Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2203: Mansho Morima

Qing Xu's voice fell, and Ling Tian was shocked, shaking for a while before standing still.

"Da Qin, Bai Qi!? How is this possible!?"

This is a name familiar to Ling Tian.

The same excess and the same title.

But Ling Tian really hadn't seen this person.

It seems that the memory of this person has been completely erased.

"Yes, when I just came in, I felt it. When the human race was in turmoil thousands of years ago, I went with Emperor Yuxu and saw him before. At that time, he was really scary. Emperor Wu couldn't come out. Man can beat him."


Qing Xu sighed, "Unexpectedly, in the end, he actually fell."

"This is normal, like your master Yu Xu, respected as Emperor Wu, hasn't he fallen!?"

"Furthermore, the person from Zeng Jin Daqin Immortal Kingdom, what a celestial posture, martial arts extremely, is not the same as annihilation."

The six lines also manifested, "It's nothing to quasi-imperialist combat power."

"Qing Xu, is there any more!?"

Ling Tian asked.

"That's almost all, you just need to know that he was once one of the few fierce generals in the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom. He practiced the techniques of the Dark Demon, and the magic skills are beyond the world. Therefore, he was misunderstood by many Immortal Kingdoms and wanted to kill him, but Da Qin Xianguo did not hesitate to fight with all the Xianguo, but also to protect Bai Qi at that time."

"Finally, he died in the turmoil that had fallen to countless human experts."

"What's in this coffin is not his real body."

"Because the corpse of the Emperor Zhun can't be held in this coffin. What you see at this time should be a trace of his soul before his death."

Qingxu Road.

Liu Yao looked at it, "And it's very interesting. Bai Qi's martial arts talent is second only to that person. The magic power he practiced is also that person. He found it from outside the Nine Heavens, which is extremely extraordinary."

"This soul has recovered a lot after absorbing the devilish energy for thousands of years."

"What do you mean!?" Ling Tian and Qing Xu looked at the Liu Yao together.

"He is going to be resurrected."

Liu Yao seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


"Bai Qi, Zhundi, want to be resurrected!?"

Ling Tian and Qing Xu looked at each other.

This is simply unimaginable.

Even the shock to Ling Tian was stronger than that of finding Emperor Qingxu's suspicious mound.

Zhundi, if it is really resurrected, I am afraid it will be the strongest existence Ling Tian has seen for the first time in history.

"Well, it's just the resurrection of the soul, but even so, it is enough to shake the world."

"What do I need to do!?" Ling Tian said excitedly.

Bai Qi was once the Human Race God of War, if he really resurrected, wouldn't it be Human Race's great fortune! ?

"Stop making trouble, do you really want to release him? Don't say you can't open the coffin. Even if it is opened, the newly resurrected Bai Qi may not be human or demon. If it is the latter, then I'm afraid it will be a disaster for the human race."

Liu Yao shook his head.

"Ling Tian, ​​I took a closer look. The carved pattern on the coffin looks like a formation!"

"Moreover, it's the teleportation array."

At this time, Tao Yaoyao, who had been circling the coffin, suddenly said.

"There are also formations, teleportation formations!?"

Ling Tian lay in front of the coffin and couldn't see why, so he asked, "Do you know where the formation is teleported to?!"

Tao Yaoyao watched for a long time before saying: "It's very far, far, far away, it seems that it's not above the Seven Great Immortals."

"That should be the endless sea, the ancestral land of the Dark Demon Race!"

"Bai Qi has arranged the back road long ago. He and the others walk on a different path. He wants to resurrect his soul and then return to the Dark Demon Ancestor Land to reshape the demon body.

Six Yao Road.

"Back to the Dark Demon Race?"

"So it seems that Bai Qi really wants to be resurrected, what should I do?"

Ling Tian was panicked at this moment.

He knew that he had reached a turning point in his fate.

Everything he will do today will affect the entire fairy world.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you want to take a gamble? This formation hasn't been opened. It needs keys and energy. I have a way to destroy this formation."

Tao Yaoyao landed on Ling Tian's shoulder.

"Yeah, Ling Tian, ​​you have to bet, after Bai Qi is resurrected, it will be a demon or a human!"

"If it's a human, he will definitely be a big boost for the revival of my human race in the future. If it is a demon, it will be a nightmare for my human race.

Liu Yao's red lips were prestigious, "Oh, it's really exciting!"

"Ling Tian, ​​your decision will determine the life and death of countless human races."

Ling Tian leaned his hands on the coffin and looked at the figure in the coffin.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a God of War wearing a hideous visor, carrying a war boring and fighting the immortal world, and then was swallowed by a number of extremely supernatural powers.

Before the **** of war died, he still hadn't fallen down and was still roaring.

He is unwilling, he still wants to fight again.

"Let him go!"

Ling Tian fisted heavily on the coffin.

He didn't know the reason, but his instinct told him that he wanted to take a gamble!

"Well, transmission requires keys and energy, but what exactly is it, I don't know, here is the mechanism!"

Tao Yaoyao pointed to a square groove in the center of the coffin.

"Do you still need the key!? We didn't see it along the way."

Ling Tian looked at the groove and said.

Without the key, what else can you bet on! ?

"This formation has no other supply channels for energy. The key should be the source of energy. Since your destiny can guide you here, you should have the key on your body. Look for it."

Liu Yao looked at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian paced.

He doesn't have much time.

Yuli hasn't solved it yet, and the ancient magic circle has to be broken.

"Ling Tian, ​​is there something very devilish in your body too!?" Tao Yaoyao suddenly reminded.

"Devilish, how can I..."

Ling Tian was about to shake his head, but he was suddenly stunned, then turned around and looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"Vientiane Mori!"

At this moment, Ling Tian finally thought that he had captured a quasi-emperor-level primordial martial arts spirit when he once killed the demons in the Tianyu world!

That primordial martial spirit was stronger than the will of the nine immortals in the past.

However, since then, this Vientiane Forest Demon was hidden in the Four Elephant Pagoda by Ling Tianxue, almost forgotten.

At this time, Ling Tian also suddenly realized.

The sense of familiarity he felt from within this coffin came from Vientiane Mori!

Even Ling Tian could almost conclude that the ancient quasi-emperor's will inherited by the Vientiane Forest Demon was Bai Qi himself!

He wants to regain his will, bless his soul, and return to the Dark Demon Ancestor to be reborn!

If he succeeds, then he can regain his quasi-Emperor combat power!

At this moment, Ling Tian understood Bai Qi's plan.

There was a flash of black light in his hand, and the will of Vientiane Mori Demon appeared in front of everyone.

This is the treasure, the treasure that is enough to shake the entire fairy world.

There were only four quasi-emperor-level wills that Ling Tian had seen before!

"Ling Tian, ​​have you decided?"

The crowd gathered in front of the coffin.

Look at Ling Tian.

"Well, I believe that his resurrection will be the luck of the human race!"

"One day, I will counterattack the demons. At that time, I hope you and I can fight side by side."

Ling Tian nodded, and said the last sentence to Bai Qi in the coffin.

Immediately, Ling Tian patted that primordial martial arts spirit heavily on the coffin.


In an instant, the magic light of the coffin was surging, and the entire ancient tomb trembled crazily, as if it was about to collapse.

On the coffin, the formation was opened, even Ling Tian seemed to see the soul of Bai Qi opened his dark eyes, and took a deep look at himself.

Immediately, the soul was torn off by the formation.

In an instant, there was nothing in the coffin.

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