Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2195: Lost in the first battle

"It's really scary!"

Qu Shenyou shook his head and laughed.

"We are not persuaded!"

Mo Yu said angrily.

"If you don't persuade, just play!"

"Me!" Mo Yu looked at Ling Tian, ​​he needed Ling Tian's permission.

But Ling Tian shook his head while holding the halberd, "Great General, it's not that we won't fight, but the demons must be weird here. Before we can figure out the enemy, we just went to die for nothing!"

"Hahaha! For the first time, I heard someone say so good to be afraid of life and death."

Qu Qing said with a smile, "I, Qu Qing, fought in the north and south and spent my whole life. Isn't it better than you, a younger generation of the fairy monarch, who knows what war is?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't go, you don't need you!"

Qu Qing waved his hand, and did not want to explain to Ling Tian.

Xuan even put on the green and gold helmet.

"General, I will help you!"

The main road of Yu Lei.

"No, Palace Master Yu Lei can sit in the Dao Palace. This battle is just a test of the two armies, and you won't make a move."

"All Tier 4 fairy kings, just follow me to play!"

Qu Qing waved his hand and rushed out of Dao Palace with a crowd of Tianjiao and Immortal Kings.

In the human camp, the army wars open, and a full 400,000 warriors follow Qu Qing to face the army of dark demons.

On Xianzang Peak, Ling Tian shook his head.

No way, although he knew that this time the Dark Demon army would definitely come prepared, but he had no soldiers in his hands.

Can only watch, the human race will die!

The grief of the human race is nothing more than this!

"Master, why don't we go?"

Mo Yu said very depressed.

"In a while, you can go down and save people."

Ling Tian said lightly.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​if you look down on me, there is no need to come to Dao Palace for support."

"General Qu Qing fought in the north and south, don't you think of him like that?"

The main road of Yu Lei.

"After a while, it will be clear to you, soon."

Ling Tianmu did not squint, but waited.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the two armies of humans and demons began to clash.

The other party also only sent the Vanguard Corps, but the number was only 200,000!


But at this moment, from above the demon army battle group, there was a blood-gold will suddenly rising up.

It turned into a huge demon shadow that reached the sky and the earth, with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet.

The demon shadow is ferocious, like an ancient demon, it roars with its arms raised, and its sound shook the heavens.

Qianshan shuddered, and the earth was cracking.

Not only that, under the roar of the demon shadow, the two hundred thousand demon army, as if being blessed by the gods, suddenly soared, screaming again and again, and rushed into the human army.

It's almost overwhelming.

Not only the three fourth-order fairy kings including Qu Qing, but the third-order demon king on the opposite side, even the defense line before the 400,000 army was defeated in an instant.

Any battle formation arranged by Qu Qing was torn to pieces like a chicken.

In an instant, the human race was like a tiger into a flock, killing them and fleeing in all directions.

Defeated like a mountain, the human army has dispersed, and can only madly towards the Dao Palace.

"This... how is this possible!?"

Looking at the fragile human army in front of him, the lord of thunder guards, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Even if these recruits are not strong in combat power, their cultivation bases are still there!

Moreover, among the fourth-order immortal kings, Qu Qing's combat power can be more powerful than the master of the Taoist Palace!

However, two days after he looked to his side, his heart was even more shocked.

Everything is as this Ling Tian said.

Could it be that this person can really understand the situation of the battle, the unexplored prophet! ?

Half an hour later, the human deserted soldiers had been chased under the Dao Palace.

Ling Tian then raised his hand, "Go down, save people!"

Hearing that, Luo Yan and six others came to the battlefield in response.

A series of terrifying and tyrannical supernatural powers raged, killing those rampant demon kings one by one.

Even if there was no action by Luo Yan and others, this time Tianjiao who went out of Dao Palace would lose more than half of it!

Qu Qing and the two masters of Dao Palace also fled back to Dao Palace at this time.


Before he could speak, Qu Qing spewed out a mouthful of blood.

There was a huge bloodstain on his chest.

The injury was serious.

The other two masters of the Taoist Palace were also very embarrassed.

"what happened!?"

The Lord of the Thunder asked in surprise.

"Senior Brother Zhao Ji, the demons this time are weird! They seem to have received some kind of blessing, and their combat power has soared by 50% compared to before. We can't stop it at all!"

The beautiful woman of the Burning Incense Taoist Palace exclaimed in anger.

"What!? Fighting power soared by 50%!?"

The Lord of Yu Lei was also shocked.

"Originally, my recruits were not strong enough. As a result, his 200,000 demon elites can break my army, so it's no longer a problem."

Qu Qing was unwilling to say.

"That is the demon army has the blessing of the ancient demon formation. If the demon formation is not broken, the Dao Palace will not be able to hold it!"

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly spoke.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't talk nonsense here!"

"I'm waiting for the army to be defeated, with heavy casualties, you are happy!"

