Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2320: Seven Holy Lands Go to Holy Land [four more]

"I'm too lazy to pick the first-tier and second-tier ones, that's all."

Ling Tianhun didn't care.

Don't care! ?

The magic crystal of the first-order second-order demon king, but it is very valuable!

This is too annoying.

However, seeing these gleaming magic crystals in front of them, everyone was relieved.

Compared with such combat exploits, those first-tier and second-tier are really meaningless.

"Master Lei, I'm afraid I will surpass that one Tier 5 Demon Crystal!? Ling Tian, ​​this is the first achievement in this battle!"

Liu Zhaoer said.

"This...hehe, the princess seems to be very familiar with Palace Master Lingtian!"

Master Lei asked suddenly.

"We are indeed friends, does this matter?"

Liu Zhaoer frowned.

"No, but this song, haha, everyone knows that the great demon king You Yan is one of the twelve great demon kings who made troubles around the border of Chu, the human race. Your majesty has long offered a reward and swore to kill this demon No one can match this kind of credit, so the first credit, I think, is still going on."

Master Lei smiled.

The first achievement in this battle is not trivial. Your Majesty's reward is bound to be extremely valuable. Even if you don't want this old face, he will get it for Feng Jixing.

"Master Lei, you look ugly."

Liu Zhaoer shook his head.

"That's it, I don't care if you do the first job or not, Ling Tian!"

"Since the credit has been recorded, then I will go back to heal my wounds!"

Ling Tian suddenly stood up at this moment.

Take everyone and leave.

"Presumptuous, did Master Lei let you go?"

Feng Jixing said angrily.

This Ling Tian is also presumptuous.

"Everyone, goodbye!"

Ling Tian only sounded, but did not stop.

"Ling Tian, ​​if you still want to go to the Holy Land, come back and apologize!"

Feng Jixing shouted again.

But this time, Ling Tian really stopped.

The corner of Feng Jixing's mouth raised, just about to sneer.

"Holy land!? I naturally want to go!"

"Don't let me go, then I'll hit it!"


Ling Tian let out a cold snort and left the Imperial Thunder Palace.

"Damn, this arrogant fellow, Master, take me back and make you apologize!"

The wind continued coldly.

"No need."

But Master Lei didn't seem to be angry, "Hehe, young and frivolous, not to mention that Palace Master Ling Tian has the posture of the sky, before Tianjiao goes to the holy land, who is not crazy!?"

"Don't worry, the Holy Land is not so easy to enter. There will be someone who will educate him."

Master Lei looked at the figure that Ling Tian was fading away.

The eyes under the thunder robe were indeed extremely cold.

Never before had a younger generation dared to look like this in front of him.

Here, I'm looking for death!

Outside the Taoist Palace.

Ling Tian and everyone flew across and went straight to Wolongdao Palace.

Tomorrow is the deadline to go to the Holy Land, and they have to heal their wounds.

"Who is Master Lei? He looks very kind, but he always feels that he is not a good talker."

Feng Qixi standing on the dragon head seven koi muttering.

"He is the Lei Bu master of one of the Seven Holy Lands."

Luo Yan said: "The Holy Land has seven parts, namely the five parts of Jinmu, Water, Fire and Earth, as well as the Lei Department and the Xing Department."

"Among them, the Criminal Department is the strongest, followed by the Lei Department and the Jinhuo Department."

"In each movie, there is a top tianjiao sitting in the battle, known as the holy land fairy king, who is personally tuned by the master. Your brother will continue to walk in the holy land for six years. He defeated countless opponents three years ago and became the mine The first disciple, the holy land immortal monarch, worshipped under Lei Shi's school."

"He is indeed very strong now."

As he said, Luo Yan clenched his fists.

Feng Jixing can already kill the fifth-order demon king.

The gap between them is indeed a natural moat.

"Well, he is about to break through the fairy king, maybe, just waiting to enter the fairy king palace."

Ling Tian also spoke on Qing Niu's back.

Although he was rampant, he was not sure about fighting against Feng Jixing, even if he used national weapons.

Because it is impossible for Tianjiao at the top of the holy land like Feng Jixing to have a national weapon in his hand.

"Yes, my elder brother can perform a complete Feng Qi Lei."

"I thought I was going to catch him."

Feng Qixi suddenly frustrated.

"Hehe, if you want to catch up, there is nothing difficult, don't forget, you are all disciples of my Taoist palace."

"With me here, Holy Land Fairy, you can do it too, we are late and we need time."

Ling Tianchang took a breath.

I thought he was invincible in Dao Palace and had a bright future.

But today, Feng Jixing's pressure on him is too great.

Holy Land Xianjun.

Ling Tian naturally wants this title too!

Wolong Road Palace.

Inside Lingyan Pavilion.

Zhao Min and others all entered the pavilion to heal their injuries.

And the celestial kings of the Mo family were also invited by Ling Tian.

"My lord, I didn't expect that you still have such a wonderful secret realm. This Dao Palace secret realm is tens of thousands of times better than the hiding place of my Mo Family!"

The Mo Family Immortal King said excitedly.

"Well, but I will leave tomorrow. Dao Palace cannot be managed without someone. Uncle Mo, it will be handed over to you in the future. You can recruit the descendants of Tianjiao. There are many inheritances in Lingyan Pavilion."

Ling Tian handed the Lingyan order in his hand to the Mo Family Immortal King.

"Master, this, how does this make it?"

The fairy king said in shock.

"This is an order, and you are here, and it is also a force of mine. I will use it by then."

"You have to develop as soon as possible."

Ling Tian sighed.

The closer he is to the realm of the fairy king, the faster the battle will be.

"If this is the case, the lord can rest assured that my Mo family line is not under the entrustment of the lord."

The Mo Family Immortal King put away the token.

"By the way, lord, although our Moh family’s giant crossbows are powerful, my Moh family’s children are originally crafting masters, and they are not strong enough to fully utilize the great crossbow’s power. That's fine."

That fairy king.

"I know that, I know how to do it. You only need to refine the giant crossbow non-stop, the more the better."

"This is the material, it's not enough, you can figure it out by yourself."

With that said, Ling Tian handed the fairy king a ring.

What's inside is the funeral of the **** of war in the tomb of the ancient demon king.

Although there is no spirituality anymore, it can't be more suitable to be used as a material.

"So much!!? Enough to refine another 100,000 giant crossbows!"

The Mo Family Immortal King was shocked.


Ling Tian looked at the fairy sword in his hand, with the word Chunjun on it.

He should be the one who buried Bai Qi in the ancient demon king's tomb.

I don't know if he is still alive.

The second day.

Lei Shi and Feng Jixing stood in front of the Dao Palace, waiting for the Dao Palace Tianjiao who was going to the Holy Land to gather.

Everyone has arrived, and only Ling Tian and his party are left.

"Master Lei, we don't have to wait anymore!?'

Feng Jixing arches his hands.

"Well, let's go!"

Lei Shi nodded.

But in the next moment, a light that broke the sky rushed straight into the sky, and a sacred mountain of Taoism shrouded in dazzling celestial light appeared under the sky.

The fourth palace is officially present.

At this time, the seven Ling Tian people also came by the wind and came in front of the Yu Lei Dao Palace.

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