountain with a hammer!!"

The god-level hammer intent came out, and from the top of Cui Daoyuan's head, there was also the will of the immortal venerable rising.

That is the phantom of the earth system, the power is as majestic.


Cui Daoyuan's sledgehammer shook like a mountain. This time, it directly shook the Thunder Dragon whip shadow of Feng Qixi Festival.

In any case, Cui Daoyuan is also a talented arrogant who is still famous, and his combat power is not fake.


At this time, Mo Yu and Zuo Xianzhi also flew onto the battle platform.

The three shot at the same time, surrounding Cui Daoyuan.

With Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound blessing, Feng Qixi's combat power skyrocketed again, and the thunder whip rolled, drawing towards Cui Daoyuan one after another.

And the Seven-Star Moon Chasing Crossbow in Mo Yu's hand exploded one after another with sharp and unmatched crossbow arrows, making Cui Daoyuan tired of dealing with it.

There is no chance of winning at all.

"Haha, if you have enough fun, it should be over!"

Suddenly, Feng Qixi turned into a wind thunder and suddenly appeared on top of Cui Dao's head.

At this time, her whole body was surrounded by endless thunder.

The long whip turned into a pale thunder dragon, swirling into a thunderstorm, and madly pressed down towards Cui Daoyuan.

"Wind, seven, thunder!"

Feng Qixi roared in the storm, the next moment, five thunderbolts swept down from it, and instantly swallowed Cui Daoyuan.

"Feng Qi Lei!? Feng Xing Xianjun's fame supernatural power!"

"This woman is Feng's family!"

At this moment, when the Qixi Festival of Wind and Qi Lei came out, the warriors of the other teams also exclaimed again and again, knowing the background of the Qixi Festival.



And just after the five thunderbolts fell, Cui Daoyuan was blasted out of the battle platform with a hammer.


The Cui family's team, at this point, hit the top 25.

And Ling Tian, ​​a team from West County, got the place of the last team.

That is to say, the five Lingtian people can already conclude that they have come to the high-level tutor.

Even their team, from start to finish, only had three players.

If all five people do it, then the combat power...

Everyone's eyes swept through the 25 people on the stage. Perhaps, such a dark horse team could continue to perform miracles, maybe!

"Ahem, all the freshmen in the second sequence have been decided, and then there is a battle for the top ten. This round is a melee. The last ten people left are the top ten freshmen!"

"Wait, each fight with strength!"

Instructor Liuhua's voice fell, and the enchantment rose again in the center of the golden roof platform, and the high platform rose again by a hundred feet.

Hold up all twenty-five people.

The melee decided the top ten.

So, this round is still relying on the strength of the team.

Whoever has a strong team, then it is very likely to persist until the end.

However, after the start of this round, on the battlefield, the five teams stood in one direction, and none of them chose to do anything.

There is no other reason, there are all fears.

Even the team where Qu Shenyou belongs was also threatened by Luo Yan's team, and Luo Yan didn't have the confidence to challenge Qu Shenyou when the Luo family's four monsters were missing one person.

Although the remaining Ye Family team and Jiang Liuer's team had their own ideas, they looked at the Lingtian team in the distance, but they had to beware.

The fisherman benefits when the river mussels fight.

This competition is not simple.

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