"The blessing of the ancient magic circle!? What do you know!?"’

Qu Shenyou and others also escaped the demon king's pursuit, rushed into the Dao Palace and landed on the Xianzang Peak.

Looking at Ling Tian's indifferent appearance, they felt even more insulted.

"I'm happy!?"

But Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked back coldly, "I have reminded you before that the demons must have reliance when they go and return. If the enemy's situation is unknown, if you send troops to death, you will die!"

"The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles!"

"Also, if it weren't for my Wolong Dao Gong disciple to take action, Dao Gong Tianjiao would suffer more deaths and injuries!"

"Open your eyes and see, who is the culprit!"

Ling Tian pointed at the battlefield outside the palace with a needle and halberd in his hand.

At this time, more and more Dao Gong Tianjiao had fled back.

But when they turned around and looked around, they found that on the battlefield, Luo Yan and six others were still fighting.

They blocked many demon kings.

When those terrifying magical powers fell, the demon king was beheaded, and countless human fighters were able to survive.

The people they laughed at before are now far more braver than them.

Moreover, the combat power of these people surpasses the Dao Gong Tianjiao of the same realm!

Many disciples are ashamed of the Qu family.

In the end, they are not as good as the six people in Wolong Dao Palace, and they need to be rescued! ?

"shut up!"

"Being slanderous in front of the general, disturbing the military's mind, should be punished!"

Qu Shenyou had been stunned by the demon king, but now he saw Luo Yan and the others brave, that Ling Tian was so arrogant, he couldn't bear it immediately and shot directly.

With his big hands condensed into a punch, the boundless vastness of the immortal essence condenses, and with the blessing of the top supernatural powers, a punch is like a roar of a god, and it is blasted and killed.

Wherever he went, the void shattered and the fairy peak shook wildly.

Although this punch did not use weapons, it was also Qu Shenyou's full shot.

Ling Tian snorted coldly, raised the Wentian Qilin halberd in his hand, slashed the sky-breaking blood halberd, and slashed down.

He will not be counseled.

Even if it is, the combat power of the clone is not as good as Qu Shenyou.


Sure enough, Ling Tian's scarlet spear shattered from the light, but Qu Shenyou's fist still fell.

Seeing, Ling Tian was about to be swallowed.

Qu Shenyou sneered in his heart.

Finally, today, two years later, Ling Tian is no longer his opponent.


However, a golden phoenix shadow suddenly manifested in front of Ling Tian, ​​blasting the punch directly away.

The light and shadow fell, but it was the princess Liu Zhaoer who returned from the battlefield and fell in front of Ling Tian.

"Qu Shenyou, what are you going to do!?"

Liu Zhaoer looked at that Qu Shenyou coldly, "Ling Tian is now the master of the Taoist Palace, you dare to be good at it!?"

"Where is your intention!?"

"Yes, my master is in the Dao Palace at such a crisis, and he still wants to come back and help you. That's how you treat my master!?"

"We are blind for saving you too!"

At this time, Feng Qixi Moyu and others also returned from the battlefield.

Seeing that he was almost seriously injured by Qu Shenyou's punch, he was immediately angry.

"Huh, so what!? Ling Tian, ​​how about your domineering two years ago, couldn't you abuse me? Why, now I only dare to hide behind a woman!?"

"The inheritance of Lingyan Pavilion is nothing more than that!"

"The weak!"

But Qu Shenyou sneered.

Although he did not hurt Ling Tian, ​​he won this confrontation!

"Fantasy, enough!"

But the great general Qu Qing shouted angrily, turned around and slapped that Qu Shenyou out.


"The army is now, call me General!" Qu Qing snorted coldly, and immediately looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Qu Shenyou doesn't know how to do it, so he ran into the Lingtian Palace Master and invited the princess. Don't worry about it."

Although Qu Qing was apologizing, it was the princess Liu Zhaoer who looked at him.

"No need!"

Ling Tian shook his numb shoulders, and immediately looked at the three Dao Palace masters.

"Let's open the Lingyan Array."

"Otherwise, millions of human races will all die!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Ji and the others, only then took out the tokens in their hands.

The Dao Palace formation was opened again, covering all the army below.

However, this time Dao Palace had gathered four tokens and the big formation was opened because the Dao Palace almost ran out of energy last time. At this time, the strength of the big formation was still not much stronger than before.

"Well, the energy of Lingyan's Great Array is not enough!"

"I'm afraid it won't last long!"

The Lord of Yu Lei is called Suffer.

At this time, the 200,000 pioneers of the Demon Race had arrived at the Dao Palace, and the 100,000 zhang demon shadow on their heads was still there.

The demon's roar, accompanied by the two hundred thousand demon clan offering the magical powers in their hands, the magical power energy gathered in the demon's body, and was shocked by its punch on the Dao Palace formation.


The formation is huge.

Terran warriors are horrified.

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