Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2163: Better than meat

However, Ling Tian led the team into the top ten with such a strong posture, which was unexpected.

In this way, among the top ten freshmen of this year, it is not the Qu family and the Luo family fighting each other, but the tripartite!

Among them, the four Luo family occupy an advantage in numbers.

Although there are only three people left in the Qu family, Bai Ju and Qu Shenxuan are both extremely tyrannical generations.

The top ten ranking battle is still confusing.

"Liuhua, this round has been tried, it's time for the top ten ranking battle, what are you waiting for!?"

At this time, from the direction of Dao Palace in the distance, a voice rang.

The Liuhua of Yu Lei Dao Palace was startled, and then he got up.

"It turns out that the seniors are here."

Everyone followed the sound to see, but they discovered that there were three more immortal kings flying above the golden dome.

But compared to the Liuhua trio, these three immortal kings, with the weakest cultivation base, are all above Tier 3, and even the headed Jin Dou Immortal King has reached the realm of Tier 5 Immortal Kings.

The golden physical strength of his body is magnificent, disturbing half of the sky.

"Hehe, you presided over you, I just came to have a look, the next few seniors are coming soon, hurry up!"

Instructor Jin Dou is burly in shape and has a voice like a King Kong.

"Good good!"

Liuhua nodded, and immediately looked at the battle platform.

"Now that the top ten has appeared, the ranking battle will begin immediately. The rules remain the same. On top of the golden dome, there will be Dao Gong Baojian. Baojian has ten golden platforms, corresponding to the rankings, occupying the residence and no one will challenge. For the ranking!"

With Liuhua, the voice resounded through the golden roof.

From the center of the battle platform, a golden fairy mountain rose slowly.

This fairy mountain looked like a magic weapon, only a thousand feet tall, occupying a large area, and it was not a real fairy mountain.

But from top to bottom, there are ten square platforms on the fairy mountain, and the top one is the largest.

Obviously, that belongs to freshmen first.

On the battle platform, Qu Shenyou and other ten people looked as usual, but they suddenly changed. Almost at the same time, they began to move!

In addition to the three Ling Tian, ​​the seven players from the two teams of Qu Luo had a clear goal, and it was the top seven platforms.

Among them, Luo Yan and Qu Shenyou went straight to the first place.

"Do it, go up!"

Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and stayed on the eighth platform for a moment, and immediately leaped into the air.


Xianjun Luo, who occupies the seventh battle platform, was blasted out without even taking a punch.

After the sixth and fifth, the remaining two Luo Family Immortal Monarchs no longer dared to resist.

They knew that Ling Tian today was extremely terrifying.

But Ling Tian, ​​in the end, was still blocked in the fourth place.

There, Qu Shenzhen was already holding a crimson halberd, waiting for him.

"Hehe, how many places do you want!?"

"From now on, you are not welcome!"

"If you hand over the jade slip now, I can, so you can be safe and stable. It was the fifth place in this ceremony! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise!? Only fifth, I don't care, I want to block me, are you worthy!?" Ling Tian sneered, and landed directly on the fourth battle platform. The dragon power on his body did not dissipate. Get wronged.

Ok! ?

Qu Shenxuan never thought that facing himself, Ling Tian dared to be so strong, he immediately raised his halberd and cut it down.


This time, Ling Tian's Shaking God Fist never defeated his opponent with a crushing force.

But even with the weapon of the Immortal King in hand, Qu Shenxuan was shocked by Ling Tian's punch by two steps.


The hand holding the Euphorbia tightly, trembling unstoppable.

Qu Shenzhen could feel the tyrannical force raging in his arm.

Although Ling Tian only had the Golden Immortal peak, he had never seen such terrifying physical strength from among his peers.

"Do you think that only your physical body is tyrannical!? Comparing with my Qu Family's physical strength, you are really a gangster!"

"The body of burning flame, the power of melting fire, open!"

Suddenly, Qu Shenxuan roared, and red flames suddenly appeared all over his body, rising into the sky.

Accompanied by the flaming flames gradually condensed into a flame halberd, the gods and gods walked out of the flames again.

However, at this moment, Qu Shenxuan's figure changed drastically.

I saw him, like a **** of fire, covered in flames, and even the long hair behind his back was burning with fire.

The immortal light surging above his head, the divine body and the will of the immortal venerable.

That Xianzun's will is not ordinary, like a flame god, is inexhaustible.

A wave of hot energy rippled away, causing the warriors inside and outside the Golden Summit to exclaim for it.

Even if it is, the last disciple who has entered the Taoist palace to practice.

Qu Shenzhen is very strong, and now he can be ranked in Dao Palace.

"Haha, it's not bad, this little guy has lived up to my guidance."

That Yulei Dao Palace's Jin Dou instructor who focuses on the physical body smiled.

Obviously, he still had faith in Qu Shenhu's physical body.

"That Ling Tian is not bad too, it seems that this time, it was God who helped me Li Jindou!"

He laughed loudly, and two horrible young evildoers appeared at one time. They had never appeared before.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​do you feel the space!? This is my real strength, what are you going to use to contend with me!?"

Qu Shenzhen held the Immortal King's halberd and pointed directly at Ling Tian.

Now his combat power has skyrocketed, and his cultivation is above the middle-ranked immortal monarch. Now it is even more terrifying. Even he has the courage to compete with Luo Yan.

Ling Tian on the peak of a golden immortal is not looking for death, what is it! ?

"Use fairy fire!?"

Ling Tian hovered on the fourth platform and chuckled.

The fairy fire on Qu Shenzhen's body was quite strong, reaching a height of one hundred and ninety stories.

Moreover, these techniques of using the fairy fire to bless the physical body are quite subtle. If Ling Tian can't cultivate into the Canglong Transformation, there may be really no way, but this time, Ling Tian's eyes are still disdainful.

Qu Shenzhen, it was just worth letting him perform the Canglong Transformation, nothing more.

"You are much worse than me in the flesh."

Ling Tian's voice fell, and amidst the screams of all the martial artists in the audience, a wave of blue dragon aura surged out of his body.

Ling Tian raised his hands flat, and on his chest, there was the mark of the blue dragon, which suddenly burst into light,

The pale dragon aura gradually condensed into a half-dragon and half-human body, causing Ling Tian's figure to skyrocket several times in an instant.

The terrifying breath of the dragon body changed the color of this world.

Even Qu Shenyou and Luo Yan, who were fighting on the first battle platform, were both startled.

The mentors of the Taoist Palaces all stood up and focused on Ling Tian's body of the dragon.


"Is this guy really just a junior of the Golden Immortal Peak!?"

"Is it a dragon martial artist!?"

They couldn't believe that such a terrifying and pure dragon breath could erupt from a human race.

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