Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2207: Return to Dao Palace after a successful battle

How tyrannical is this Ling Tian? !

"Lord, shall we show up!?"

Those immortal kings.

"It's okay, now I am the master of Wolong Dao Palace. In Dao Palace, how can there be no fairy king sitting in town!?"

Ling Tian waved his hand, "However, you should welcome the real lord!"

"The real lord!?"

The Mo family's immortal kings were taken aback, even if Xuan discovered that Ling Tian in front of him suddenly turned into a silver light disappeared without a trace.

Then, the earth began to tremble wildly.

There is a terrifying sword energy, tearing the earth, and rushing straight to the Xiao Han.

The kendo coercion, just aftermath, swept countless demon martial artists.

Everyone watched as the earth opened a huge crack that was hundreds of miles long.


A blood beam burst out from the crack.

That is the demon Yuli who is shrouded in the shield!

"Ling Tian! If this revenge is not reported, I, Yuli, swear not to be a devil!"

"You wait for me!"

When the voice fell, Yuli disappeared without a trace.

"Monarch Yuli!"

In the distance, Qu Shenyou and others were astonished. Unexpectedly, Demon Lord Youli was here.

However, it seemed that Yuli was seriously injured and was fleeing by secret law.

But, who could hurt Yuli who had a flag in his palm! ?

"Just now, is Yuli scolding Lingtian?"

"The sword intent bursting out of the ground really looks like it's Ling Tian."

Wang Chen, Liu Mubai and others looked at each other.

Although the scene is already obvious.

However, they still didn't believe that Ling Tian could defeat Yuli.

how can that be! ?

Ling Tian clearly couldn't stop Qu Shenyou's punch!


However, just under the eyes of everyone, the vortex in front of the sky collapsed, and a sword light sent a figure out.

The black cloud dissipated, and the figure was suspended above the sky.

Canglong breath swept across, and the fairy light on his head was blessed by the will, making Ling Tian look like a god.

He carries a guqin on his back, a sword hilt on the guqin, and a silver light fairy sword in his hand.

That majestic immortal yuan coerced, chasing the fourth-order immortal king!

Even if that Qu Shenyou saw it, he couldn't help but shocked all over!

Because, today's Ling Tian, ​​and the previous Ling Tian in Dao Palace, seem to be a different person.

The current Ling Tian's breath is so strong that he is absolutely no different from him.

Even more terrifying.

Although Qu Shenyou didn't believe it, and didn't want to accept this fact.

In fact, not only Qu Shenyou, but also Lu Wuxian and the Mo Family Immortal Kings in the human race under the mountain could not understand everything in front of them.

Under what circumstances, isn't Ling Tian just right in front of them! ?

Then who came out of the ground! ?

Although this person judged from the breath, he was undoubtedly Ling Tian.

But it is unavoidable that the skyrocketing strength is too terrifying.

"Ling, Senior Brother Ling Tian, ​​so strong!"

Lu Wuxian was dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, this is the real lord of my Mo family!"

The Mo Family Immortal King suddenly laughed, very pleased in his heart.

"Have you ever known that when I left Tianlan City, the lord was just a golden immortal!"

"Today's combat power, I am afraid that we are teaming up, and they are not the enemy of the lord alone!"

The other immortal kings were stunned, once they were just golden immortals.

Then the speed of this skyrocketing combat power was too terrifying.

But above the sky, Ling Tian's expression was not very good.

With just one sword, he still failed to kill Na Yuli.

The toughness of the shield that protected him from death was beyond Ling Tian's imagination.

Not only that, Huntian Banner and the things in the ancient Demon King's coffin were also taken away by Yuli.

He looked at the silver fairy sword in his hand.

This sword was inserted into the cover of the ancient demon king's coffin.

Although it used to be an extremely powerful weapon, now only the rank of the top Immortal King weapon remains.

To be under the national weapon.

Ling Tian was greatly annoyed by the ancient Demon King’s tomb and his entourage. They did not kill Demon Lord Yuli and did not get the treasure in the Demon King’s coffin.

Fortunately, there is a sword left, better than nothing.

Anyway, the meteorite sword today is too powerful, Ling Tian still doesn't want it to appear in the world at will.

So, just use this one.

The figure fell from the sky above.

The Mo family's immortal kings greeted him.

"Welcome the lord!"

They knew that Ling Tian at this time was the real Ling Tian.

"Well, seniors have worked hard, I admire the strength of this giant crossbow!"

Ling Tian asked the immortal kings to stand up.

"Master, what are we going to do now!?"

At this moment, the army swept the battlefield and began to shrink.

"The ancient demon formation has been broken. On the Dao Palace side, I believe that General Qu Qing has led the human army to counterattack. At this time, we will bring our troops back to fight back. We will fight back and forth, and we will fight back and forth to defeat the dark demon army!"

Ling Tian said coldly.


Forty thousand warriors screamed together, rushing into the pitch-black battleship of the Mo family, and then moved toward the direction of the Dao Palace.

And on the way, it is inevitable to meet the 50,000 soldiers and horses who wandered about.

Qu Shenyou was unwilling in his heart, and led his army to stop in front of the fleet.

"Ling Tian! What do you mean, why don't you wait for my army to arrive and defeat the demons in one fell swoop! You are greedy for merit!?"

Qu Shenyou yelled.

"Haha, Lord Qu, what are you talking about!?"

Ling Tian stood at the bow of the ship, leaning over and looking down.

"If I remember correctly, General Qu Qing gave you one hundred thousand soldiers and horses before, but now, how about fifty thousand people!?"

Qu Shenyou was startled, his face blushed immediately, and he couldn't speak.

"Hehe, you lost nearly half of your soldiers on the road, and I have to wait for you to defeat the demon army!? Are you worthy!?"

Ling Tian shouted angrily, and the large fleet rushed and flew away.

"Ling Tian!"

"Don't be too mad!"

Na Qu Shenyou looked at the distant fleet, roaring into the sky.

Tao Palace.

Under the attack of the demon army, the formation of Dao Palace had already reached the edge of collapse.

The hundreds of thousands of troops in the Dao Palace had lost faith in Ling Tian and Qu Shenyou.

"Oh, it turns out that the younger generation is still the younger generation!"

"Ling Tian, ​​it's not usable."

Qu Qing stood in front of the army, sneered and sneered.

Feng Qixi, Zhao Min and others also looked at each other and kept silent.

Although, they were angry.

Ling Tian only has 30,000 people, so why run Ling Tian at this time! ?

Moreover, they believed that Ling Tian would never do anything unsure.

"General, we didn't expect Ling Tian to do anything. This son has always been arrogant. He and the 30,000 soldiers and horses at this time have always died in the hands of the devil. I don't know, what about Shenyou. Up."

Qianlong instructor said.

"It's okay to wander, I have his life card in my hand."

Qu Qing shook his head.

"General, what should we do now!?"

Zhao Ji, the lord of the Taoist Palace, said.

"There is no other way. When the formation is broken, it is when I am waiting for a decisive battle with the demons, I will fight to the last moment with you!"


But when the voice of Qu Qing fell, the demon shadow above the hundreds of thousands of demon army suddenly burst with a bang.

This scene even caused the hundreds of thousands of people in Dao Palace to fail to respond for a long time.

The ancient magic circle is broken! ?

Ling Tian and the others, have they succeeded!

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